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Profile for ZannaDo

Member Name: ZannaDo
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Weird experience over the phone with New York Theatre Workshop
 Oct 7 2015, 10:09:53 PM

"But they were NOT "more than happy to assist over the phone". Because until about 12:45, the phone lines were forwarding to voicemail (or at least in the 10 attempts I made to call) and saying the box office was not yet open."

What an entitled attitude. Given that it sounds like the website was glitching, they must've had hundreds of phone calls. How many people exactly do you think they employ to answer them? It's only physically possible to handle so

Hamilton's ticket price jump
 Sep 12 2015, 02:59:06 PM

"I just find it unsettling that this show is marketed as the show for young people and those who think theater is cheesy. This is supposed to be a revolution but how is it a revolution when the majority of audience is over 50 and white for all 5 times that I've attended (at the lower ticket prices)? LMM has spoken about this in numerous places but how if they've been priced out?"

I just don't see how young audiences or lower-income audiences being priced

Hamilton's ticket price jump
 Sep 12 2015, 01:49:42 PM

Okay, here's my question. If tickets were cheaper, how would that help the problem of not being able to get seats anytime soon? The show would just move the tickets even faster if the prices were lower, and you still wouldn't be able to go for months and months. There are cheap tickets to the show, rear mezz tickets start at $57.00. That's more than reasonable, at least to me, but yes, you will have to buy them WELL in advance to pay that price.

The truth is that nobody is entitled

Hamilton's ticket price jump
 Sep 12 2015, 12:11:53 PM

I feel like this exact thread has been posted a few times but really, me and everyone I know who was looking forward to the show bought tickets more about 5 months in advance (we bought in March to attend the show in late July) and paid $142 for seats in row K of the orchestra, slightly off to the side. This is the hottest ticket on Broadway right now, and unfortunately, that means that you have to plan ahead or fork over the cash. I think they're doing the best they can by offering cheap

Why Does Michael Riedel hate
 Jul 31 2015, 11:09:24 AM

"How could I vote for a show I couldn't see?"

Yeah, you're right, because all 700 Tony voters definitely see every nominated production and abstain from the categories in which they haven't seen all the nominees...

Stop dressing like crap!
 Jul 29 2015, 06:56:00 PM

"Define "presentable".  Presentable to whom and for what purpose?  Loads of people look "presentable" to me in shorts, t-shirt flip-flops (even a bit sexy) and don't look like they "just rolled out of bed".  Or those the only two types you see?"

Presentable to go out to an event with lots of other people that cost you and those around you (presumably) a good chunk of change. Different things look different on different people, so it's hard to set rules, but I th

Stop dressing like crap!
 Jul 29 2015, 04:42:04 PM

There could be a whole separate thread on people who feel fine coming to the theatre with incredibly offensive BO. When you are going to be in close quarters with lots of people, please, please be conscious of how you smell.

Stop dressing like crap!
 Jul 29 2015, 04:01:45 PM

I see what you're saying and I agree some people can use dress codes in a way that's racist, classist, and sexist. In practice, in this situation though, it really isn't more expensive to "look nice".

Hamilton (spoiler alert)
 Jul 29 2015, 03:47:34 PM

Thanks for the review, but couldn't disagree more re: Jonathan Groff. I guess if you haven't seen Brian D'Arcy James, it's hard to explain how much more the role can be than what Groff does with it. He's fine, and funny, but overall was a disappointment for me.

Stop dressing like crap!
 Jul 29 2015, 03:46:23 PM

I just don't get how this is classist? It costs the same amount to buy a sundress or a nice pair of jeans and a blouse at Target as it does to buy casual clothes, for the most part. It doesn't cost a whole lot more money to look presentable vs. looking like you just rolled out of bed. I'm not advocating for ball gowns and suits, but I think it should be standard to at least look clean and groomed and like you were planning on leaving the house.

I don't buy the argument that how you

Hamilton Previews
 Jul 13 2015, 03:47:31 PM

"I suspect the quotes that are referenced have more to do with the poster's subtle sneer at it."

That's how I read it as well. Those who fancy themselves discerning theatre elites for some reason seem to look down on rap and hip-hop as though they're somehow less legitimate, or artistic, genres of music. Hm, I wonder why that could be...

Anyway, best to the cast and crew, tonight they'll make history! Wish I could be there.

Hamilton Previews
 Jul 12 2015, 09:33:26 PM

Why do people here constantly put "hip-hop" in quotes? Not at all jumping on you, Dave13, but I've noticed it in many different threads here. You wouldn't put "jazz" or "rock and roll" in quotes, would you? I don't know, maybe you would, but it seems odd to me.

Also, the score is a lot more than just hip-hop. It borrows from everything from classic jazz to Brit Pop to R&B to blues and soul, and yes, rap and hip-hop. And hip-hop music and culture has been around for a very long

Hamilton ticket EXCHANGE thread.. Work it out amongst yourselves here FREE
 Jul 12 2015, 09:14:58 PM

TheatreGirl12, you're asking well above face value for that ticket. That's not allowed on this board. 

Has anyone seen a Broadway musical over 100 times?
 Jul 10 2015, 02:38:09 PM

"What about that insane lady who always had to have "her seat" for every NEXT TO NORMAL performance?"

I've heard about this. Supposedly, she purchased a full price ticket to the show the day after the Tonys and stayed out overnight to rush anyway because she had to have "her seat". She sold her ticket and refused to go when she found out Alice was out.

Javier Munoz Will Be Alternate in HAMILTON on Broadway
 Jul 8 2015, 07:47:01 PM

Sorry, I didn't realized you were determined to be ridiculous. I'll let you continue.

Javier Munoz Will Be Alternate in HAMILTON on Broadway
 Jul 8 2015, 07:10:46 PM

They never said explicitly or otherwise that you would be guaranteed to see Lin perform the role. Understudies are not a foreign concept to most people. The cast is always subject to changes and substitutions.

Javier Munoz Will Be Alternate in HAMILTON on Broadway
 Jul 8 2015, 06:54:24 PM



All a ticket guarantees you is the right to see the show, not a particular cast member. Go ahead and be disappointed, but nobody has deceived or wronged you. 

Javier Munoz Will Be Alternate in HAMILTON on Broadway
 Jul 8 2015, 06:34:24 PM

"When a show is suggesting they are providing a certain level of service but can't due to no fault of the consumer, why should the consumer suffer?"

They're providing the exact same level of service. It's just being provided by a different person. 

Javier Munoz Will Be Alternate in HAMILTON on Broadway
 Jul 8 2015, 12:18:48 PM

I don't think anybody is begrudging people being disappointed? But there's a difference between being bummed out and talking about how you've been wronged and the entire thing was "shady". Because it wasn't. They literally have 0 obligation to warn people about this beyond providing the requisite signs + slips the day of the performance. This was a courtesy. 

Javier Munoz Will Be Alternate in HAMILTON on Broadway
 Jul 7 2015, 12:24:48 AM

It's also worth noting that Lin has a young child at home and it's not unreasonable for him to want, see his kid at some point considering he's basically been working nonstop since he was born. He's a person, not a machine, he's the most qualified person to assess both the show's needs and his and this is the decision that was reached. I'm sure it was not made lightly. To say he's "appearing whenever he wants to" is so insane to me. He's missing one scheduled performance a week.

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