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Profile for SpringAwakening789

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Member Name: SpringAwakening789
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Quick Question: Which JCS Recording?
 Sep 12 2008, 11:44:19 PM
Which Jesus Christ Superstar Recording should I download for a first listening?
Original Studio Album or OBCR?

Important Spring Awakening Question
 Sep 7 2008, 03:11:31 AM
Uhh actually yea?? Most of the time I read things and don't care enough to reply because I figure why bother, but I happen to like Spring Awakening, saw that someone else had a similar concern to mine and decided to post. By the way, it's also great of you to prove my point on hostility. You're obviously hounding on a thread that began by asking for people (like you) not to be jerks, and not to make obnoxious/rude comments. Maybe consider not wasting your time and ours?
Important Spring Awakening Question
 Sep 7 2008, 02:56:07 AM
I may post infrequently, but I watch this board all the time. Maybe it takes a more objective view than you have to point out "what you do?"

And as far as people thinking its "cool" to dislike popular things, sure it happens to all things, i wasn't born yesterday, but I can promise you that out of all of the message boards I visit, BWW consistently has the most unnecessary hostility.

Important Spring Awakening Question
 Sep 7 2008, 02:41:43 AM

From what I gather, people seem to have a problem with the book and lyrics of the show (arguing that the lyrics don't progress the show). Personally, I think the lyrics serve the show in an incredible way. The music serving as an internal monologue for the characters keeps it fresh and if nothing else is different from any other show on Broadway.

Other than this reason, I can only guess that people maybe think it's too abstract?? I don't know to be honest. I

Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
 Aug 14 2008, 03:13:07 AM
I was listening to Evita tonight and smiled when I heard the lines from 'Rainbow Tour'

Evita: Did you hear that? They called me a whore!
They actually called me a whore !

Admiral: But Signora Peron it's an easy mistake
I'm still called an admiral
Yet I gave up the sea long ago!

What are some other clever/funny lyrics that make you smile every time you hear them?

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