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re: A song that you hate in a musical you love
 Apr 16 2008, 01:08:14 AM
"You're timeless to me" from Hairspray
Its fun to see live with all the improv and jokes, but on the recording its pretty boring

OMG, I am exactly the opposite. I love the song, but stopping to tell 21st century jokes in the 60's was effin' annoying. We get it, Bruce, yer rilly funny, ha-ha... Don't break character, just sing. It's a clever little ditty.

However, I'm with the person who said "Cooties." That song sux.

And the person who said "Her is." Too true

re: The worst Tony Winning Performance in History
 Apr 14 2008, 08:14:44 PM
I still don't know why Lansbury won for Sweeney... she was awful.

*huge eyeroll* Oh, puh-leeze... there are opinions, then there is just utter nonsense...

re: Favorite Broadway Musical song?
 Apr 12 2008, 11:00:34 AM
Just one? Lordy...

I'll give ya three:

1 - "I'm Still Here," from Follies
2 - "Stars and the Moon" from Songs for a New World
3 - "Everything's Alright" from Jesus Christ Superstar

There are a couple dozen more, I'm sure, but I'm trying to stay somewhat close to the spirit of the thread

re: Cabaret Swastikas Causes College Controversy
 Apr 11 2008, 10:58:58 PM
Who are more moronic? The complainers, or the spineless dweebs who caved? The drama department should have provided the chancellor's office with a FAQ to address utterly ignorant people.


re: Happy Birthday Laura Bell Bundy
 Apr 11 2008, 11:36:05 AM
Yay, Laura!!

I *heart* LBB

re: Why we should not have high school productions of POTO.
 Apr 11 2008, 11:35:14 AM
Bravo, Fosse76!
re: Why we should not have high school productions of POTO.
 Apr 11 2008, 12:07:05 AM
Oh, and Mekroth, I *DID* watch the clip. Take some reading comprehension courses. The clip and the pic are from two totally different productions.

Way to pay attention there, dude...

re: Jekyll/Linda Eder Fans: Agree with Linda Comments?
 Apr 10 2008, 11:56:46 PM
Wildhorn takes a lot of abuse, but I think his scores are mostly brilliant. What a lot of people make fun of about his songs are the lyrics. Wildhorn doesn't write the lyrics. He writes exciting, singable, hummable tunes that reach great momentous (that's right, you heard me) climaxes.

Wildhorn takes a lot of abuse for good reason. His tunes meander terribly and reach many anti-climaxes before hitting somewhat of a high at the end, but you can't recognize it because he beat it o

re: Why we should not have high school productions of POTO.
 Apr 10 2008, 11:34:14 PM
While I'll admit that the video was cringeworthy, as far as the picture goes, I'm amazed at the mean-spirited crap spewed in this thread. For all any of us know, these kids are truly talented, and one would bet they're not working with a multi-million dollar budget... I mean, just a guess, durrrr...

How sad to see such snarky BS on this board. High schools ought to try to take on challenging material and do their best.

We need this far more than we need one more freakin' hi

re: Best recording of Brigadoon?
 Apr 10 2008, 11:37:33 AM
Dude, I'm so glad you asked this question. I've been trying to decide for myself as well!

As for Guare giving it a moral... well, I hope he doesn't see the need to beat us over the head with a "moral." It seems the moral is clear enough, while subtle, and trusts the audience to be smart enough to get it...

We'll see

re: Jekyll/Linda Eder Fans: Agree with Linda Comments?
 Apr 10 2008, 12:45:29 AM
Ugh, overwritten, mostly bloated and shapeless, bordering on musical melodrama, not to mention some awful, on-the-nose lyrics...

Like a guy trying to write the same song over and over again and moving a few notes around in the hopes nobody will notice.

I'm glad some folks really enjoy it. It just wears me out in the listening.

re: Jekyll/Linda Eder Fans: Agree with Linda Comments?
 Apr 9 2008, 11:34:43 PM
The critics from day 1 hated Wildhorn so nothing would have gotten the show good reviews.

If the score hadn't mostly sucked it might have...

re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
 Apr 8 2008, 03:25:16 PM
I recall Annas and Caiaphas and their cronies being very good, very ominous and in excellent voice. Very enjoyable
re: JCSS Tour Canned Orchestra?!
 Apr 8 2008, 03:20:43 PM
But it is a horrible show to begin with.

Heh, wotever... we'll chalk it up as faux sophistication, or p'raps ignorance...

Anyway, I enjoyed the show myself, the instrumentation wasn't bad. Corey Glover doesn't quite have the voice to sing Judas for a full show. In fact, at the time he sounded like he'd sort of blown out his upper register from poor technique.

Neeley really did sing well. The only problem was that with our up close seats, Jesus looked a little geriatric to us

re: What Composer Do You Want To See Return To Broadway
 Apr 7 2008, 11:51:50 PM
Jerry Herman, definitely (and the guy who said he's a hack... well, how do you even respond to such dumbarsery?)

Yeston is a yes!

JRB for sure. His best work is still ahead of him.

Oh, and Frank Wildhorn should NOT be allowed anywhere NEAR Broadway, ever-ever-ever-ever-ever-ever again. Ever.

re: Parade
 Apr 7 2008, 01:36:41 PM
Heh, if I were Fiercy I'd be dreading that phone call.

FIERCY: Hey, Jason!

JRB: Uh, hey... do I know you?

FIERCY: Yeah, it's me, &%$#@#, remember?

JRB: Huh... No, not ringing a bell.

FIERCY: Oh, sure you do. Remember at Lattanzi, you and Hal were having dinner?

JRB: What? Hell, that would have been what, three freakin' years ago? Look, I'm gonna hang up now.

FIERCY: No, wait! I was your waiter, remember? I brought three wrong bo

re: Digital Sheet Music - JRB
 Apr 7 2008, 12:15:11 PM
Yeah, I'm thinking it's just not available digitally...

I know where I can get the songbook, but where I live it's a minimum of 50 miles to get anything!


Digital Sheet Music - JRB
 Apr 7 2008, 02:42:50 AM
Does anyone know of a site where I can purchase digital sheet music of Jason Robert Brown's work, esp. selections from Songs for a New World? Haven't had any luck with some of the main sites I've used for other things, so I thought someone here might know.


re: Broadway Songs that Give You Chills
 Apr 3 2008, 01:20:05 AM
Omigosh, there are quite a few of them... I'll start with ones I didn't see in the thread (which doesn't mean they aren't there, probably means just can't read very well!)

Gus: the Theatre Cat - Cats - ALW
Not While I'm Around - Sweeney Todd - Sondheim
Anatevka - Fiddler on the Roof - Bock & Harnick
Still - Titanic - Yeston
If He Walked Into My Life - Mame - Herman
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again - POTO - ALW
Let Me Walk Among You - Bat Boy - O'Keefe

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