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IWicked: mexican production
 Jun 13 2014, 12:35:51 PM
How was Majo?

I read somewhere that this was actually the first time Danna watched the musical.

I bet the whole thing was ubber fantastic! Would have loved to be there!

IWicked: mexican production
 Jun 7 2014, 07:04:00 PM
For all the people talking about Danna and her Hollywood debut. This won't happen until the end of Wicked's season in Mexico. So that means she won't start filming until next summer according with a recent interview.
IWicked: mexican production
 Jun 6 2014, 12:52:50 PM
Last week I was talking with one of the cast members of Wicked and he told me that as far as they know, Wicked is supposed to be closing during Semana Santa (Passover, Spring Break) 2015. But they seem to be rushing the whole Lion King Situation! Auditions are already in 2 weeks!
IWicked: mexican production
 Jun 2 2014, 03:54:12 PM
You are actually right, there is no understudy and that is why Cristanta came in. It´s just that she doesn´t have that title as the production is giving her actual performances unlike Liesl Lar.

Anyways!!! A member of the production just posted this video on youtube. It is so much fun and you can actually see the company during reharsals.

IWicked: mexican production
 May 29 2014, 01:00:14 AM
Well yeah, she has stated that she will be coming back and forth when filming begin. At that time Elphaba's understudies will start to perform as well. And let's remember that actually, a couple of months ago Danna was traveling back and forth between USA and Mexico promoting Wicked México in the USA and checking up some issues with the new movie coming up. At that time her number of performances per week decreased as well.
IWicked: mexican production
 May 29 2014, 12:41:10 AM
Blaxx; The answer would be just two. Majo Pérez and now Crisanta Gómez. Majo Pérez as of now, plays only 1 show a week as Glinda. She is currently performing in 3 musicals at once.
IWicked: mexican production
 May 29 2014, 12:32:51 AM
Liesl Lar didn´t actually leave. She just took a break for filming her TV show in Argentina for a couple of months. She will be back in the cast as soon as she is done filming. And as far as I know, Crisanta Gomez is not an understudy. She is a guest star and stand by for Glinda. She will be having shows once a week once she is done reharsing and that will keep on until Liesl is back. And as for Danna, there will be no new Elphies. Juast Ana and Danna till the end. HAHAHA. Also, a close source f
IWicked: mexican production
 Apr 2 2014, 03:47:47 AM
You are right! It is TWWOTE!!! haha

Agreed!!! Marisol is fantastic!!!! As I told you, I wento on sunday to see Wicked for the forth time and I was supposed to be watching it with Danna Paola and Cecilia de la Cueva but there was a last minute change and I got Majo Pérez instead. MIND BLOWN! Majo is absolutely fantastic!!!! Yes, Cecilia fits more with Glinda's personality but Majo's voice and acting is just perfect!!! Loved her!!! And I actually got a chance to meet her after the show. S

Wicked: mexican production
 Mar 29 2014, 07:18:47 AM
Hello there, sorry for joining the conversation realy late. Unfortunately I just decided to join Let me tell you that I have seen Wicked 3 times and tomorrow it will be my fourth!!! I absolutely LOVE it!!!! The company is great and I agree with some of the comments here. Ana´s NGD is better but overall Danna is the best Elphaba. Unfortunately I have yet to see Majo but Cecilia is stunning!!! She is the show´s heart!

Now let me clarify a few thigs,

I actually do know why the original wizard left. SCANDAL!!! HAHA, During previews I actually met Paco Morales (The actual wizard) because he worked previously on the Mexican Production of Peter Pan with a friend of mine and while they where talking Paco said that Montesoro "left" the company because he couldn´t go with the pace. Apparently he kept on screwing up his lines and the producers didn´t like it, so they decided to call Paco Morales instead whith whom they had already worked with.

About the rotating roles all I know none of them are leaving any time soon. Israel (a company´s member) left about a month ago due to injury. He recently was opperated. Julios (another company´s member) has been absent but it is because he is gonne touring as a dancer with the Mexican singer Yuri, however he will be going back to his role on Wicked really soon. As far as I know only Boq´s and Nessa´s understudies (Sebastian Treviño and Estebaliz Ruiz) have already had their debut. Fiyero´s, Elphaba´s, Glinda´s, Morrible´s and the Wizard´s have yet to go up however they all had had their put-in already.

Third and LAST one, about the CD. The recordings you mention where not for the CD. It was actually for the Live streaming TV Special on "Primero Noticias" where they announced that Wicked would now play on wednesdays as well. As it was a live stream they could only have Glinda and Elphaba singing live due to technical dificulties. Here is the video:

Ohhh and BTW, I think Nessa, Boq and Morrible deserve much more attention that the one they are getting... The 3 of them are FANTASTIC actors and singers!!! Love the spanish version of TWWOTW, one of my fave of this cast.

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