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Member Name: Pasdechat
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CATS Film Adaptation Thread
 Jul 21 2019, 06:52:54 AM

MikeInTheDistrict said: "I don't know what explanation that would be. Are they aliens? Mutants? Is this a cult of cat-obsessed humans who dress up as casts and sacrifice one member every year?) But, from what I can tell, these are supposed to be actual cats. I'm guessing The Little Mermaid will either cut the animals or make them look realistic, ala Favreau's recent version of The Jungle Book, which combined a human actor and animal characters. "


CATS Film Adaptation Thread
 Jul 19 2019, 10:10:34 AM
When the Polyjuice Potion in Harry Potter only works halfway... The furry human bodies supposed to look like naked cats creep me out. Especially when they did the high leg-kicking dance moves I was afraid of what I might see.
Phantom of the Opera - M. Levèvre
 Nov 10 2016, 08:58:23 AM

Recently listend to the Royal Albert Hall version, an when M. Lefèvre is leaving the opera for retirement, he is announcing "I'll be off... to Frankfurt" - is that the place he is going to in all productions, and if so, why Frankfurt? What connection does that town hold to Paris? If not, what destination is he taking and why?

Show tunes or lines that describe the election
 Nov 9 2016, 03:03:04 PM

"What the fu*k" 

"senT in the clown"

"last night of the world" (OK let's hope not)

Show tunes or lines that describe the election
 Nov 9 2016, 03:02:59 PM

"What the fu*k" 

"senT in the clown"

"last night of the world" (OK let's hope not)

Schönberg/ Boublil oeuvre
 Aug 20 2016, 04:10:57 AM

With Miss Saigon coming back to Broadway and the Regent Les Mis revival, I got a fresh appreciation for the Schoenberg/ Boublil collaborations and wondered why apart from these two shows I don't really know anything else by them. Is it really only Pirate Queen and Martin Guerre? If so, does anyone have any insights on why they haven't been more "productive"? 



CATS revival scenic design vs Original Broadway Scenic design
 Jul 22 2016, 03:47:08 PM

EvanK said: "Those photos are great but I do not understand how it worked... Did the seats and stage rotate? Where was the set and the four rows that rotated at pre show? I can't picture how it worked or where everything was at start of show. 



From how I remember it (more than 20 years ago), the rotation wasn't anywhere close to a full circle, more like maybe from 8 o'clock to 6 o'clock max (if that makes sense). Teher

Cats Previews
 Jul 22 2016, 03:25:14 PM

CATS was my first musical and I am will love it always for many reasons. From what's been posted so far, I am thrilled the revival seems to be great. It's so important for this show to have a great cast with super energy, which I think sometimes lacked in the past (tours, now and again in its  Broadway run), resulting in a "meh" theatre experience. If the cast and energy is up, this show can be so much fun. 

for those who've seen the revival, other

How Much Do Broadway STARS Make A Week?
 Apr 26 2016, 02:41:34 AM

Call_me_jorge said: "I asked this somewhere else, but this thread is getting more traction. I was wondering how much the star of a west end show would be making compared to the Broadway counterpart. Are the elphabas making the same amount or is it less in the west end since their equity minimum is also less? 



Don't know about Westend salaries, but I'm assuming salaries on Broadway will be (significantly?) higher.  Compare

Why does Lin Manuel Miranda star in his own work?
 Feb 23 2016, 09:51:27 AM

I haven't seen Hamilton (nor In the Heights) live yet but from what you can see/ read/ hear online I am full of respect and admiration for his work as a composer/ creator. Maybe a stupid question, but why does he star in the shows himself? Is he that good of an actor also?


Contracts An American in Paris
 Feb 4 2016, 05:15:57 AM

Any insights about duration of current lead contracts?

Roles they were born to play...but haven't!
 Dec 15 2015, 01:45:33 PM

I have wondered if Michael Cerveris could do a good Phantom. His singing is kind of inconsistent to me, but he shaped up a lot over the years. Actingwise I think he could do a super job.

Judy Kuhn in Elisabeth. Well, Judy Kuhn in anything, really.

I've never understood the part where . . .
 Oct 19 2015, 12:32:17 PM

moviedude, I understood Morales like you did, being sort of shocked with herself for not feeling anything.

