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Member Name: alittleblonde
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Best finds at the Flea Market?
 Sep 30 2010, 04:54:57 PM
Wow, stepandrepeat, that's a lot of anger. I wasn't insulting Orfeh, I was just reporting what I saw and asking if anyone else could shed light on it.
Best finds at the Flea Market?
 Sep 29 2010, 08:32:44 PM
That's true, some people really are uncomfortable with fan attention. It's just strange that she seemed completely fine up until that point, and seemed to return to being fine afterward (I met her afterward and she was very friendly).

And I agree about the sunglasses thing, thought that was VERY weird, esp. since the autograph booth was under the Junior's awning, thus...not actually in the sun. Guess some people do "wear their sunglasses at night"...

Best finds at the Flea Market?
 Sep 29 2010, 04:53:05 PM
In the photobooth? That's so strange. I thought you meant on the street as they were walking away.

It's funny because I saw Andy at the Wicked booth earlier in the day and fans asked for photos with him and they wouldn't allow him to unless they paid at least 20$.

Best finds at the Flea Market?
 Sep 29 2010, 04:31:08 PM
I do think Orfeh and Andy did the photobooth, Eris, I saw some photos of them with fans on Facebook in the photobooth. I can't imagine why they wouldn't have told you when they went into the booth, since you had already expressed interest. What happened there? Seems like a silly oversight to make since, as you said, they lost your 40$.

I can't say I'm not still troubled by observing her behavior. I'm curious, of course, if there was provocation, maybe stepandrepeat is right in that re

Best finds at the Flea Market?
 Sep 28 2010, 03:23:38 PM
Quizking101, I didn't see the poster to know if that was the same one/the same girl. I was about in the middle of the line, if that helps?
Best finds at the Flea Market?
 Sep 28 2010, 02:52:53 PM
Mikem, the item was one of the foam playbills sold in the silent auction, I believe. I didn't catch which show the playbill was from. Like I said, no idea what happened or anything, but she did visibly lose her cool, I wasn't the only one who noticed it. I agree, it was strange for it to happen at a charitable event, and at an autograph table where one would presumably be expecting to sign many items.

ETA: I hope that doesn't come off too short, I don't mean to be, I'm just as confused

Best finds at the Flea Market?
 Sep 28 2010, 02:25:19 PM
Ok, this may be mildly off-topic, but I just have to say this. I chose to do the autograph line a couple times this year, never having done it before, and at the 1:00 table, I saw something that really shocked me. There was some girl in line, she looked to be maybe 16? who asked Orfeh for a signature on one of those foamboard posters of some kind, and she completely lost her cool. She looked furious, and annoyed, huffing and rolling her eyes at both Andy and Mandy Gonzalez, who were seated on ei
HEATHERS Musical and La Jolla Playhouse?
 Sep 16 2010, 05:13:46 PM
Wouldn't that be exciting?
Talking to Broadway stars on facebook.
 Sep 16 2010, 05:04:19 PM
IMO it depends. If it's a page that has a lot of "fan" friends, or a fanpage, or something of that nature, I think fan "notes" are expected, or at least should be. If it is someone's personal facebook then in my opinion, it is a little creepy to send a note, since if they wished to have more open contact with fans, they would be more public about it, I think.

Sending a letter to the stagedoor is a much more appropriate venue, in my opinion, for fanmail.

Heathers Concert at Joes Pub
 Sep 15 2010, 08:55:35 AM
The 11:30 show last night was completely amazing, and what a crowd. Great group of people, and great show.
Heathers Concert at Joes Pub
 Sep 14 2010, 03:20:37 PM
It's about 80 minutes long. Last night it wasn't a mob scene, but it was definitely a packed house. I don't know what it was like after the show, as I slipped out. There is a two-drink minimum.
Heathers Concert at Joes Pub
 Sep 14 2010, 02:41:27 AM
I personally would love to see Krysta Rodriguez. But Annaleigh was wonderful.
Heathers Concert at Joes Pub
 Sep 14 2010, 01:02:32 AM
Julie Garnye was incredible. Totally stopped the show.
Heathers Concert at Joes Pub
 Sep 14 2010, 12:08:31 AM
Christine Lakin's voice is delightful, very "in character" for her part, sort of cheerful and dark, very rich.
Heathers Concert at Joes Pub
 Sep 13 2010, 10:40:10 PM
The concert tonight was BRILLIANT. Everyone in the cast was absolutely perfect, and the costumes and hair cracked me up. The songs are some of the best O'Keefe has ever written, it's a delicious blend of pop satire and dark, moody angsty 80s rock. My personal favorites: "Beautiful", "Candy Store", and "Our Love is God."
Heathers Concert at Joes Pub
 Sep 13 2010, 05:48:20 PM
A few tickets were just released for all the shows.
Heathers Concert at Joes Pub
 Sep 13 2010, 10:20:48 AM
Love that article! First shows are tonight, who's going!?
Heathers Concert at Joes Pub
 Sep 12 2010, 07:30:33 PM
An inside source tells me a handful (literally 4-6) tickets may be released for the Tues. show on the day of.

Heathers Concert at Joes Pub
 Sep 12 2010, 07:09:59 PM
Oh, also: I called Joe's Pub to get a ticket for a friend. They are COMPLETELY sold out, and sold the tickets released back to them, and do not expect to have many, if any at all, seats available day of or in cancellations. So...hopefully you all have tickets!
Heathers Concert at Joes Pub
 Sep 12 2010, 06:51:11 PM
Concert's tomorrow night!!! Who's going!? I'm so excited!!
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