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Member Name: BobbyBubbi
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Michael Jackson documentary
 Mar 7 2019, 03:58:50 AM

TheQuibbler said: 
This was something I kept thinking about while I watched the documentary, too. I have to wonder if society didn’t take these things seriously because the issues were turned into a joke. It reminded me of a similar sentiment from Hannah Gadsby’sNannette,and while the topic is different, I think it’s applicable here, too:

“Do you know who used to be an easy punch line? Monica Lewinsky.Maybe, if comedians had done their

Michael Jackson documentary
 Mar 6 2019, 06:34:39 AM

Watched the documentary. I don't think I'll able to separate the man from the music ever again. This is coming from someone who saw Michael Jackson’s ONE by Cirque du Soleil twice (it really is the best show in Vegas right now). The only way I would ever see Janet (admittedly, I’m a much bigger fan of hers than of her brother) in Vegas is if she made some kind of statement.

I applaud HBO for airing it, along with the Oprah interview, even in the face of a lawsuit (watch it before it gets pulled folks!). As a child of the 90s, I grew up listening to his music, I remember seeing Captain EO at Epcot (Anjelica Huston scared the SH!T outta me), and I remember the early allegations on TV. As ColorTheHours048 pointed out, when the details about Michael Jackson’s personal life started to emerge, it creeped me out. Even then as a kid, I remember thinking “this is someone with a lot of money and power, who got away with doing very bad things.”

It’s interesting to look at the paradox that developed in the media after the trial. Shows like SNL, MADtv, and South Park (brace yourself, some of these are pretty disgusting to watch after viewing Leaving Neverland) were “poking fun” at the sexual predatory violence towards children, and somehow Jackson’s “open secret” had become something socially acceptable enough to laugh at. What does this say about us as a society?

I hope the maniacal die-hard Michael Jackson fans can watch Leaving Neverland, and get a wake up call. It’s a well made documentary that examines all aspects of a very complicated issue. I’m still struggling to understand Wade Robson and Jimmy Safechuck’s parents and how they could be so blind to Jackson’s behavior, but as they explained in the Oprah interview, it was apart of a “grooming” process. I’m glad this documentary is bringing more awareness to the issue, particularly for men and boys and how we talk about predators, victims and healing.

Further viewing (for those interested): Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

Auditioning: An Unfair Standard?
 Aug 20 2017, 06:12:26 PM

Sondheimite said: "The theatre world is not for you, Soaring29.  At least not as a job.  




At least not in the acting realm. 

 As an actor, you have absolutely no power. That’s just a given you either accept or you don’t. 

Casting agents, directors, choreographers, etc, have absolute power.

Again, either you accept that or you don’t. 


GYPSY 1989 revival
 Aug 8 2017, 08:25:10 PM

^ well at least it wasn't all for nothing. Now that you mention that, I do remember seeing/reading that somewhere. 

If anyone knows if any footage that exists on youtube of Crista Moore's Louise, I'd be very interested to see it. 

Arthur Laurents (usually quite the curmudgeon when reminiscing about Gypsy) called her "incandescent" in one of his books, so I'd love to see/read more about her performance. 

GYPSY 1989 revival
 Aug 8 2017, 08:00:13 PM

DAME said: "I couldn't sit thru even the first clip.  Too painful.  I am sure she would rather forget all this.  But I wonder if she has ever talked about it? 



To my knowledge, she's never openly discussed it.

I can't think of anyone who has been more ripped to shreds than Lavin was for Gypsy. As Morosco pointed out, Frank Rich called her "a scrappy, pugnacious terrier snapping at

GYPSY 1989 revival
 Aug 8 2017, 01:12:51 AM

Here are some youtube links to Lavin's performance in the show- Rose's Turn Everything's Coming Up Roses Some People from a Julie Styne TV Special 

As a big fan of the show, 'Lavin-gate' has always piqued my interest. I never thought I would be able to gage, for myself, what her performance was like. Well, for better or worse, god bless youtube. All I can say is that it must have been ....quite an interesting evening at the theatre. 


A union actor directing non union shows?
 May 26 2017, 02:29:49 PM

Fair enough. Being in AEA, I was under the impression I couldn't work on non union shows in any capacity.

