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A side of Angela Lansbury you never need to see
 Jan 12 2011, 10:33:53 AM
Wow is all I can say.
re: Charlotte d'Amboise's mom (Carolyn George d'Amboise) passed away
 May 15 2009, 11:55:16 AM
Gosh, what a heartbreaker for the D'amboise family. And Terry's mother in law. A love match made in ballet heaven and their surviving spawn so successful in their own right. How did you all miss this in February. It was five column in the Times with a picture above the fold. Too busy bashing Charlotte then I guess, for her six performances a week Cassie. Now you know why. It was a long protracted illness. Golly, my thoughts and prayers are with the O'Neal family. Wait. They never marrie
re: A CHORUS LINE Questions
 May 15 2009, 10:14:15 AM
Umm, Charlotte's mother was ill with cancer the last six months of her run in Chorus Line and died in February of this year. This was her motivation for negotiating a six performance schedule. Her father was quite ill last year as well. You Cassie queens need to give the girl a break.
re: Phylicia Rashad in A:OC
 May 15 2009, 10:04:30 AM
Remember when Time Magazine darkened O J's mug shot to make him look more sinister? Looks like this has been photoshopped to ameliorate this ridiculous stunt casting.
re: Jo Sullivan Loesser photo is post stroke
 Mar 3 2009, 12:06:59 PM
Mrs. Loesser is recovering from a stroke and has made great progress in her recovering. She is walking with a cane and had learned how to speak again. She truly is a treasure. She should write a book.
re: Awful experience with the ushers & house manager at the Wintergarden
 Mar 3 2009, 12:04:20 PM
each theatergoer should have had the ticket in hand and the teacher should have had a map. The house manager was quite correct in his handling of the situation -- he had a group of kids inside without tickets and a dopey teacher still taking a head count. I wouldn't let my daughter go a a trip with a teacher like that!
re: Has anyone seen Mourning Becomes Electra yet? Paging Harvey Korman
 Feb 8 2009, 10:19:21 AM
What a fun, fun evening of horrific, hysterical theater. Lili Taylor is horribly miscast and Scott Elliot has certainly makes her look bad. The Greek chorus had trouble keeping straight faces the night I saw it because the audience was trying to keep it together, but gosh, was just so solemn. Once Taylor demonstrated that she knew all the Kama Sutra positions (riotous, in a green dress, to boot -- downstage, upstage, on a table), no one could take the evening seriously. Poor Mark Blum has to
Patti broke promise to herself to work on controlling her temper
 Jan 19 2009, 08:38:22 PM
From a couple years ago:

""Oh, I'm sorry if I'm a pain in the ass, and, Oh, I don't want to bother you, or, I hope this isn't too much trouble." Take the trouble. I told the guy in the post pffice he was rude. I don't care what he thinks of me. Is that why we don't get involved? Because we're afraid of what people will think of us? Ay, yay, yay. "Shut up Patti LuPone."

"I'm gonna be a better citizen in this world. Not just in this country, but on this earth. How am I going to do it? I'm going to try to control my temper. I'm going to take my time. I'm going to be alert and aware, and I'm going to do unto others as I would have them do unto me."

Dear sweet Patti -- what was it Aristotle said about the man knowing himself? You really are a hot sketch! Don't change a hair!

Victoria Clark Master Class Sat 1/24
 Jan 9 2009, 10:42:57 AM
If you want some one on one with this fantastic lady, here is an opportunity you won't want to miss. Its a benefit for the Monmouth Civic Chorus and a short ride out of Manhattan. What a perfect way to spent an afternoon. She's a great teacher, so I'm very excited.

