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Member Name: BlueRoses321
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re: My Shrek Review: 12/14/08 Opening Night
 Dec 15 2008, 10:31:24 PM
the score is awesome.
i don't know what the reviewers were expecting..
if it were too hummable they would've called it dreck.
tesori's songs are beautiful, not always predictable, and very tuneful.
it's just right for what this show is.

the dragon was the only awkward moment in the show for me.
the puppet looked great..i just think that the number was poorly staged.

re: SHREK Reviews
 Dec 15 2008, 01:38:17 AM
i think Shrek is superior to Wicked in almost every way:
book, music, lyrics, lead performances, comedy, sincerity, set design..

the exception: MAYBE direction.

re: SHREK Reviews
 Dec 15 2008, 01:28:05 AM
Simon says Tesori has a problem with tunes?
he's effin clueless.

re: A Favorite Amongst Theatre Folk, PUSHING DAISIES Gets Cancelled
 Nov 21 2008, 11:00:03 AM
agreed Matty.. this is crap. Eli Stone was easily one of the best written and acted shows on tv. Jonny Lee Miller is truly amazing.
Legendary arts critic Clive Barnes has died
 Nov 19 2008, 11:15:53 PM
Roxy - you don't think Brantley critiques?
wow, i actually find him to be the ONLY reviewer to give constructive criticism where it's due. i may disagree with brantley at times- who doesn't disagree with critics (more often than not i agree with him) - but he's a fantastic writer who is actually there to review the play in front of him.

re: Guys and Dolls' - Sky casting
 Nov 19 2008, 12:23:20 AM
Pasquale.. nice!
re: Guys and Dolls' - Sky casting
 Nov 18 2008, 11:26:26 PM
boyish? just bc he's pretty, does not mean he's boyish. yes, he's a tenor..but he's quite manly. just a bit different from someone like Jackman
re: Guys and Dolls' - Sky casting
 Nov 18 2008, 11:12:40 PM
Yeah Connick and Jackman are great choices. Patrick Wilson would also be great, IMO. It just shouldn't be someone too young looking.. they'd look like Platt's son.
re: the new RENT tour
 Nov 18 2008, 10:34:41 AM
thanks for that.

i've been told that Michael McElroy is playing Collins and Telly Leung is Steve.

re: the new RENT tour
 Nov 18 2008, 01:36:36 AM
ooh flamed? is that all it takes?
re: Guys and Dolls' - Sky casting
 Nov 18 2008, 01:32:19 AM
I'm sure that many would love to see Cheyenne as Sky..but i would really dig seeing Hugh Jackman as Sky..just the physicality of who I think Sky is - perfect for Jackman. I'm sure opinions will be all over the map. I'm just curious.

Also, you know it'll probably be someone considerably huge, given that Oliver Platt and Lauren Graham have already been announced.

re: Guys and Dolls' - Sky casting
 Nov 18 2008, 01:24:54 AM
Guys and Dolls' - Sky casting
 Nov 18 2008, 01:19:40 AM
Who should be playing Sky Masterson? There are so many great people to choose from...
the new RENT tour
 Nov 18 2008, 01:15:47 AM
so, RENT's finally doing a union tour..and is back to playing major cities starting in '09...anyone know any casting rumors?.. other than Adam and Anthony, of course.
re: Carrie Manolakos, what's next for her?
 Sep 26 2008, 12:21:07 PM
She's working on her own music. And is involved with upcoming FACTORY GIRLS...a project about which she is very passionate.
re: Equus- A Low Advance?
 Aug 19 2008, 09:22:18 PM
are scalpers already trying to sell tickets online?
re: Movies that Were Better than the show
 Jul 31 2008, 12:22:12 AM
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
re: Charlie Brady - South Pacific and David Baum - Damn Yankees
 Jul 30 2008, 11:02:19 AM
both are straight, too.

what are they chances?

re: Michael Arden singing 'River'
 Jul 30 2008, 10:58:06 AM
i don't know this version about which you're speaking, but "River" is a Joni Mitchell song.
re: McAnuff to Direct Guys and Dolls for Spring 09
 Jul 29 2008, 04:25:55 PM
Cheyenne would indeed be great, but I'd LOVE to see Patrick Wilson.
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