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re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on BOEING-BOEING.
 May 26 2008, 10:25:03 PM
I liked it but I didn't love it. The cast was good, but sometimes I thought the material was slow. I never did care for British humour all that much, so it is probably just me. It was a nice day, and fun to people watch in NYC, though. It was cool to meet Steve again, as well as some new people.
re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on SHE LOVES ME at Boston's Huntington.
 May 24 2008, 11:05:40 AM
This show is very good, mostly due to the staging and cast. Brooks Ashmashkis is hilarious as usual. I'm a big fan, I think he is a great comdedic actor. I had seen him twice before, both times as a gay guy, in The Ritz and in Present Laughter (he re-interpreted the role of the male fan as gay). He is always over the top, and makes the audience roar. I was wondering if he could pull it off in a straight role, and he did. All his funny faces and body language made everyone giggle....he is p
re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on 13 (Pre-Broadway Try-Out)
 May 12 2008, 08:24:38 PM
I thought this show was amazing. I really wish them well ! Those kids brought so much youthful energy on stage. I really think they had a good idea to cast teens that were the same age as the characters they were portraying. If you lose a little bit in "polish" you make it up in seeming more realistic. These kids have fantastic voices, and they seem like they are really enjoying it. The show is very light but there is definitely a point the show is trying to make, which is universal, and I
Oh for christssakes...
 Mar 11 2008, 05:13:52 PM
re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on NEXT TO NORMAL (with stage door photos)
 Mar 9 2008, 08:42:44 PM
WAT, thanks, it was also great seeing you again as well ! We had a great time also.
re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Report on NEXT TO NORMAL (with stage door photos)
 Mar 9 2008, 08:40:28 PM
I usually don't post on Jay's threads because we usually discuess right after the show and end up agreeing on how we feel about everything, so I don't want to just second everything he says, but this time I have to say I don't agree on a couple things. First of all I really liked Asa Sommers a lot. I thought he had a great voice and did a great job with the part. I thought all the male voices in this musical were just fantastic. I also really liked the set. I thought it worked really, reall
re: Jaystarr's 10/10 Reports on THE TWO LITTLE DOGS (Boston & Hartford) wit
 Feb 4 2008, 11:01:06 PM
Jay dragged me to Hartford, and I totally would have skipped Boston's if Miguel didn't decide to come along. I loved Diane White in the show, and could not imagine watching anyone else in that role. I really enjoyed both the new performances of the role, though. Boston's Diane was not as brash, but like Jay said I thought the chemistry between the ensemble was good, not one character dominating the show. I did miss Diane White during a couple lines "SEVEN YEAAARS", and "IN A PLAAAAYYYY", but
re: Jaystarr's Photo Diary 8/25 : Brett's B-day at Xanadu and our onstage e
 Aug 27 2007, 09:07:31 PM
Hey, I will try to make a "10/10" list Jay style, about what I liked and did not like about the trip, especially for anyone thinking about making a trip to Xanadu--I think it's well worth it, we all had a great time

Things I liked

1. Onstage seating-I had seen the show in previews from the audience, and I liked the onstage seating WAY better (I don't think Jay felt the same way, he liked it better from the audience). For me, I was on the side, though, so I could mostly see fac

re: Xanadu & Cheyenne Jackson in this month's Advocate Magazine
 Aug 16 2007, 08:22:31 PM

re: The Official 'fANADUs ' love thread to Xanadu the musical on Broadway !
 Aug 10 2007, 03:37:22 PM
^^that's nice to know... I am sure J* will be very happy

re: The Official 'fANADUs ' love thread to Xanadu the musical on Broadway !
 Aug 9 2007, 09:08:39 PM
^ there U R .... a shooting *

re: fANADUs Rejoice!
 Jul 11 2007, 10:02:16 PM
Congratulations, fANADU's ! Jaystarr is so happy these last 2 days. I am so happy for you all, you seem great ! I agree taboo (!) We are up for sitting onstage with you guys, but for us it has to be a Sat or Sun matinee, or Sat evening, since we live in Boston; I like your idea though. Let's hope the show runs for a long it looks like it will ! I only saw it once with Curtis, who I though was so good, but Jay went and saw it again when I was working one day-with Cheyenne and I h
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