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Member Name: CatastrophicDay
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SIX - Preview Thread
 Mar 5 2020, 08:27:00 AM

Ryantheatrekid said: "Nicole is making her Parr debut tonight!"

Interesting - I thought Mallory was the first cover for Parr?

This was my understanding of the covers, curious if anyone has more up-to-date info
Nicole - Aragon, Cleves
Courtney - Boleyn, Howard
Mallory - Seymour, Parr

Company Previews Thread
 Mar 3 2020, 06:56:36 PM

I didn't see the first preview, I'm going in a month. However, I can echo the reports of hesitation in Katrina Lenk's singing for this show. I noticed it first when I watched the NYE Philharmonic Concert where she was the guest singer. She sang two Sondheim numbers (Could I Leave You and Losing My Mind) and she sounded fine, but uncertain in a way. I was also at the Guggenheim preview where there were some context clues that she was not feeling fully confident - originally th

The Minutes Preview Thread
 Mar 1 2020, 03:41:12 PM

76Trombones 2 said: "There is one aspect to the surprise ending that confuses me. Perhaps some of you can help clarify this.

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Why does Mr. Peel (who is the voice of dissent among the group) turn on a dime and join the others in their satanic dance? This moment happens with very little explanation.<
The Minutes Lottery
 Mar 1 2020, 08:27:09 AM

I won the lottery for the matinee yesterday for a single ticket, and got Balcony Center B 112. Was a perfect seat until the dude in front of me leaned forward onto the railing -_- great lottery seat though!

The Minutes Preview Thread
 Mar 1 2020, 08:24:14 AM

I won the lottery for yesterday's matinee on a whim. I thought the show was excellent. The ending was a bit muddled to me, but it connects more strongly with the prior material the more I think on it. I wonder if they'll do anything to clear that up during the previews period. The performances are uniformly good, and I'm also on team 'give Austin Pendleton a nod' (and the detail someone mentioned above about him being the original Motel in Fiddler gave me so much joy). I w

Phone rings, door chimes, in comes COMPANY!
 Feb 24 2020, 06:54:39 PM

ljay889 said: "TotallyEffed said: "It has the same elements as the London artwork, but it’s much more successful.

I can’t wait to how this production differs from London.

I didn’t see it in London, but I’m excited to hear what the differences are. As of now we know, “Another Hundred People” has been updated to reflect the experience of finding love ondating apps, and Chris Harper said there is a new and raw

SIX - Preview Thread
 Feb 24 2020, 06:44:12 PM

VotePeron said: "Saw the show yesterday and thought it was fine, but the biggest standout was Abby Mueller who has lost her voice and still performed. By the end of the show she was whispering her dialogue and speak-singing her lyrics. Really wish an understudy had gone on, which I expect will happen this upcoming week. Two of the other queens were also noticeably vocally tired and holding back.

They seem exhausted - 5 show weekends seem like the wrong move. Really disappo

Will audiences be allowed to film the Six MEGASIX on broadway?
 Jan 10 2020, 06:00:15 PM

YvanEhtNioj said: "I think he only stepped in because some of the queens/alternates were sick.

All the Broadway alternates are female. If they were male, I wouldn't be v happy considering the show is all about feminism.

I really hope we can record the megasix, tho!!


I want to add to this for anyone who doesn't know because I think this story is just great.

The London West End cast went through a period where so

The Lightning Thief - National Tour
 Apr 21 2019, 08:53:37 PM

I caught this while it was in NYC and adored it.

I went in on a whim, I was a fan of the book series when I was young. If I'm honest, when I was waiting to head into the theater and saw the sheer hordes of children, as a single 27 year old, I wondered if I had made a grievous error.

I didn't - I was so overjoyed to be in that theater throughout the whole show. Granted, I was a sympathetic audience, but I was charmed by the score and the actors, and being in such an enthu

The Pain of my Belligerence (Playwrights Horizons)
 Apr 17 2019, 06:51:03 AM

I had a great experience with this play. I had no idea what to expect going in, and came out thoroughly satisfied and devastated by the small portrait of a woman that I felt like I knew. 

I don't think this play is very funny at all (I was somewhat disturbed when a subset of audience members laughed loudly at a line about suicide) but that's par for the course for me lately, because I felt the same way about Burn This.

The best thing I can say about Hamish Linklater

Is Hadestown notably loud?
 Apr 16 2019, 11:38:47 PM

I wouldn't say it is loud, no.

I sat last row orchestra, dead center. I'm also sensitive to loud noises (I'm sooooo tired of gun fire in shows) and nothing was jarring in the show. Of course the singers are mic'd and such, but at no point did I note that it was at all uncomfortable, and I'm the first one to complain. (The Ferryman's music that transitions from the prologue blared right in my ear and apparently I was the first person to ever mention it to th

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 4/14/19
 Apr 15 2019, 03:44:51 PM

So many thoughts.

How is Gary doing so poorly? I haven't seen it yet and know it was getting a mixed review on here (I stop reading a thread if I'm planning to see a show, which I will April 30) but I would expect Nathan Lane to draw at least a small crowd regardless.

I also expected Burn This (despite not liking it myself) to be selling out the theater, considering the cast. And Ink, given it had a lot of positive press before the transfer, has such a low % of gros

Burn This Previews
 Apr 14 2019, 07:37:25 PM

This has been bugging me since I saw Burn This: is this play a comedy?

To me, it reads as a drama with comedic moments. But I wanted less of it to be played for laughs. I'm curious to hear what others' opinions are, because I may have just "misread" the show.

Cursed Child Year 2
 Apr 8 2019, 07:23:07 PM

So interesting to hear the opinions about Bubba Weiler as Scorpious. I saw CC for the first time last Thursday and Friday and I found his performance to be really heartfelt and involving, but I also have nothing to compare to. I can only imagine how good Anthony Boyle was.

Totally agree that James Snyder was a stand-out, and the cast as a whole felt very strong. I also saw The Ferryman shortly after the cast transitioned, and it's so clear when they've had time to rehearse toge

Audience Rewards
 Apr 8 2019, 07:19:27 PM

Thanks for your replies everyone! This was really informative. 

I didn't realize that you could use AR for box office purchases. I usually try for rush tickets or the most discounted I can find, and now it makes sense that those are still valuable, instead of just aiming for those bonus points. I have such a gameified brain that that's what I latch onto :)

Of course now this gives me incentive to splurge once in a while...

Audience Rewards
 Apr 7 2019, 06:45:47 PM

How do you all determine what tickets to buy via Audience Rewards?

I'm new to AR and trying to figure out how to best leverage the system. A lot of the Earn offers I see require buying tickets valued at a minimum of $135, and that's higher than I usually try to spend. However, if the end result is getting free (or free-ish) tickets to a well-selling show, I can see the value in spending a little more on tickets for shows I want to see anyway when the Earn is significant. S

Lazarus sick actor yesterday
 Dec 23 2015, 08:56:32 PM

Tonight's show was also cancelled for a sick actor. We found out when we arrived 30 minutes prior to curtain.

Is this fairly common with Off-Broadway shows? I was flabbergasted when my friend, who arrived 5 minutes earlier than I did, texted me to say it was cancelled. I thought that was unheard of, though I've attended mostly Broadway shows where there are mostly always understudies.

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