If this person is directing I guess I should start, too. 


A union actor directing non union shows?
 May 26 2017, 02:18:39 PM


an actor who is an active member of the Actors Equity Association in my community has been directing non union, community theatre in my area. 

Is this legit? I feel like theres some moral union gray area here. 

Admittedly, yes, I'm bitter. I've busted my ass to get in the union and I feel like this person is double dipping. 


ABC hops onboard: Network will present 3-hour DIRTY DANCING event; Abigail Breslin to star
 May 25 2017, 02:25:48 PM

I agree, Abigail Breslin was the best thing about Scream Queens (a show recently cancelled after a dreadful sophomore season). 

However, she was severely miscast here. I'm not body shaming but for this remake (and it IS a remake so I'm taking them to task here)  probably would have been a good idea to go with someone who is a BIT more of a dancer (Jennifer Grey WAS a dancer) and find a Johnny who could actially act AND move his hips! Its called Dir

ABC hops onboard: Network will present 3-hour DIRTY DANCING event; Abigail Breslin to star
 May 25 2017, 01:12:26 AM

Abigail Breslin is serving me Jaymes Mansfield realness with those stubby legs. Oh girl. You should have said no. 

Watching this Colt Prattles guy try and act is like watching paint dry. 

I had the time of my life... watching Katy Sagal sing fever while Debra Messing got wet. 



re: Worst Revival Ever
 May 14 2017, 01:25:22 AM

In my theatre going experience, two stand out- 

Sunday in the Park with George (the 2008 London transfer), the projection technology, while striking at first, felt like a gimmick. Call me old fashioned, but I actually like seeing the hand made set pieces (the trees from the painting, soldier, etc.) fly in and out. That's what makes the original so magical. The leads were also terribly under-whelming.  

Ragtime (the 2009 r

Worst 'Best Musical'
 Jun 10 2016, 03:56:03 PM

Contact. No question. 

Laura Linney and Cynthia Nixon alternating in LITTLE FOXES
 Jun 9 2016, 03:09:21 AM

QueenAlice said: "Laura Linney attempted Marquise de Merteuil in LES LIAISONS.... a few years ago - a role with the steely resolve of Regina- and most thought she was rather miscast in that production. Linney just doesn't project regal aristocracy (Regina you could say is Southern aristocracy).  Come to think of it - you know who would be a great Regina is Janet McTeer who is of course coming to Broadway as Marquise de Merteuil  next season

What Disney Movie is Next in Line for Broadway?
 Apr 28 2016, 10:44:39 PM

Jordan Catalano said: "I hope it's AIR BUD starring Kristin Chenoweth.



Oh. I smell a Tony. 

What Disney Movie is Next in Line for Broadway?
 Apr 28 2016, 07:40:34 PM

The Apple Dumpling Gang with Charlie Sheen

HAIRSPRAY is next NBC Musical...
 Feb 19 2016, 04:12:24 PM

^ and doing it brilliantly, IMO. He's the best thing about that show. 

John Goodman would be an inspired choice for Edna. 

I think James Corden could do it too. 

Emily Blunt in talks to play Mary Poppins in Shaiman-Wittman composed film
 Feb 18 2016, 07:28:09 PM

Rob Marshall though . . . 


Cats allegedly headed for big screen
 Feb 9 2016, 06:42:58 PM

Kad, thanks for posting. I remember when that was brought up in the 'off topic section.' Some stunning renderings. 

Am I crazy in thinking Guillermo del Toro could direct this? 

Can Cate Blanchett sing? 

And the 2016 Hollywood Bowl Summer Musical Is...???
 Feb 8 2016, 09:50:27 PM

^ Okay. Not going to lie. That kind of blew my mind. 

Cats allegedly headed for big screen
 Feb 8 2016, 06:22:01 PM

best12bars said: "Cats relies heavily on performances, since there isn't much plot to speak of. While animated characters would open up visual possibilities, it would also rob us of seeing these actors perform. Then again, would film audiences buy theatrical makeup and costumes (and leotards) on human actors who are supposed to be cats? It works (not always) with children's films, such as Wizard of Oz. But then you're turning Cats into a ch

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