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Member Name: rewritemystory
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re: The Search for the Next Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 14 2008, 11:00:22 PM
Rhiannon bites.
re: The Search for the Next Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 11 2008, 07:24:51 PM
Hee hee, the last page of this thread...quite funny.
re: The Julie Reiber Appreciation Thread
 Jul 11 2008, 12:15:51 AM
She is not my favorite Elphaba standby, but she is up there. Certainly a case could be made that she is stronger than some of the fulltimes.
I wouldn't say best in a long time. I prefer Lisa to her, and she was recently promoted.
I am glad that she's back with the show, though. I prefer her loads more than Teal Wicks.

re: The Search for the Next Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 10 2008, 10:35:27 PM
I will be disappointed when/if Bailey wins. She's very bland...And her accent is very, very distracting. Even when she tries to hide it, she does not sound like a Malibu girl.
re: What's the deal with Kerry?
 Jul 10 2008, 05:24:04 PM

It would take me far too long to explain all the stupidity in this post. I shall pretend I never saw it. I will say that it made me laugh.

" made the original comment and stand by it and yes I know Kerry Ellis starting as the US in London, I live in the UK for goodness sake and the point is at that time she was not ready for full time Elphie, hence why Idina was brought it, then when Kerry was ready she took over and kicked the arse off of every Elphaba there has ever bee

re: 'C U 2nite @ Wckd!' - Texting In Broadway Theatres
 Jul 10 2008, 02:16:57 AM
A young, able-bodied person with low cholesterol is definitely the most likely to use a cell phone inappropriately, but emergencies can happen to anyone, in which case their phones come into use.

I don't like cell phone usage during shows any more than anybody else. But I don't see anything like signal jamming happening. Ever.
On the other hand, announcing that the theater has made it impossible to use cell phones might have some effect, for a little while at least. It w

re: What's the deal with Kerry?
 Jul 10 2008, 02:13:49 AM
I think most of SJB's issues with attendance were unavoidable. (injuries, the wedding, the strike)
As for Julia Murney and/or Shoshana Bean, whichever you refer to, I do not know about Shoshana, but Julia had a great record when she moved to Broadway.

And Katie Adams. Wow. That's long overdue. I think she'd be perfect fit in London.

re: 'C U 2nite @ Wckd!' - Texting In Broadway Theatres
 Jul 10 2008, 02:06:51 AM
Jamming phones is just not going to fly, whether it's a good idea or not.

"And if somebody's heart attack was induced merely by sitting still?
They probably weren't going to last very long anyway."
Many elderly people do not go out much. The excitement of a Broadway show, getting to the theater, the noise, who are you to say that?

re: Will Stephen Schwartz ever win a Tony?
 Jul 10 2008, 02:01:42 AM
I was thinking about an achievement award as well.
Who knows?

re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS! Ep 6
 Jul 9 2008, 09:29:23 PM
"'I think that Autumn is very talented, but I just can't see her as sorority girl Elle.'

Agreed 100%. I'm rooting for Lauren all the way."
I agree with both of you. I really like Autumn, but I think Lauren is better for the role.

And I am so glad that the Guilty Ones is now considered a news source.

re: Will Stephen Schwartz ever win a Tony?
 Jul 9 2008, 09:22:42 PM
The guy is sixty. How many shots does he have left?
And following Wicked...

That said, I think he's going to get one. Definitely.

re: The Search for the Next Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 9 2008, 09:11:55 PM
I like Autumn and Lauren, with Lauren being my favorite.

Am I the only one who thinks Autumn doesn't look the part? I hate her new hair. She doesn't seem right as a blonde. She just looks too mautre or older.
Or I'm just too tired.

And I like how some people are now stalking their facebooks (in a nice way??). I'm not putting anything into it.

re: Will Stephen Schwartz ever win a Tony?
 Jul 9 2008, 08:58:05 PM
Yes, I think so.
He is running out of time, but I think he will.

re: What's the deal with Kerry?
 Jul 9 2008, 08:57:14 PM
Thank you for Lupwning those who needed to be Lupwned.

"'Am sorry ,but if Julie is better than Kerry why is Kerry the lead and Julie the understudy???'

Are you so naive as to actually believe that the regular performer is always better than the understudy?????? Lord, I knew we were dealing with kids in this thread, but I had no idea it was going to be like this."

Thank you, whoever it was that wrote this, for answering the ridiculousness before I had to.
Although I

re: Britney Spears As Sandy
 Jul 8 2008, 09:49:51 PM
I'm seeing it too.
It's not coincidence...Google shows you the ads that best relate to what's on the page. Like if you're looking at a page about the Boston Red Sox, there might be a baseball ad.

re: Christian Borle on search for Elle Woods?
 Jul 8 2008, 07:42:51 PM
I don't care for the film, but I've seen it a few times live and enjoyed it quite a bit.

And Christian does kind of scream Peter Parker.

re: What's the deal with Kerry?
 Jul 8 2008, 07:37:21 PM
Honestly, I really could care less if Ellis shows up at all.
Julie is much better.
Kerry has one brilliant moment...the "Look to the western sky" riff. And that was done to a much more chilling degree by Kristy Cates long before her.

Why anyone would fly over from the UK to see Kerry in the US is beyond me. If they want to see an American company, they should wait for someone else.

re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS! Ep 6
 Jul 8 2008, 04:43:59 AM
Rhiannon is one of the nicer girls, but she shouldn't be kept any longer.

Autumn is really proving herself. I like her a lot, but the judges for awhile didn't. Glad she's emerging as one of the frontrunners along with Lauren.

Bailey is just...Bailey.

re: The Search for Elle THOUGHTS! Ep 6
 Jul 2 2008, 01:17:42 PM
Just remindng everyone, the Lauren "we all think you need to lose weight" thing could be a lot like the Seth "none of the judges wanted you back this week" comment.
re: The Search for the Next Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 2 2008, 01:10:49 PM
Just because someone came out of the stage door doesn't mean she won.
It could be a number of different things.

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