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Profile for beyonddizzy31

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Member Name: beyonddizzy31
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Gender: Female
Location: Brooklyn NY
Occupation: actor/singer... barista to pay the bills

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H2$ Darren Criss rush
 Jan 5 2012, 11:47:35 PM
I got there at 7-ish this morning and was one of the first 20 people in line. Albeit it was a weekday, and a COLD one at that, but I don't see any reason to show up earlier than 7.
Darren Criss & Beau Bridges in HOW TO SUCCEED... Thoughts?
 Jan 5 2012, 11:26:48 PM
Wow, its been a while since I've posted here...

I don't know why everyone is being so harsh on Darren Criss. I saw the show tonight and thought he was great. I may be a Gleek but I'm an actor and theater-lover first, and I did my absolute best to not view the show with my Gleek-Goggles on.

I loved his energy, his comedic timing, and everyone else in the show was superb. Except Bridges. Just... make that stop.

Bottom line is this: Darren was brought in to keep ticke

re: EPA sign up ?
 Aug 27 2008, 12:55:40 PM
Sure, my friends and I do that all the time.
re: What happened to the Grease cast tonight?
 Apr 30 2008, 01:47:49 AM
I knew something was up! I work across the street from that theatre and know practically the whole cast, who usually comes into my Sbux for their pre-show jolt of caffeine. I didn't see one cast member tonight, which I thought was bizarre.

Would it have anything to do with the Easter Bonnet competition?

re: Earliest Musical/Theatre Memories
 Apr 8 2008, 02:39:52 AM
I think the first time my parents ever took me to a professional theatre performance, it was of G&S's The Mikado at Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC for us upstaters) when I was about 8. Legend has it I was at the edge of my seat for the first 45 minutes, then fell asleep.

They also took me to see a touring production of Grease while I was in elementary school but I didn't start having those transcendant theatre experiences until I started performing in musicals at school.

re: Godspell Revival?
 Mar 2 2008, 02:44:26 PM
haha my audition went great but I sadly didn't get the job. I'm as excited to see as everyone else though. The show itself seems so dated to me, I'm interested to see how they update it.
re: Godspell Revival?
 Mar 2 2008, 12:00:17 AM
Its definitely legit, I auditioned for it last November.
re: Audition Help. Redundant, I know, but you are all so savvy!
 Feb 22 2008, 07:59:55 PM
I'm with TheEnchantedHunter. Invest the money and find a great coach who can help you build up your rep. They are often also musical directors and/or audition and rehearsal pianists, so they have great insight as to what songs are overdone.

For example, I showed my coach my book and he saw maybe three songs he thought were right. We went through a number of composer anthologies and I ended up walking out of there with eleven new songs to work on.

Good rule of thumb: avoid So

re: Bye MOMMIE Bye! - Revival Of Classic Charles Busch Play Ends Run Jan. 1
 Jan 13 2008, 03:29:49 PM
I'm so glad I saw this show before it closed (I was there on Friday). I hadn't laughed that hard in ages. I went mainly to see Van Hansis ("Nuke" fans, anyone?) but in the process I've fallen madly in love with Charles Busch He's BRILLIANT.
 Jan 10 2008, 10:53:47 PM
Heh. "Raul Esperanza" Raul Hope.

That actually caused me to gigglesnort.

re: What shows should I see this February!? Thanks for your help!
 Jan 10 2008, 10:47:33 PM
George, Foster is probably referring to Roundabout's HipTix program. Here's the website:

 Dec 19 2007, 01:47:52 AM
How on earth do you leave this show with nothing to talk about?

I truly truly hate the word-of-mouth reviews... Except of course for Audrey. I must've rewound that 10 times, I couldn't stop laughing. Who DOES that??

Reading the NYT review makes me wonder if Brantley has stock in this show... I mean, it's great for them, but yeah, defintely inconsistent with the others.

re: Final Bows...
 Dec 16 2007, 12:28:35 AM
I don't mind singing after curtain call, in fact I really love it if its appopriate for the show (like after The Rocky Horror Show's curtain call they sang "Time Warp"... wow, I saw that like 6 years ago... weird)

It's when actors come out and bow "in character" that annoys me, for the same reasons Rockabye pointed out.

lol adam, I always loved her "Oklahoma!" curtain call.

re: So, who's going to a show tonight?
 Dec 1 2007, 02:28:27 AM
They made a BC/FA speech after A Chorus Line on Thurs, which is what I saw to celebrate. Show was amazing, I sat in the front row, center section. Such wonderful energy in the theatre
re: Does anyone have any reviews from first night back perfomrances?
 Nov 30 2007, 12:19:25 PM
I did! As soon as I heard the strike was over (I was at work in midtown) I called friend and told him to buy two tickets to anything for last night. He knew how long I'd been waiting to see ACL (I only recenl moved to NYC) which has to be one of my fave shows of all time, and found 2 cheap tix on TDF. We ended up sitting in the very front row.

Because it was my first time seeing it, I can't tell you if the performance seemed any different, but i can tell you there was a definite ele

re: Weighing in on the run-through of THE HOMECOMING
 Nov 27 2007, 10:54:45 AM
Well, I think the first preview may have felt the same way. Sunday was a very unique experience for the actors as well as the audience, so I can't really generalize. The point of previews as we all know is to get a show that still being tweaked in front of an audience to see what's working, what's not, if jokes are landing, how performances need to be adjusted, etc. I'm just saying that regardless of whether this was a full preview performance or just sort of an invited run through, we shouldn't be checking off our Tony ballots just yet
re: Weighing in on the run-through of THE HOMECOMING
 Nov 26 2007, 11:49:24 PM
I'm not really sure its right just yet to start judging their performances based on last night. As an actor, I know its quite a tricky experience getting the show on its feet in front of an audience for the first time, because live theatre truly is a conversation... and hearing the other side of that conversation for the first time can throw you off a bit. Nerves can send you in all sorts of directions.

I took the night for what it was--a rehearsal. I wasn't expecting a crazy mind-bl

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