In Miss Saigon, I don't get the line "at night everything that's not him [Chris] disappears behind my door", sung by Kim in "Please". Through context, is she referring to men who come to her (being a "bar girl")? Also later after finding out about Chris being married, she sings to the Engineer "in all his [Chris'?] dreams he saw our baby, and he's teaching him to fly paper dragons

Songs that get stuck in your head
 Aug 17 2015, 01:44:35 PM

"I read somewhere that there's a new word for songs that get stuck in people's heads: earworms. (I hate to think why -- I've always suspected that the term comes from those gross things in the Star Trek movies that crawl into people's ears and take over.)  



Regarding "earworm": that's the literal translation of a German word which has always described this exact phenomenon. How cool it is being used in E

Judy Kuhn
 Aug 17 2015, 01:35:41 PM

I adore Judy Kuhn's voice and can't get tired of any of her recordings. I first discovered her through Chess and love her rich belt and chest voice qualities in it. Then her Betty in Sunset Blvd and I was amazed how different her singing is there and how much younger she sounds. I always thought she was an alto/ mezzo singer and when I then listened to her Cosette in Les Mis I completely fell in love with her voice all over again. She is so versatile and sings through the ra

Best Actor in a Musical
 May 21 2015, 06:39:31 AM

I hope he's wrong with Fairchild winning over Cerveris. Yes, the dream ballet sequence etc. of AAIP are remarkable, but then it is "only" that: really really good dancing. Fairchild's singing and acting are very good for a non-singer and non-actor. I really enjoyed his performance, he entertained me well and I was in awe that he has so much talent beyond ballet. But award-wise, I don't find this to be enough to be deserving. The role isn't that complex.

Cerveris' role on the other

Best Actor in a Musical
 May 19 2015, 06:55:04 AM

I think it's between Fairchild and Cerveris, and right now feel Fairchild is one step ahead. As others mentioned, he seems to be everywhere and he has the momentum of the charming-American-wins-it-all right now. I loved his performance in AAIP, but I would rather not have him win this award. I mean come on, he's a NYCP principal landing his first Broadway (lead!) role who suddenly can sing and act out of nowhere, has Hollywood-good-looks, a equally talented and beautiful wife and by Social Media standards (I know...) leads a tooth-achingly sweet life - and now he should also win a Tony over those Broadway veterans? Please universe, some justice, balance this out wink

And if he won, the reasons leading him to win should also make Leanne Cope win (and I think she deserves it for her performane) but interestingly enough, in the female category I think no one really gives AAIP a chance above the Broadway all-stars.

 Mar 18 2015, 03:53:36 AM
OK, I was one if thise raving after the Paris preview and kind of question my taste now after these several negative reviews... Maybe I have to blame Paris fpr infusing my senses (it was sizzeling that day...) it's hard to find any fault when being surrounded by such beauty. Seriously though, several reviews of the Paris run already questionned whether the show could succeed in NYC. For one, the supply of shows is of course ubiquious compared to Continental Europe, where simply nothing new reall
An American in Paris first performance
 Dec 24 2014, 04:07:09 AM
Act I:
Love is here to stay (ensemble)
Concerto in F for piano and orchestra (dance number)
I got rhythm (Henri, Adam, Jerry and ensemble)
Second prelude for piano
Beginner's luck (Jerry)
The man I love (Lise)
'S wonderful (Adam, Henri, Jerry and ensemble)
Soon (Milo)
Second rhapsody for piano and orchestra (dance)

Act II
Fidgety feet (Jerry, Adam and ensemble)
Who cares (Milo, Adam and Henri)
For you, for me, for evermore (Lise, Henri, Je

An American in Paris first performance
 Dec 17 2014, 06:27:57 AM
So I am a little bit behind but got to see the show last Friday and absoluetly adored it, too! What a delight. I am reparing the praise of previous posters but just have to do it as it was so beautiful.
The set - so simple but effectful and elegant. Love how they found this approach as opposed to building mega-musical flashlight scenery. I really felt like the kids of Mary Poppins when stepping into the paintings!

The cast - pure delight, leads as well as ensemble. When Robert Fair

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