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Member Name: Eponine
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The Rush Report
 Jan 5 2013, 12:43:31 PM
do they check both people for student ids if you buy two rush tickets?
re: The Bacchae....Anyone?
 Aug 19 2009, 04:52:53 PM
So I watched it last night and I liked it a lot.

We got to the standby line by 5 ish and there were only a couple of people in front of us. However, we didn't get our tickets until 7:50.

Enjoyed the story, the chorus, and the sexy beast that is Jonathan Groff with his Adam Lambert jacket can do no wrong. I thought he was wonderful as Dionysus.

re: The Bacchae....Anyone?
 Aug 16 2009, 07:13:11 PM

I'm seeing it with a classics major who's really into Greek stuff so maybe she'll have some insight for me!

re: The Bacchae....Anyone?
 Aug 16 2009, 06:08:07 PM
I'm planning on seeing it on Tuesday. How has the stand-by line been doing?

Also, since it's 90 minutes, it'll all be over by 10, I'm assuming?

re: Shakespeare in the Park Lines
 Jul 9 2009, 05:16:18 PM
Ugh I'm in line right now too and according to the line guy probably won't get a ticket
re: Spring Awakening Rush
 Dec 28 2008, 02:15:48 PM
soo...yeah...going to bump this again. Has no one done this recently?
re: Spring Awakening Rush
 Dec 27 2008, 12:12:12 AM
Yeah there should be one at 8 this Monday. People think 8:30 or 9:00 AM is good?
re: Spring Awakening Rush
 Dec 26 2008, 03:09:12 PM
I want to try on Monday...anyone do it recently?
 Aug 25 2008, 12:29:06 PM
okay, random question. Did anyone think that James Barbour was channeling Captain Jack Sparrow during his drunk Sydney scenes?
a tale of around and around and around we go
 Aug 24 2008, 03:09:08 PM
I saw it on Saturday and agree with what lots of people have to say. The first act seems so long (the grave robbing song? WTF?), and the scenes with the angry peasants talking about revolutions are recycled from Les Mis and Scarlet Pimpernel (even down to the "stars" references). The second half blew the first half out of the water. James Barbour steals the show, as evidenced by the applause he receives at the end from the crying audience.

Tiny things that bothered me:
- the gi

re: The Official HAIR Revival Love Thread!
 Aug 21 2008, 04:40:59 PM
I did cancellation on Friday. It was rainy as hell. We got in line at 4:30 and were fifth in line. There were probably were 35-40 people there tops. Lots of them left the line because of the unrelenting rain.
re: A Tale of Two Cities Rush?
 Aug 19 2008, 04:04:28 PM
that's sad.
re: The Official HAIR Revival Love Thread!
 Aug 18 2008, 08:31:34 PM
I saw it on Friday and liked it a lot. Some ad-libbing because of the 45 minute wait for the show to start.

We also had a blooper. During Berger's first song the loincloth thing fell off and and he just went with it. Then when he sat down again he tried to awkwardly tie it back on. That was a blooper, right?

re: The Official HAIR Revival Love Thread!
 Aug 14 2008, 02:48:31 PM
Thanks! And where exactly does the cancellation line start?

The thought of spending another half day sitting on the ground in the park answering stupid tourists' questions about what the hell we're waiting in line for does not appeal to me at all!

re: The Official HAIR Revival Love Thread!
 Aug 14 2008, 02:32:16 PM
Can someone help me? I can't find any info online about the cancellation line. What time does it start? and how early should I get there if I want to go tomorrow? And with more people (probably 4).
re: Young Frankenstein last night
 Feb 9 2008, 08:24:39 PM
I also saw the show last night for the first time. I felt like it almost hit the hilarious mark but fell a little short.

Everyone was wonderful but I absolutely was blown away by Andrea Martin. She was so funny. Her delivery and her acting were amazing.

I also noticed that half his mustache fell off. Two songs later, it was back on.

Other things: Sutton and Roger both laughed when she says "I only laughed once."

And I was in the front row (yay lotto

re: Broadway star sightings!
 Feb 5 2008, 09:17:33 PM
sutton foster hailing a cab on 45th and 8th...
re: Les Miserables Tix $500+?
 Jan 1 2008, 11:24:29 AM
can anyone tell me les mis has been on the tkts boards recently? I have friends who want to see it today or tomorrow.
re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
 May 25 2007, 02:19:01 PM
I should also add that I used to watch Smallville religiously, so it was kind of creepy watching Lionel Luthor sing and dance.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall the erection bit from last night's show. Was it removed?

re: Drowsy Chaperone - Won the Lottery and thoughts
 May 25 2007, 02:03:57 PM
I did the lottery last night. It was my second time seeing the show and my second man in chair. While I'm sure John Glover is a wonderful dramatic actor, it was painful hearing his jokes fall flat because of his strained delivery. He's just too...great of a presence to be the pathetic man in chair. I love the show, but not the recent replacements. I felt that Worley was *not* a good Mrs. Tottendale. She completely changes the character.
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