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Profile for westcoast_wannabe

westcoast_wannabe Profile Photo
Member Name: westcoast_wannabe
Contact User: You must be logged in to contact BWW members.
Gender: Male
Location: CA
Profile: I'm a small town California boy, born and raised. Thoguh I'm currenly living in a thriving metropolis of 55,00 people, I did spend a few years living in San Francisco so I'm not a complete hick. I've never been to New York so obviously I've never actually seen a Broadway show, but I own like every cast recording known to man and I go see as many Nationla Tours as I can. I love the theater, and enjoy discussing it, but living out here in the sticks as I do, I have very few people to discuss it with. The closest I have in my day to day life are middle aged couples that saw The Phantom of the Opera or people around my age(mid 20s)that saw "the play version" of RENT, so I decided to join the board to have people to talk to with my same love for theater.

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..but, the star sounds nothing like the legend..
 Oct 12 2013, 08:59:44 AM
Streisand was legendary in her own right in Funny Girl but she looked, acted, and sounded absolutely nothing like Fanny Brice. Even in the movie where they added Fanny Brice's signature song to the score it didn't seem to bother people that the star sounded nothing like the legend.
Mother/Son Duets?
 Apr 23 2013, 06:32:28 AM
Come To My Garden / Lift Me Up from The Seacret Garden

Les Miz Soundtrack Highlights now available on iTunes
 Dec 22 2012, 06:21:29 AM
Does anyone else think that the new orchestrations sound more like the underscoring from a non musical film score than the score from a musical?
Les Miz Soundtrack Highlights now available on iTunes
 Dec 22 2012, 06:20:53 AM
Does anyone else think that the new orchestrations sound more like the underscoring from a non musical film score than the score from a musical?
russell crowe
 Dec 2 2012, 04:16:57 AM
Michael Jibson

Best place to buy cheap Phantom tickets?
 Nov 18 2012, 06:50:46 AM
I have insomnia and there's nothing good on tv. This thread made my night. I literally laughed out loud reading this.
Broadway's largest set desgin
 Nov 14 2012, 06:26:06 PM
"But he had a true artist's imagination and could create that visual sense of wonder and alchemy with the poorest materials--broken chairs and strings of lights -- as well as the luxuries that a SUNSET BOULEVARD could afford."

That sentence makes me want to see what he could design for Follies.

Les Mis movie soundtrack?
 Oct 29 2012, 09:07:21 AM
I didn't realize more cuts had been made to the score since the broadway cuts. I had lost interest in the show in the late 90s and now with all the excitement for the movie I'm rediscovering how much I live it.

Maybe you don't know My Oh My but hopefully someone else can answer:
Is the 25th anniversary recording a complete representation of how the show is now performed or is it more along the lines of the OLCR and the OBCR where the bulk of it is there but bits of the recitative a

9 to 5: Tour vs Broadway
 Oct 29 2012, 05:37:52 AM
I didn't see it on broadway but I saw the tour. It was the worst night of theater I've ever experienced. If I wasn't with friends who wanted to stay it would have been the first time I would have left a show at intermission.
Les Mis movie soundtrack?
 Oct 29 2012, 05:33:01 AM
How complete is the tour cast CD? Ever since I read the movie script I've been listening to Les Mis rather obsessively and debating whether or not I should buy it. I want to listen to a new recording because listening to new recordings allow me to hear and appreciate new aspects of shows I know really well. I'll definitely be buying the soundtrack as soon as its available so I can only justify buying the 25th tour cast recording if its a complete representation of the show with the cuts that ma
Broadway Halloween Costumes
 Oct 24 2012, 05:09:04 AM
Last year a guy walked into the store I work at as Sweeney Todd from the movie and one of my coworkers said "look its Edward Scissorhands."
Drood Overrated?
 Oct 24 2012, 04:53:21 AM
Was this thread started by someone who works at FOX News? Parading an opinion as a question is a favorite trick of the "news" shows on FOX, the shows that supposedly just report facts without any opinion. Those "fact" based "news" reports with lead in like "Barack Obama the worst president ever?"

Sorry this post is totally off topic and not meant to start a conversation but I find the thread title so amusing I wanted to point it out.

Examples of miscasting that damaged a show
 Oct 24 2012, 04:02:05 AM
I was actually really excited to see Rubin-vega as Fantine when she was first announced. I thought it was such interesting daring casing for a role that over the years had become over sung. I love divas belting big notes as much as the next gay but I thought it would be really interesting to hear a woman with a raw rough sounding voice act the song with a new interpretation. It was just a train wreck though. She couldn't sing it she didn't act it she just murdered the ear drums of everyone in th
Examples of miscasting that damaged a show
 Oct 23 2012, 05:04:37 AM
Daphne Rubin-Vega in Les Miserables.
Twitter versus Theater?
 Oct 21 2012, 07:09:27 AM
Double post
Twitter versus Theater?
 Oct 21 2012, 07:09:13 AM
Perhaps the nickname for the back of the balcony should be changed from the cheap seats to the tweet seats?
I can't believe some people are suggesting the OP is troll this is a pertinent conversation . Personally I hate the idea of allowing cell phone use in theaters, I also hate that food is allowed in theaters, but you can't stop progress for better or worse. Personally I'd rather that a solution is found and a new industry standard set (like tweeting allowed in the rear balcony) than wai

Best multi-part (more than 2) song from a musical?
 Oct 2 2012, 08:15:34 AM
Threads with titles like: what are the best *such and such* kinds of songs?Inevitably produce threads that ultimately list every single song that fits the given criteria.

That said
The Lifeboats / We'll Meet Tomorrow from Titanic is one of my favorites that hasn't been mentioned yet.

Into the Woods Movie Reading Cast...
 Oct 2 2012, 06:26:19 AM
Toni Collette needs to do the movie version of Next 2 Normal.
Cabaret revival how do we feel?
 Sep 12 2012, 10:40:00 PM
I think it's too soon for a Cabaret revival the Mendes version is still too imprinted on people's minds especially considering how often it's reproduced by amature groups. It's been off Broadway almost 10 years but hasn't really left the public consciousness. I'd love to see a new Cabaret but I think it's too soon for it to be sucessful.
Mary Poppins Tour Question
 Sep 3 2012, 05:38:15 AM
That's unfortunate that she no longer flys over the audience on the tour. I know when the tour first started they'd only play in venues that were capable of achieving the final flight. I thought it showed artistic integrity to keep the effect intact. I guess at some point though it all comes down to making money.
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