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Member Name: Stanley3
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re: ( title of show ) SpeakEasy Boston , January
 Dec 15 2009, 11:07:44 AM

(From left to right) Joe Lanza (Hunter), Amy Barker (Heidi), Jordan Ahnquist (Jeff), and Val Sullivan (Susan).

re: ( title of show ) SpeakEasy Boston , January
 Dec 9 2009, 02:52:55 PM
Jordan Ahquist - Jeff
Joe Lanza – Hunter
Amy Barker – Heidi
Val Sullivan – Susan
Will McGarrahan – Larry

Hunter Bell and Jeff Bowen are planning on seeing the show at some point as well.
I'll post the specifics when I have more info.

Very excited to see this...

re: Sarah in Ragtime
 Aug 7 2009, 10:18:25 AM
Stephanie Umoh would be fantastic. She played the role at New Rep in Boston a number of years ago and was excellent. She was a student at the time, and she's only gotten better since then. This would be the perfect 'break out' performance for her.
this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
 Sep 26 2008, 01:48:36 PM
The deadline to send in your picture was last night at midnight. I would imagine that if some people missed that deadline, those words would be re-assigned to the people who didn't get them in the first round. :)
Good Luck!!

re: 'I'm Paul' - The Official Thread of Cast Album Idiosyncracies
 Aug 29 2008, 03:33:17 PM
During 'All I Need Is The Girl' on the Tyne Daly recording of Gypsy (I'm pretty sure it's that one) you can hear someone in the background coughing. It happens more than once.

I've seen this one mentioned before in similar threads, but it always makes me laugh. On the OBCR of 'Annie' during 'I Don't Need Anything But You' - Daddy Warbucks comes in singing with Annie, when he's not supposed to. They fixed it on the re-mastered version, but it's clear as a bell on the original.

this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
 Aug 25 2008, 12:04:18 PM
Hey everyone!!

I made the trek from Boston to NYC on Saturday to catch the matinee and I LOVED it. It was everything I'd hoped it would be - and a whole lot more.
Not only was the show great, but they were by far the nicest group of people afterwards. They were thanking ME for driving down to see the show....I was like "Really?! I would have WALKED to see it."
It was so worth the trip and money spent on everything...I need to make plans for another trip I think!!!

this thread is SO [title of show] cuz it [you know what] ROCKS!!!
 Aug 18 2008, 01:41:38 PM
Hey [tos]sers...I was surprised with tickets to see [tos] the other night!! I'll be making the trip down to see the show this Saturday afternoon.

I just thought I'd tell some people who might care. :)

Godspell 2008
 May 23 2008, 01:19:02 PM
Other than anouncing Gavin Creel as Jesus, has any other casting been announced?
I've searched and searched, but can't find and news.


this thread is SO [title of show] & [more than 9 [tos]sers' favorite thing]
 May 2 2008, 01:49:45 PM
Wow...cramazing pictures.

Are any of you [tos] patch winners? I am.

Time to get ironin'

re: Has Jason Mills left the Phantom tour already?
 Feb 21 2008, 11:55:00 AM
It's about time they let Steve take over....VERY well deserved. :)
Whistle Down the Wind TOUR to close on 2/17 in VA.
 Feb 1 2008, 10:55:05 AM
I saw the show last night and I'm not sure I agree with the people who say that the problems are with the believability of the main story line. I don't think that's the issue. I think that aspect was handled well. Sure, you kind of have to 'go with it' - but it's not THAT unbelievable given their situation...and I think it's handled well within the show.
The issues I had with the show were with the direction. I thought that overall, the staging was horrible and good LORD some of those lyric

re: Questions on Chess (the musical) playing on Turtle Lane Playhouse.
 Jan 31 2008, 02:09:35 PM
J -

First of all, the show is in Auburndale - which is a part of Newton - so it's not that far from Boston. :)
For the price, I'd definitely go. It's a very small theatre, but they tend to do great work. Aside from that, they have a bar right off the lobby!
I know the guy playing Freddie and I've seen him do the part before. He's a great singer and I thought he was excellent the last time I saw him do it.
I'm sure you'll get your $12.50 worth.

- Stanley

re: Great American Trailor Park musical tour
 Jan 10 2008, 03:14:57 PM
I haven't seen it - but based on the recording (which is GREAT and has an outstanding cast to match), it sounds like it would be quite fun.
The tour kicks off tonight, so I would keep my eye out for some reviews fairly soon.

re: Great American Trailor Park musical tour
 Jan 10 2008, 03:00:51 PM
Wow I'm glad I came across this...I had no idea it was touring. I missed it in NY but I love the recording and would love to see a production. Unfortunately, the closest it comes to me is CT...maybe I'll take a little trip?!? Lord knows if anyone around here will produce it anytime soon!

re: Sebastian Arcelus to Succeed Daniel Reichard in Jersey Boys
 Dec 12 2007, 02:48:00 PM
I know it was mentioned briefly above, but any ideas as to who will be replacing him in 'Wicked'?
re: 'Edwin Drood' ever again?
 Aug 23 2007, 08:51:03 AM
Since there's no Broadway revival planned (yet) - come see it in Boston this fall at SpeakEasy Stage Company!

It's an 'All-Star' Boston cast.

November 16th - December 15th

re: Spelling Bee Tour
 Aug 17 2007, 02:10:04 PM
His blog is exactly what prompted me to go looking for more info on the tour.
Unfortunately, the next logical place to look (their website) was no help at all.

Spelling Bee Tour
 Aug 17 2007, 02:05:20 PM
I noticed that the tour is going back out in a couple of weeks. Is there a cast list somewhere? I looked on the 'official' website, but it doesn't seem to be updated.



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