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Member Name: HeddaG
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re: The Country Girl 4/3/08...yikes
 Apr 4 2008, 09:35:31 AM
I've got tickets for the 18th. I was so looking forward to this. Hoping things get worked out. I thought - what a cast! How could it miss?
re: SOUTH PACIFIC Reviews...
 Apr 4 2008, 09:33:41 AM
Saw this last weekend and adored it. I have a soft-spot in my heart for this show anyway - but I was not disappointed.
re: Linda Eder's new album(very different)
 Feb 28 2008, 09:32:25 AM
Wow - I didn't know she had a new one coming out. I'm really really intersted in hearing the whole thing. Very different indeed!
re: 'A Raisin in the Sun' TV adaptation of 2004 Revival at 8PM on ABC
 Feb 26 2008, 07:53:15 AM
I was disappointed. I loved the women but maybe it was the commercials - it just didn't build the way I needed it to. I should have Tivo'd it and skipped the commercials - maybe that would have been a smarter way for me to watch it. And sorry, Combs just didn't cut it for me. His eyes were dead and this being television - the closeness of that did no favors. But Rashad and McDonald made me watch the whole program. And anytime something like this is on regular television - and not some reali
re: Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly - AP Review
 Feb 25 2008, 09:55:31 PM
Thanks for the update StageFan2 - I'm not really disappointed. I was just kind of hoping to experience some of the Claymate mania. But unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I didn't have any Claymates surrounding me at the theater. Just seemed like regular theater fans mixed in with what I could tell were definitely Python fans -- but no Claymates that I could tell. I don't think I'll stop by the stage door any time I'm tooling around the city - but I just might check it in April when I'm see
re: Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly - AP Review
 Feb 25 2008, 08:53:27 PM
I saw the show on Friday and, after having seen the original cast, the touring company, and now this cast - I have to say I thought the energy and excitement of this cast was fabulous. I loved the original cast but was impressed - perhaps even more so - with this one. Agree with Stagefan2 about Hannah. She's extraordinary. Didn't find Clay frenzied however. Did find him surprisingly good. Perhaps because my expectations were fairly low. I find the goofy silliness of Spamalot actually extr
re: Are previews still sold cheaper?
 Feb 24 2008, 10:46:27 AM
Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it. I was hoping the preview tix for The Country Girl would be less than regular - but they weren't. Still bought them and am looking forward to the show.
 Feb 21 2008, 09:35:02 AM
Like a number of others have said - I'm a huge Stoppard fan and had great hopes for this. I grabbed tickets right away and was so excited about the cast. But as much as I wanted to like it - I felt disappointed. Didn't hate it but wouldn't recommend it unless you're a big fan of Stoppard and want to see everything he's written.
re: 'what's on your ipod?' game
 Feb 18 2008, 03:07:52 PM
You've Got To Learn - Charles Aznavour
Unusual Way - Linda Eder
Detroit Diesel - Ten Years After
Back Around - Bonnie Raitt & Habib Kote
The Critics Are Never Kind - Michael Franks

re: Trevor Nunn has commited to direct 'A Little Night Music.'
 Feb 18 2008, 10:05:30 AM
Wow - I'd love to see that.

Am I having some kind of a flashback - or do I remember Emma Thompson singing on an episode of Cheers? Playing some kind of kid's entertainer. Or was that Frasier? Or something else? Gotta stop taking those drugs.

re: song help
 Feb 18 2008, 09:05:49 AM
Definitely sounds like Jaques Brel's:

We're on a carousel
A crazy carousel
And now we go around
Again we go around
And now we spin around
We're high above the ground
And down again around
And up again around
So high above the ground
We feel we've got to yell
We're on a carousel
A crazy carousel

Was that it?

re: Equus On TCM
 Feb 17 2008, 09:12:02 PM
Just Tivo'd it this morning when I was scanning movies to record. I saw the Broadway show so many years ago with Anthony Hopkins and Peter Firth - first time seeing them ever. I remember being overwhelmed. Roberta Maxwell was Jenny and I used to think I really wanted her career. Haven't seen the movie in many years. I wonder if it will seem dated.
Lots of reasons, some of which are...
 Feb 17 2008, 12:09:38 PM
I don't know when the practice came into being but we wouldn't have had All About Eve without stagedooring - and that movie was from 1950!
Lots of reasons, some of which are...
 Feb 16 2008, 04:17:27 PM
I stage-doored a lot when I was younger. Especially after something incredible - like Zero Mostel in Ulysses in Nighttown. Or someone I had a teenage crush on like Anthony Newley in Roar of the Greasepaint (Gah - I'm old!). Sheesh - Tommy Steele . . . I saw Half A Sixpence at least 5 times! As I've gotten older - I haven't really done it much. Did it for John Malkovich the first time I ever saw him in Burn This - and Joan Allen (brilliant!). Also did it for Kevin Kline, Raul Julia and Glea
re: Paul Vogt as Shrek?!
 Feb 16 2008, 11:57:34 AM
I loved him in Hairspray but having a tough time seeing him as Shrek. Other than Sutton and Sieber - has there been any other announcements of the cast? I know there's talk of rock and hip-hop voices for Shrek and Donkey - but I'm thinking maybe they are just searching for ideas. Somehow don't see that working for the part of Shrek - but who knows.
 Feb 12 2008, 09:30:52 AM
"The one I've always had in the back of my mind, but will never lift a finger to pursue, is Ray Bradbury's"Something Wicked This Way Comes."

I LOVE this idea. It would be perfect - as long as they didn't Disney-ized it.

re: Some thoughts on Spamalot this evening
 Feb 12 2008, 08:58:37 AM
I don't have a dog in this show - but have to comment on cooperative journalists. Let's face it - interviewers have a point of view when they decide to interview someone. There's a reason behind it for all interviews, interviewers, interviewees. To be controversial.. .To promote a product... To generate interest...Whatever. I have no doubt that the interviewer from had a point of view going into her article. Why wouldn't she? Doesn't mean it's any less valid. She enjoyed inte
re: Best Broadway star ever
 Feb 8 2008, 04:01:03 PM
Gwen Verdon
Ethel Merman
Barbara Cook
Angela Lansbury
Zero Mostel
John Raitt
Robert Preston

re: Brief comments on SPAMALOT
 Feb 7 2008, 08:52:01 AM
When I saw the original cast - I was so looking forward to seeing Sara but she was out. I'd have to check my old playbill to see who was on that night - I enjoyed her = but still felt disappointed I didn't get to see Sara. I did see her on the Tony's and then I was able to see what I actually had missed. I've got tickets in 2 weeks and I'm hoping Hannah is performing. I've heard she's wonderful.

Re the dancing - Clay has said he's not a natural dancer by any means and I think that's

re: If you could see any show on Broadway right now...
 Feb 5 2008, 11:39:24 AM
August - but I have tickets to see it in a few weeks.

Sunday in the Park with George

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