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Member Name: MeliMel
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re: One CURRENT Show That You Would See EVERY NIGHT !!!???
 May 27 2007, 08:44:08 PM
spring awakening and in the heights
re: Spring Awakening ECC for Singers on 5/14: A Question:
 May 5 2007, 08:53:24 AM
thank you so much jaded.
so do you think they will see any non equity people? or would they turn them away?

re: Spring Awakening ECC for Singers on 5/14: A Question:
 May 4 2007, 10:45:47 PM
where and what time is this going to be? please.
re: SPRING AWAKENING CD Signing Set for Jan. 10
 Jan 3 2007, 09:07:09 PM
aw man, of course that is the day I have class till 6:45...
re: My Thoughts on....the Spring Awakening Album
 Dec 10 2006, 12:52:31 AM
God..."Those you've you known" makes me bawl. I need to go see this show again and tue. needs to be here now.

BTW: does anyone know, would I be able to go to the theatre just to get the cd during non show hours? Like tomorrow before 11am or after 7pm?

re: Rent: 'Goodbye Love' deleted scene online
 Feb 5 2006, 03:01:46 PM
i get the pantene stuff too, which sucks because I really want to see this.
Sho's last performance tonight
 Jan 12 2006, 08:57:50 PM
Damn. I have to say that i never really warmed up to Shoshana. I never had the desire to see her in Wicked but honestly after hearing that small bit of DG, I am now beyond mad at myself for having missed the chance to witness that. I never heard that last bit of the song done like that and it was jaw dropping. I am now eager to see and hear what many other things she will be taking on, one of which I hope will be recording a cd.
re: Munk's RENT film review
 Nov 11 2005, 04:49:42 PM
thanks for the review.I'm still really excited that this is happening and all that jazz but the cuts in the film of some of the most crucial moments ever are overpowering my enthusiasm... I know Colombus has said that he cut halloween and part of goodbye love because it was an emotional overload...but for who? Him? We aren't him, not everyone is going to "shut down" emotionally. Why should we be punished and why should the effect of the movie and story be punished by his reaction to the film...
re: Who do you prefer Daphne Rubin-Vega or Rosario Dawson singing the songs
 Oct 2 2005, 01:14:10 PM
I love Rosario on the soundtrack and I like Daphne but I would take Caren Lyn Manuels Mimi anyday over anyone. Amazing.
re: Who's on your RENT Soundtrack Cover?
 Sep 28 2005, 12:42:37 AM
re: Sutton + L.A. = A very happy Popular!
 Sep 9 2005, 06:39:44 PM
re: LW closing anyone?
 May 22 2005, 10:04:18 PM
ditto on the friday night things. I was standing there with my Astonishing sheet music so I could get signed and I had these grown women behind me elbowing me in the back everytime someone came out. I was really hoping Sutton would come out too, I have seen the show 3 times before and waited around one other time to see if she came out and she never did. I admire her SO SO SO much and her signature was the one I wanted most.Oh well, she still gave an amazing performance sans a few wierd vocal th
re: Best Mimi in Rent
 Apr 28 2005, 10:57:35 PM
caren lyn manuel.
re: New Tour Link
 Mar 10 2005, 06:25:43 PM
I asked about this in the hairspray=bad tour post and no one said anything. I for one am SO happy for Serge, I just kind of wish I could of seen him. I am so anxious to hear him, I can't even begin to fathom what his voice sounds like...I can't imagine it sounding like Jeremy. ( but who knows since Serge also played Ren in Footloose)I am thinking of busing it up to any tour stop relativley close to nyc just so I can see him.
re: Little Women Recording Video
 Mar 10 2005, 04:23:23 PM
I SO can not wait for this recording. Gah..I adore Maureen, Sutton and Megan...Amy on the other hand I can defenitely live without
re: Inside Hairspray - it's BAD
 Mar 9 2005, 08:34:52 PM
um..sorry to intrude on the discussion on credibiity here but I since you saw the show and this was serge kushniers first week as Link, how was he? details please! thanks
re: Which single show have you seen the most
 Feb 22 2005, 12:56:57 PM
Les Mis- 3
Rent- 2
Little Women-2
Lorca's Women- 5
Beauty and the Beast-1
Westside Story- 3
Into th Woods (student pro.)- 6
Oleanna- 2

re: Broadway performer's hometowns
 Feb 22 2005, 10:38:08 AM
Well I'm from LA but now live in NYC, and I know Eden Espinosa and Stephanie J. Block are from Cali. and I think maybe Aaron Lohr (sp?) he went to UCLA ( yay!) but I'm not sure he is originally from LA.
re: Rabid Sutton Fan?
 Feb 20 2005, 09:21:07 PM
I admire and respect her SO much. I saw Little Women again today and again was left absolutely inspired and in awe.
re: Top FOUR Dream Roles...
 Feb 20 2005, 07:59:10 PM
Plays: Most of these are shows I have done but would love to do at a professional level
Number one dream role: Blanche Dubois A Streetcar names Desire
Agnes- Agnes of God ( done it)
The Bride- Blood Wedding (done it)
Jo- A Taste of Honey (done it)
Rosita- Dona Rosita the Spinster ( auditioned with it)
then a few more show I would love to do are HurlyBurly, The Normal Heart, Brilliant Traces, Yerma

Jo/Amy/Beth- Little Women
Millie- TMM

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