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re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 11:06:51 PM
You New Yorkers are good people..Thanks for your insight and your help..I will try that Joniray...Even if we miss one of our other shows, I think she would rather see Phantom over all of the others shows we have tix to. Y'all have a good nite! Had to throw the southern talk at ya!
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 10:50:33 PM
Thanks for the input guys.. Maybe I will "run into" one of you in Times Square...I know you New Yorkers just love us tourists! My daughter will love listening to you guys talk,...She thinks its cool how you say Hot Dog more like hot DAWG. And chicken tenders are tendas....I think she secretly wants to move there when she is older and develop what she thinks is the coolest way to talk. Have a good night guys..I am off to try to sleep away the minutes...I hate waiting....Italian impatience....
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 10:17:24 PM
I had thought of Mary Poppins perhaps. I saw it last year and with all the "flying" and all, I am sure she would like it. Disney always hooks the kids. She just loves Phantom(she's seen the movie a billion times I think) and she knows every song to that show by heart. She idolizes Christine. And she wishes that the Phantom would win Christine in the end...She loves the underdog..That's my girl! If she doesn't get to see it this trip, we will try again in February for her birthday. I appre
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 10:09:01 PM
One article I read today said that they had mastered the "big issues" and were meeting with "fresh minds" tonight to finish the details...Whatever that may mean...Like I said false hopes....the media gets you every time...I like your optimistic vibes though...wish I had some of that right about now!
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 10:05:02 PM
This is why I hate the media, all the articles I have read today made it sound like they could be up and running Tuesday. False hopes and all that...I wish we had picked Phantom later in the week. My friends agreed to go see Phantom and they picked the other shows..Grease...haven't heard much on that...and Curtains...Not much on that either....Wish I had gone to see Jersey Boys last year when I had the chance. Bummer.
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 09:57:20 PM
Of course, Mary Poppins would be an obvious choice as well, but I saw it last year with my mom. Has anyone heard anything about the talks resuming tonight? I have googled it to death and can't find anything recent. I doubt I will get much sleep tonight worrying myself to pieces or death by curiosity will kill me first...Wish I was a fly on the wall...
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 09:43:14 PM
Have you seen The 25th annual Putnam County Spelling Bee? Is it worth my time? I don't get to come to NY too often, so I will be disappointed if I don't get to take her to something, but I don't want to spend the money on something she will be bored by. This is her first impression...I want it to be a GREAT one.
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 09:08:45 PM
she's creeepy. She better not be the reason I have to tell my 8 year old daughter that her dream of seeing Phantom has just faded away. we have had these tix for 9 months and she literally counted down the days....
re: strange link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 26 2007, 08:30:08 PM
what are the chances that my daughter and I will actually get to use our Phantom tickets tomorrow night??? Any insight? I have been following this strike thing from way down here in VA and we are coming tomorrow...This will be her FIRST Broadway show and she is really upset that she won't get to see it...
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