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Member Name: cubanito2
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re: The Worst Theatre in the US
 Aug 3 2008, 01:25:37 PM
As far as South Florida goes, the Broward Center really isn't that bad. It's WAY superior to the Carnival Center in Miami, IMO. The Carnival Center looks like an office building or a mall from the outside. Every show I've seen at the Broward Center has just been a better theatre going-experience than at the Carnival Center.
re: Best Musical is IN THE HEIGHTS!
 Jun 15 2008, 11:47:50 PM
They won four.
Best Musical
Best Score
Best Choreography
Best Orchestrations

re: Maybe someone here can help me?
 Jun 10 2008, 11:41:09 PM
Angel mentions it in "Today 4 U" in Rent.
Favorite Moments
 Jun 10 2008, 10:26:37 AM
At the end of Blackout/Fireworks from In the Heights: *firework shoots off* "En Washington Heights" always gives me chills

The Sweeney Revival, Patti's "I love you, I'd be twice the wife she was!"

Raul Esparza's Being Alive, "Alone is alone, not alive"

The ending harmony of In His Eyes from the Jekyll & Hyde OBCR

re: Others roles you could see Lupone in...
 Jun 9 2008, 10:36:18 PM
Her Joanne, Ms. Pennywise, Witch, & Drowsy Chaperone would be brilliant.

If she was Latina, she'd make a killer Abuela Claudia.
And if they had gone with the original character design from the movie, I would love to see what she'd do with Ursula in TLM.

re: Weakest Performers in all Acting Categories
 Jun 9 2008, 10:34:36 PM
I think the OP was looking for the performances least likely to win or weakest in comparison to the others nominated?
re: Which of the BIG 6 R&H is next up for B'WAY?
 Jun 9 2008, 10:29:06 PM
I personally would love to see Laura Michelle Kelly as Anna in the King and I. I LOVE her voice.
re: Reverse Sex Roles
 Jun 9 2008, 08:36:14 PM
Argh I was just about to say a female Leading Player in Pippin, but I was beaten to it.

In my school's production of The Fantasticks this year, we used girls for Hucklebee, Bellomy, & the Mute.

re: Favorite Sondhiem Show
 Jun 9 2008, 08:33:49 PM
Company just edges out Sweeney for me. Then Into the Woods & West Side are tied in third.
re: Best Broadway Quote
 Jun 6 2008, 01:05:55 AM
My absolute favorite -

"Alone is alone, not alive"
- Company

Gives me chills every time I hear it.

re: If someone asked you what you thought the top 5 greatest musicals were,
 Jun 6 2008, 01:03:08 AM
Sweeney Todd
West Side Story
Les Miserables

re: Another Tony Debate: Morton or Dunagan
 Jun 5 2008, 03:52:16 PM
Is it possible that Morton and Dunagan will split their votes and leave room for someone else to sneak in?
re: If '...' had not won Best Musical, '...' would have
 Jun 4 2008, 09:22:51 PM
I pretty much agree, except for a few.

If Jersey Boys had not won Best Musical, I think The Drowsy Chaperone would have.

If Thoroughly Modern Millie had not won Best Musical, I think Urinetown would have.

re: Best contrapuntal moments in a show (or movie, or ANYTHING)
 May 29 2008, 10:08:09 PM
The title song from Company is my favorite contrapuntal moment from a Sondheim show.

And as much as the show has been panned, If Only from TLM is a beautiful song, IMO

re: The Official 'In The Heights' Love Thread....
 May 28 2008, 12:32:30 AM
Hey everyone, I haven't been paying attention to this thread, and I don't really post much on the boards, so I'm sorry if this has been discussed already, but will the cast recording be available on iTunes on June 3? I live in Florida so it's hard for me to get a cast recording any other way, and I'm completely in love with the music from this show.
re: Catherine Zeta-Jones as Mama Rose?
 Apr 29 2008, 10:57:45 AM
Ok, I get the point. I'm sorry. I'll be sure to check more thoroughly next time I try to post anything.
re: Catherine Zeta-Jones as Mama Rose?
 Apr 29 2008, 10:50:38 AM
When I searched, nothing came up. I must have done it wrong.

Catherine Zeta-Jones as Mama Rose?
 Apr 29 2008, 10:42:59 AM
I searched the boards to make sure no one had posted this, and I didn't find anything, so I'm sorry if there's another thread on this already.

Apparently the Weinstein Company is looking to do a film adaptation of Gypsy, with Academy Award winner Catherine Zeta-Jones as Mama Rose, directed by Rob Marshall (Chicago, Memoirs of a Geisha)

re: A Change in the Heir vs. Jekyll & Hyde (March Madness, Round 1, game 29
 Mar 15 2008, 01:12:11 AM
Jekyll & Hyde
re: The Best Little Whorehouse Goes Public vs. The Lion King (March Madness
 Mar 14 2008, 12:29:17 AM
Lion King
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