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re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
 Jan 19 2009, 04:13:32 PM
No announcements here. When LBB is in, they add her bio and head shot on a separate sheet to the program, and when Lauren plays they add a 1/2 sheet saying "At this performance the roll of..."
re: Becky Gulsvig breaks toe, Lauren Zakrin Elle for two weeks, and also th
 Jan 19 2009, 01:04:38 PM
I saw both Lauren and Laura Bell. I have to say Lauren's Elle is much fresher and you really fall in love with her. Not to say Laura's is bad, come on it's Laura Bell Bundy, but she has done the role forever and it's a little exhausted.
re: Legally Blonde Tour (with LBB) Review/ Questions/ News/ Round up?
 Jan 17 2009, 04:40:46 AM
I might be stage door-ing on Sunday for the matinee. We'll see how that goes.
Considering it has been below zero degrees here the past few nights, I can't imagine too much face time.

re: Legally Blonde Tour (with LBB) Review/ Questions/ News/ Round up?
 Jan 15 2009, 07:15:59 PM
"Both Sat shows? I have tickets to the matinee and am hoping to see Lauren go on as Elle."
I'm not 100%. I'm going to assume Lauren WILL be doing both, LBB has Miss America (or something) to judge in Cali this weekend.

"Will LBB still be on the tour in 4 weeks for the Houston run?"
"So, who has Friday, January 30 in St. Louis? Inquiring minds (with tickets) want to know."
Becky is out for about 5 more weeks. So Laura and Lauren are going to continue alternating the role. The

legally blind toureg drivers chase lbb into my arms
 Jan 15 2009, 02:31:34 PM
"The current theatre website says LBB is going to perform all the weekend shows except for Sunday 1/18."
Lauren told me personally she was doing the Sat (1/17) show, too.

re: Legally Blonde Tour (with LBB) Review/ Questions/ News/ Round up?
 Jan 14 2009, 11:13:20 PM
The rumor is Becky is out for 6 weeks. Laura has just started this week. So I'm assuming LBB will be playing there. She and Lauren will be alternating, is my guess.
re: Photos: 'West Side Story' Marquee
 Jan 14 2009, 11:11:49 PM
Sad that there is another "American Idol" on out there (and that the Hairspray sign will soon go.)
Fabulous picture though! Looks great!

re: Legally Blonde Tour (with LBB) Review/ Questions/ News/ Round up?
 Jan 14 2009, 10:45:56 PM
"Well if Lauren went on for Margot who would go on for Elle before Laura could get there?"

Lauren and Lauren as Elle and Margot! Haha jokes. I meant when LBB was in it. But it makes since that there are two Margot u/s.

re: Legally Blonde Tour (with LBB) Review/ Questions/ News/ Round up?
 Jan 14 2009, 10:12:56 PM
And Lauren and Alex are both Margot u/s, but it would make since because Lauren is Elle often.
re: Legally Blonde Tour (with LBB) Review/ Questions/ News/ Round up?
 Jan 14 2009, 10:09:47 PM
OH! I didn't know about the "S"! I thought it was kind of cute.
I don't think Becky was on crutches, at least not in the restaurant.

Legally Blonde Tour (with LBB) Review/ Questions/ News/ Round up?
 Jan 14 2009, 10:01:16 PM
Hey everyone! Sorry to add another post about the crazy Legally Blonde tour but I saw the opening performance last night in East Lansing, and went to the cast party at a local restaurant. There are some other things going on behind the scenes, some of which I'm sure you know. Anyway here we go.

Laura Bell was in fact on as Elle, and she was a little sick, but cute and impressive as always. During "Serious" her dress got stuck to the chair and she ripped part of it! She said some lines low to save her voice and they came out funny. "Maybe not to yo' face," she said in a "ghetto" voice. Little things like that gave her performance a little quirk. I noticed a few lyric and line changes (I assume these are in all of the tour shows). Notably, about Vivian in "Positive." There were a TON of understudies. I don't remember most but I know Tiffany Engan was added to the swing, and there was a delta-nu track empty (they used a handbag as the "S" when they spelled ELLE WOODS). Over all, I thought the show was pretty smooth, although I missed some things from the original Broadway run (sets and such).

