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Profile for EyEs In The SpotLight

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Member Name: EyEs In The SpotLight
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Gender: Female
Profile: Sing for No Tomorrow...

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Audition song
 Aug 24 2005, 02:59:14 AM
Lets fall in love by Cole Porter

Bad idea?

I love the song but not sure it could fly in an audition setting

Wedding Vows
 Oct 18 2004, 12:38:26 PM
Good Morning Family!
Still no Computer

Thank God for School!

A boy I did shows with when I was a Sophmore, Died on Saturday.
It just make me think.

Thats the article. Theatre brings people together for life, and I believe God took him from us so Ben could perform for God and Make him laugh like he did for all of us.

re: WICKED Green Makeup HURRY!!!
 Oct 14 2004, 02:15:35 PM
LOL Matt_G.. you crack me up.... Made my day!
New SN
 Oct 13 2004, 12:39:34 PM
Morning Family!

I move in 2 days to a new house and so my computer is going to be gone for at least a week!

MoG and 2Day... Every time I look at your guys pictures of the 2 of you.. I think "they are so Beautiful".

Fake B/F so you were Chillin in China Huh?!?!? You have to tell me all about it!

Ok so a silly college question but I trust you guys a ton and know you would let me go somewhere awful!

I'm looking at... Itacha in NY, U of Arts in Philly, Ro

 Oct 10 2004, 02:05:55 AM
OMG she is ALIVE

Yes I am!

Been busy with work and School... no time to play..
makes me sad....

How is the family... Wizard where did You go?
SO wait has Bare re-opened yet...I wont be able to see it for a long while *Tear*

Love and Miss you all!

B.A.R.E.... THIS!
 Sep 28 2004, 09:24:47 PM
Hey loves!

I've been so busy with everything!

Have missed you guys like crazy!

How is everyone? tell me whats new!

Bare relations
 Sep 23 2004, 10:38:07 PM
Ani difranco will be at the MSU auditorium this wednesday with Margaret Cho. Just to let you know lol you message reminded me of this.

I LOVE ANI DIFRANCO AND MARGARET CHO! I member as a little girl listening to margaret cho and her talking about here karokae tapes and how in the back of the music you can her mom screaming... still makes me giggle to this day!

So yesterday I was listening to one of my friends ipods and it was on random... and the next thing you know 91

Bare relations
 Sep 21 2004, 08:46:17 PM
Not in a posting mood... not in a any mood...

I got Sister of the nuns... I've been pretty upset.
The reason being... I know I'm a better actress than some of the girls who made bigger parts... just really upset... but hey thats life right!

Bare relations
 Sep 21 2004, 12:06:13 PM



Bare relations
 Sep 20 2004, 08:18:18 PM
i live in Lee's's right by kansas city...where do you live in kansas? yay!!! i don't feel alone being a bare fan in the middle of the US anymore! that was a weird sentence...ugh..i'll shut up...

I live in Olathe.. about an hour and maybe a 1/2 away from you!

Everyones getting sick...I'm sorry.. but please stay away from me I can't get sick! But I can ship a can of chicken noodle soup!

Auditions today.. didnt go so well. but its ok Hopefully I'll get

Bare relations
 Sep 20 2004, 12:37:47 PM
..and me and Dean haven't talked for a while since he's been in LA most of the time and i live in Missouri)

Where in MO .. I live in Kansas!

Forget the soup! Ill give you lovin ANYTIME! Well, when you feel better because otherwise...EW! :)

WDIN.. your so "thoughtful"!

Audtitions today.. really nervous.. Don't have my song 100%

I'll post later and let you know whether I made call-backs or not.

Now if you excuse me.. I'm going

Few more notes on 'bare facts'
 Sep 18 2004, 10:59:06 AM
O Fake B/F have a wonderful time!

My Senior Homecoming dance is tonight! We lost the game last night... SURPRISE SURPRISE....

I have auditions on monday for The Sound of Music... singing Love Look away from The Flower Drum Song. A little nervous cause my voice is sucking!

Just been so busy all around! Miss you guys!

I'm glad everyone is ok after that scare... kinda glad I wasn't around didn't want you guys to have to talk me off a window ceiling.


re: Help me decide!
 Sep 15 2004, 02:44:09 PM
HEDWIG! and The Wild Party... Assassins kind of was upsetting. I didn't think it was as good as people made it out to be
Few more notes on 'bare facts'
 Sep 15 2004, 02:41:18 PM
Morning all!

-Ooooh, ok! I always wanted a fake boyfriend. I'm a complete romantic, too. We'll go on evening walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, picnics in the park, and throw little wine-&-cheese parties! -

Your going to love him more than me?

-where's my fake boyfriend or girlfriend????? oh thats right i don't even have that's sad....i don't have a real or a fake...i am a loser! :) LOL -

And I thought we talked about you being my Fake b/f as

re: Other actors on the board?
 Sep 15 2004, 02:37:02 PM
I am still in high school ( my senior year) but I also do theatre every chance I can. I am going to be going to college next fall to get my BFA in Musical Theatre. My mom thinks I should look at maybe auditioning at disneyland or World or even a cruise ship as a character. I also thought it would be so much fun. So I would like to know about it! I have a knack for kids and I love to perform more than anything in the world!

Lemme know! Have a wonderful day!

Few more notes on 'bare facts'
 Sep 13 2004, 01:23:47 PM
Chasing you is sucha game of hide in seek, Fly with me, Fly with me-One

SO I am in a real life triangle just like Peter, Jason, and Ivy.
Well There is is a bit of difference.

So yesterday I talked to a guy the I have been dating/want to date for a while but he has pushed me away. So i confronted him about it and he told me that he couldn't date me because I remind him so much of his past (ex g/f) who was killed in a car wreck while on her way to see him. I realize that it h

B.A.R.E 3000: a love odyssey
 Sep 12 2004, 11:59:32 PM
I just got off work... I now have a job on top of everything else... so basically that means I barely get to be with you guys... *Tear*

Post back and let me know how everyone is!

Love much!

B.A.R.E 3000: a love odyssey
 Sep 11 2004, 12:53:09 AM
Had a Pretty Terrible night... Anyone know one song from BARE that will really cheer me up. I've been listening to One and You and I...

But I need to laugh.. Let me know...
Love all!

 Sep 9 2004, 09:55:15 PM

So thats a synopsis of the show that someone wrote out... which is amazing!

I just read it and cried again. It's just so beautiful how we as humans can love so much.

*Tears begin again*

 Sep 9 2004, 06:09:10 PM
Today was amazing... Why because I got 3 people addicted to BARE... My theatre teacher and 2 of my guy friends!

To bad I can't go see it... Maybe one day right?

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