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Pik a Tkt Exchange
 Sep 24 2019, 10:37:47 AM

To speak to the question of numbers -- I donated $100 and got 6 winners this year.  In past years, I've gotten 3-4 for the same amount.  One of my 6 winners was The Perfect Crime.  I had two sets of tickets for Frozen, but was able to exchange one set with someone else in person.

Beetlejuice Rush Wed Matinee
 May 27 2019, 09:29:23 PM

My friend rushed on Wed May 15th, arrived around 730 AM and had third row center seats for matinee.

MUSIC MAN at KC Performance Thread
 Feb 7 2019, 10:17:05 PM

I'll be there for the Saturday matinee -- can't wait!  This is one of my all-time favorites.

Selling 1 Kiss Me Kate ticket for Friday Feb 15th
 Feb 7 2019, 10:14:35 PM

I purchased a Show Score social ticket for next Friday, opening weekend of previews, and now I have to attend a work function!

I paid $114 for the ticket, which is listed as "side or rear orchestra"-- sorry, I don't know the exact seat, because Show Score buys a block and gives you the ticket the night of the performance.  I can transfer the ticket to you by sending them an email.  I'm happy to sell this for the price before fees ($99) if anyone is looking t

Best on Broadway/Off Broadway Currently
 Aug 23 2018, 11:54:04 AM

I know it's closing this weekend, but, for me, the Barrow Street Sweeney Todd is one of the best shows I've ever seen Off Broadway!

I think Harry Potter & Cursed Child is the best show on Broadway at the moment.  

Moulin Rouge/Aaron Tveit
 May 5 2018, 10:26:14 PM

Ladybug101 said: "My understanding is that the video was filmed at the King Theater on Flatbush in Brooklyn. Having seen photos of the Emerson Colonial they do resemble each other interiorly."

Thanks for this info!  I'd just assumed it was the Emerson.  Good to hear they have a similar look, though, becaise the theater in the video seems so well suited for the story.

Moulin Rouge/Aaron Tveit
 May 3 2018, 03:57:22 PM

As a person who’s been looking forward to this show and worrying about it living up to my expectations, I was quite happy with the video. I think it showcases the theater very well and it definitely told me that they’re going *all in* with the rose petals, fog machine, snow, etc. aesthetic. Moulin Rouge is not a show for a minimalist production — I’m going to this for the spectacular spectacular.

I also thought Tveit sounded fine (though I’m really looking

Katharine McPhee Broadway Debut
 Apr 11 2018, 09:18:29 AM
I went last night and I thought she did a fantastic job. Her voice sounded amazing and she nailed She Used to Be Mine. Her acting in some places felt a bit subdued to me, but could be a choice to be playing Jenna as a bit more quietly resigned to life than other actresses have played her. But her singing was incredible and the rest of the audience also loved it, as far as I could tell!
CAROUSEL (2018) Previews
 Mar 30 2018, 07:11:40 PM

I saw the show last night, and I think I am echoing a lot of sentiments that have come before.  In my opinion, Carousel is a weird, weird show to begin with, and the cuts made to this production made it even weirder. The highlights for me were Lindsay Mendez & Alexander Gemignani as Carrie and Enoch, although Enoch's characterization just turns baffling without "Stonecutters" and "Geraniums" in Act 2. I also thought  Margaret Colin was very well cast as Mrs. Mullin. Jessie Mueller just seemed wasted in this role -- and Joshua Henry sounded fantastic, but I never really felt his Billy as a character. His "Soliloquy" was amazing, but I was always aware of it as "Joshua Henry is singing his face off" rather than "Billy is having a revelation."  

The dancing was amazing -- biggest applause for the evening went to "Blow High, Blow Low."  I didn't have a problem with the stylized way they presented the "carousel" -- it still felt pretty momentous to me when it was revealed.

The orchestra sounded fantastic, I love the score, there was great singing, great dancing...but the story was a mess, and the acting didn't always live up to the singing/dancing.  Go see this for Carrie & Mr. Snow.

The Lyric Opera's production of this in Chicago a few years back was one of my favorite shows I've seen recently, so I'm sure I was always comparing this production to that one.  Steve Pasquale played Billy with a sort of slickster ease, and his voice was incredible -- his Soliloquy was a masterful show of both character development and vocal performance.  He and Laura Osnes had amazing chemistry, too -- I still go back and watch this video of them every so often! 