The "Cast Party" was pretty cool. Laura Bell was a little passive, trying not to talk and such to save her voice. She said it was cool to be back in the role, but weird. Lauren Zakrin is a friend of a friend of mine, and she was so happy to be home in Michigan! She went home for the first time in 6 months! She was just adorable! (And amazing in the show. She is that ensemble member that catches your eye.) Becky and Paul Cannan were there, too!

At the cast party we got an awesome chance to meet the cast, so all of this is straight from the inside. Laura Bell Bundy is going to be Elle, until this Friday. All of the weekend show's will have Lauren Ashley Zakrin as Elle. Rihannon is definitely out for most of the St. Louis run. I don't know if a lot of you know this, but there is a workshop "Take It From The Top" where Laura Bell and Paul Cannan show people how to prepare an audition. Laura told us Becky G. would be doing this for the East Lansing stop, as Laura is in the show.

So here are the questions I'm posing. Just bare with me, and think about these things. I'm not trying to make anyone look bad, just trying to figure this out!
A- Rihannon is out, broke her tibia. But then why is Lauren (the Margot u/s), not going on as Margot? My guess is because they know she will (and has) gone on as Elle.
B- Why is Laura not doing the workshop? I heard she was playing Elle simply because she was already in East Lansing for the workshop. But now Becky is doing it. I assume the pressure of both was just too much.
C- Why did LBB come back? Not that I didn't love seeing her again, but she just seems done with this role. I think it might have something to do with the TV show, and it closing on Broadway, and the tour needing help.
Any Ideas?

WHOA! OK, that was far too long! Hope this clears some things up. I'm going to see Lauren as Elle on Sunday. I'll keep you posted!

re: Election Night on Broadway
 Nov 6 2008, 06:47:31 PM
I saw Idina's tour last night and she seemed very happy with the outcome of the election. Mentioning how we are heading in the right direction. Her opening act (Chris Mann and his guitarist) wore Obama t-shirts :)
re: SA & Legally Blonde Feb 18-22
 Feb 18 2008, 01:02:56 AM
Becky Gulsvig was in for Serena on Friday. IMO she was better than TJE (who I only saw on mtv). Have fun!
re: Mary Poppins rush
 Feb 11 2008, 04:40:26 PM
re: Mary Poppins rush
 Feb 11 2008, 04:25:37 PM
All of the cheap tickets (on ticketmaster) are sold out. I did't see any box seats either. Any rush, sro info?
re: Mary Poppins rush
 Feb 11 2008, 03:59:26 PM
Anyone know if this is still true? I realize this thread is over a year old, so I figured I would ask again. Any rush or SRO tickets available for Mary Poppins?
re: Wicked: Original German Cast Recording
 Feb 9 2008, 03:07:43 PM
Is there a new cover (like they did for the West End production)? What makes the packaging differnt? Sounds like a good buy!
TLM Official Site Updates
 Feb 6 2008, 10:30:56 PM
Disney had added a few new videos on the official TLM site as well as some new key chains in the store. Thought you might like to know!

I cannot wait to see this next weekend!

re: Adams, Chenoweth, and McLaughlin to Perform Enchanted @ Oscars
 Feb 6 2008, 10:19:46 PM
Source? This souds odd, but great none the less! I hope they have a fully chorus with Kristin! How fun would that be?
re: Mersisters in Mermaid -- Who's Who?
 Feb 6 2008, 06:29:03 PM
Little Merboy where is that beautiful picture from!? I'm assuming its from POYW (Reprise)? Wow, I really love it, and it looks legit, too!
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