re: Why Was Mary Martin Such a Big Star?
 Dec 18 2008, 11:02:35 AM
She was star because in additional to being enormously likable and having charisma, she was the girl next door made good. She also was incredibly generous and kind -- I met her during "Do You Turn Somersaults?" when I was 14 and she spent 20 minutes talking to me inside the stage door. She knew what being star was -- there are many people with similar stories of her innate kindness to her fans. As far as the voice: look at some of her Hollywood work on Youtube. Not sexy, but she could make
re: NY Times article about 'backstage turmoil' at PAL JOEY
 Dec 18 2008, 10:57:05 AM
Particularly sad is the very nice interview in Playbill with Hoff concerning the hard work, love of theater and big break. Pity all Joey theatergoers will read about it this month before seeing the show. How can it not taint their experience?
re: Very brief thoughts on 'What's that Smell...'
 Dec 1 2008, 04:11:21 PM
It really appears to be an overlong SNL skit that wears very thin even if you are gay. But more offensive was the song THAT GODDAMNED DAY about 9/11 and the whole 9/11 angle. Nothing funny to those of us who lost loved ones. It was just plain gauche.
re: Gerald Schoenfeld, Longtime Head of Shubert Organiztion, Passes Away
 Nov 25 2008, 01:44:17 PM
Who cares? wasn't he part of those selfish bastards to tacked on the "restoration" fee to the ticket prices? And the audacity of allowing a theater to be named after yourself? What about the Merman, the Verdon, the Fosse or the Bennett. Or even the Kushner for that matter. Geez! I'm all cut up and sympathies and prayers go out to the Schoenfeld family and the Shubert organization.
re: Angela Lansbury
 Nov 25 2008, 01:38:32 PM
She's been in the US since the early 1940s that's why her "accent" is a mishmash. Can we just say she has a distinctive way of speaking?
Julie Andrews throat cancer?
 Apr 3 2008, 09:34:12 AM
Went to Barnes and Noble last night to pick up Julie Andrews new book and it was quite the mob scene. It was what was termed a "limited event" and you needed a yellow wristband to be seated. The Barnes and Noble employee doing the seating on the fourth floor said that Miss Andrews would not be speaking because of throat cancer and would only be signing a limited number of books because of arthritis. When I purchased the book, the clerk on the first floor told me the same thing. What gives?
re: Lainie Kazan should come back to Broadway
 Jan 10 2008, 08:13:43 AM
Kazan DID Mama Rose in a summer tour of the Tyne Daly Broadway version which had many of that cast including the late Barbara Erwin. I saw this at the Westbury Music Fair and let me tell you it was one of the most disappointing evenings of theater I have ever experienced. Her voice had a huge wobble and she chewed the scenery like nobody's business. There was nothing subtle or charismatic or likable about her Rose -- it was all brass and schtick. No nuance and nothing to move the audience.
re: Dorothy Loudon in Sweeney Todd
 Jan 9 2008, 09:32:06 AM
I first saw Marge Redmond, wife of Jack Weston and famously known as Sara Tucker of the Cool Whip commercials during Lansbury's vacation in September 1979. She was terrific and had great chemistry with Cariou. Loudon was out of control and Hearn had a hard time managing her mugging her way through the role. Note on the Worst Pies footage, she doesn't even relate to Todd -- she is merely doing her schtick. It was not a good part for her vocally or emotionally. She was by far the weakest of
re: A Question about George Hearn and the 1984 Tony Awards
 Jan 9 2008, 09:26:08 AM
Yes it was different time, and Hearn speaks quite frankly of his own discomfort with drag in the Herman documentary. He had it written into his contract that no promotion of the show via television would include his wearing Zsa Zsa's drag. What a difference the last twenty five years have made!
re: 'Come Back, Little Sheba' - 1st Preview Review (Possible Spoilers)
 Jan 7 2008, 09:18:24 AM
I can see why this is getting some attention: S. Epatha is terrific and this is a far cry from Van Buren, but she is undermined by the dated script and overdone production values. The set is totally incongruous with a midwestern town of the 1950s in that particular socio-economic class. The idea of alcoholism must have been riveting in 1950 as must have have the hopelessness of Lola's predicament. However, Kevin Anderson is very weak as the husband-- not the threatening menace Lancaster was
re: Cleo Laine
 Oct 26 2007, 09:24:18 AM
Nothing like Miss Cleo Laine. She turns eighty today or tomorrow. What a classy lady.
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