 Mar 23 2018, 02:28:47 PM

For LOT666:

Click Here To Toggle Spoiler Content
 Mar 23 2018, 01:26:36 PM

I saw Part 2 on Wednesday night (it was worth the snow!) and it blew me away.  It gets very emotional, and I for one was crying quite a bit in both act 1 and act 2.  Jamie Parker is just amazing as Harry; he has to be pouring all of his physical and emotional energy into this character -- he definitely deserved the Olivier and should be a lock for a Tony nom.

Also really enjoyed & appreciated Paul Thornley's Ron a lot more -- he has a quieter but very necessary su

 Mar 21 2018, 12:37:23 PM

For the dates I'm looking at, most of the available seats are fairly centrally located in rows A, B, and C, or they're further back (e.g., K) and more off to the sides. Are you glad that you were seated so close? I generally prefer to be close (I hate sitting upstairs for shows, always feels too removed for me), but I'm also wary of high stages. This is of particular concern with Cursed Childbecause it's such a long time commitment. Any neck strain? Would you have

 Mar 21 2018, 11:41:05 AM

I saw Part 1 of the show last night, and (snow permitting...fingers crossed) I'll be seeing Part 2 tonight. I did see the show twice in London (Sept 2016 & Jan 2017), but all of my comparisons are against my memory/impressions of the show, so may not be exact.

I felt like the show still had all of the magic that I saw onstage in London -- and that all of the effects were much tighter.  For these shows, I'm in the third row, and even close up the "magic" i

Shakespeare in the Park 2018 season: Othello & Twelfth Night
 Jan 22 2018, 10:38:05 PM

I'm absolutely thrilled that the Twelfth Night musical is returning, and with a longer run! This was one of my favorite shows in 2016 and I've had the songs stuck in my head since then.  Andrew Kober announced on Twitter that he'll be reprising his role as Malvolio, which makes me so happy -- his comedic talent and his voice are perfect for the role.  Looking forward to hearing who else will round out the cast.

 Aug 11 2017, 09:08:54 AM

"Leaf Coneybear said: Were you at the Monday night show? At the stage door there was a man who was seeing it for the 11th time, all the actors knew him, I thought it was really nicE"

It wasn't me on Monday, but sounds like it was JustAnotherNewYorker! I'm so glad that others are repeat offenders to same degree I am -- this show really took me by surprise with how much of an emotional impact it has had on me.  I go back again next

 Aug 10 2017, 02:28:19 PM

As someone who loves GHD enough to have gone over 10 times, I'm thrilled by what national level publicity I've seen as a result of Murray's attendance. Friends from around the country who aren't really into Bway (but know I am, and know I love this show) have been messaging me about Murray's visit because they read/heard about it.  Anything to build buzz around it again is a good thing! It's a hard show to sell from just a snippet/song. I'm glad the news stori

Bad Theater Behavior
 Aug 9 2017, 08:38:50 PM

At Groundhog Day last week, the ladies room attendant was making announcements requesting that people not use their phones in the stalls, as there were a lot of people waiting.  I can't believe anyone would take up valuable intermission-restroom time (always a nightmare line!) checking their phone while on the toilet -- but I guess enough people do this that they need to make an announcement about it!!

Must see shows of Summer 2017?
 Jul 26 2017, 10:26:49 AM

I fall into the "absolutely loved Groundhog Day" camp and highly recommend it.  The show surprised me with its emotional depth (as well as amazing stagework & humor) when I first saw it, and I've been back many times since.  Andy Karl is giving the best performance of his career in my opinion --- it's worth seeing it for him alone. 

Also, I am not confident the show will be open through rest of year, although I hope it will, so that also makes it a

Aspects of Love
 Apr 20 2017, 09:05:42 PM

jo said: "Another memorable tune was  CHANSON D'ENFANCE which was Rose's theme.  I read in the companion book to the musical ( Kurt Ganzel) that it was based on a melody that a nine-year old Andrew Lloyd Webber once composed ( his very first, at such a tender age).

Here's another one -- as featured on the Royal Variety Show : The First Man You Remember 

Thanks so much for posting this!!


Aspects of Love
 Apr 20 2017, 09:02:55 PM

I was completely besotted with this musical as a teenager; at 15, listening to the OCR, I think I was picturing myself as Jenny, not realizing until many years later how creepy the Alex/Jenny relationship was, though I still love her relationship with George.

My family made plans to take me to see the show on Broadway in the spring of 1991 because I was so in love with it, but it closed two or three weeks before our planned visit.  (We ended up seeing Once on This Island instead,

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