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Member Name: Valyitz
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Richard Linklater - Merrily We Roll Along
 Jul 13 2020, 07:34:21 PM

I'll be quite relieved if they're recasting Frank! I really like Merrily and think it will be really cool if this movie comes to fruition one day, but his involvement was very much putting me off the whole thing.

Does Karen Olivo do matinees in MOULIN? Thanks!
 Feb 21 2020, 04:42:52 PM

Yes, she did the first couple numbers and then there was a pause for a few minutes and then Ashley came on for the rest of the show. It was a shame but she really didn't seem well!

Public Theater & Paul McCartney
 Oct 28 2018, 08:01:31 AM
He was at the same performance of Great Comet as me last year, probably he is just a theatre fan!
Worst song ever written for a musical
 Oct 21 2017, 02:35:26 AM

‘Lady Hyacinth Abroad’ from Gentlemen’s Guide. That’s my personal most excruciating number that I’ve ever had to sit through.

LIVE FROM LINCOLN CENTER Broadway Concerts- Groff, Foster, Odom Jr, Block, Rannells
 Sep 3 2017, 08:38:00 AM

I'm so excited for these - it's like they plucked four personal fave performers right out of my head! 

Why is War Paint Still Playing?
 Sep 1 2017, 02:32:15 AM

EthelMae, that's basically the same thoughts as I had all round having won the lottery last week!

Will great comet ever come back?
 Aug 31 2017, 07:51:01 PM

secretschuylersister said: "I'm friends with Dave Malloy's mom on FB and she mentioned that there's hope of bringing the show to London in the future. It sounds like Dave might've been looking into it. If it were to go there, is there a large enough fan base/audience to support it?"

Hope it's true, I would so so love for it to come to London! I feel like there are quite a few smaller/flexible theatre spaces that might be a bit more manageable than

Which closing show would you choose to attend - Groundhog Day or Bandstand?
 Aug 30 2017, 10:19:13 PM

yaoqian said: "You have to count in the fact that broadway shows usually start a few minutes late, and I don't know if the 2h30 includes intermission? I saw GHD this past Saturday at the 8:00 show and I think we ended around 10:40-45 ish."

Good points - thanks for the info!

Which closing show would you choose to attend - Groundhog Day or Bandstand?
 Aug 30 2017, 09:56:44 PM

Slightly off tangent question, but does anyone know how GHD's running time is lately, is 2h30 accurate? I want to try and see it this Sunday but my timing's quite tight...

Waitress new cast
 Aug 27 2017, 08:30:09 PM

Yes he was there today!

Waitress new cast
 Aug 27 2017, 07:52:08 PM

I was at the show today and only Jeremy got a curtain call goodbye - Drew Gehling gave a little speech and then the whole cast had an adorable group hug. Charity and Larry were in, so I think no one else has left yet!

THE GREAT COMET Announces September Broadway Closing; Final Performers for Role of 'Pierre'
 Aug 25 2017, 07:18:56 PM

JayElle said: "The Thursday 7pm show had Paul McCartney sitting in row E or F, center orchestra with what appeared to be his wife and two young guys...grandkids?  her kids?

The people sitting around him hardly noticed.  Staff said they were told he'd be there on Friday, but he was escorted in on Thrs just as show started and then quickly escorted backstage during intermission.  When the ovations ended for cast of which he was a part, he hustled

Hello Dolly standing room/rush
 Aug 25 2017, 07:13:36 PM

chuckydisc said: "Valyitz said: "Just checking rush/SRO is still a thing - walked past at 6:45am originally expecting to rush something else and there didn't seem to be anyone in line so hope I'm lucky and not wasting my time if I wait!"

What did you end up getting and when did others join you in line?

There were a couple more people around 8am and about 8 or so by 9am. Not sure what the final total was but

Hello Dolly standing room/rush
 Aug 25 2017, 07:02:34 AM

Just checking rush/SRO is still a thing - walked past at 6:45am originally expecting to rush something else and there didn't seem to be anyone in line so hope I'm lucky and not wasting my time if I wait!

Dear Evan Hansen Tony Performance
 May 15 2017, 06:07:23 AM

Chicken_Flavor said: "

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Wait, is Connor dying a spoiler though? He dies after the first ten minutes of the show...



I didn't know before I saw the show (in January) and I was glad that came as a shock, so if they can avoid revealing it I think t

The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
 May 8 2017, 07:17:41 AM

Oh I see! 

Brandon was actually out when I saw the show in January as well (I saw Andrew Chappelle), I wonder how his attendance is in general.

The Thread for HAMILTON Fans/Obsessives [SPOILERS AHEAD]
 May 8 2017, 04:15:30 AM

macnyc said: "I went in expecting to see Brandon Victor Dixon as Burr, so I guess I'm a bit behind the times! But I thought Nik Walker was excellent"

Has Brandon left? I hadn't heard that either - is Nik Walker not an understudy for the role?

What will they perform at the Tonys?
 May 4 2017, 04:18:58 AM

Ah makes sense - I can see that. Yeah, I mean I don't see that they necessarily have to cut into a Pierre song if they wanted to feature Groban given that he starts off the song anyway, but I'm assuming that's what they will be doing so that with that in mind it worked for me in that format, but I get that view.

What will they perform at the Tonys?
 May 3 2017, 04:12:33 PM

bdn223 said: "Comet's production team probably still trying to figure out how to sell the show via televised performance, if you look at the completely difference performances on GMA and the Today show which were 2 weeks a part. Prologue into Pierre didn't work well, but Balaga into the Abduction one of the most thrilling parts of the show does't have that signature ending and ended somewhat flat on the Today show. If they can change it so that it has a definitive ending,

Falsettos Performance at the Tony Awards?
 May 2 2017, 10:27:43 AM

TheSassySam said: "I think we have a better chance of seeing a preview of the PBS screening."

While I'd love to see a Falsettos performance, I understand why they still might not bother - but I would be pretty happy with this compromise!


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