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Member Name: SLSigafoos
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Is Bright Star going to close soon?
 Mar 28 2016, 09:09:46 AM

JM226 said: "I was fully behind everyone here who was outraged a few weeks ago that Broadway actors were trying to get these boards shut down, but when I see things like this pop up, it makes me wonder how I'd feel, if I were giving it my all in a brand new show, to see people already predicting said show's demise. 


you cannot have it both ways. you either respect and allow conversation, even that of negative issues, to f

Is Bright Star going to close soon?
 Mar 28 2016, 08:49:31 AM

I'm obviously no theatre expert, not a critic, and living an hour outside of NYC, I only get in on the weekends and clearly don't see as much theatre as some of the people on this board. That being said, I fully echo the statements of those wondering about the purpose of a thread like this. I was fully behind everyone here who was outraged a few weeks ago that Broadway actors were trying to get these boards shut down, but when I see things like this pop up, it makes me wonder how I

Lead actors who are in the ensemble for certain songs
 Mar 24 2016, 02:14:43 PM

For a show that's happening now, Steve Pasquale is, for all intents and purposes, considered the lead in Robber Bridegroom. However, he appears onstage or sings in the ensemble for nearly all other songs except for maybe two of them. 

Bright Star Reviews!
 Mar 24 2016, 11:37:36 AM

haterobics said: "SLSigafoos said: "I honestly think if you're judging the acting and singing (and musicians), then the show deserves raves."


So, if you care about lyrics and the book, this isn't your show?


I was generally reacting to the number of comments in the other thread, about the holes in the book and the complaints about the simplicity of the lyrics. Nothing about the lyrics bothered ME;

Bright Star Reviews!
 Mar 24 2016, 11:30:37 AM

Most critics (not all) don't seem to love these happy-ending, teach-you-something-about-life kind of shows. So no, I wouldn't expect raves, even though I honestly think if you're judging the acting and singing (and musicians), then the show deserves raves. Steve Martin seems to be doing a pretty good job of being a one-man PR team and sharing all of the praise being heaped on him by social media users, and I know I've seen a few people on twitter say they saw the show based of

RTC Hiptix membership problems?
 Mar 24 2016, 11:26:10 AM

sorano916 said: "There was just a lack of tact."

That's probably the best description to all of my dealings with them. I perfectly understand the frustrations of running a business and dealing with the public, particularly when I'm sure that they're always hearing reasons from the public about why they want to switch tickets, or dates, or question their policies. When I had the issue with them of getting a regular seat next to a handicapped one, and was t

RTC Hiptix membership problems?
 Mar 23 2016, 08:53:57 PM

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I guess my ultimate frustration lies in my contact wth them when I was debating becoming a paid member. They really talked it up and made it sound so special. They called me over and over trying to get me to commit to a higher membership level. But really, you can get just as good discounts being a non-paid member and I've never gotten direct notices for any events. Also, RTC still calls me FREQUENTLY asking for more money. Their nu

RTC Hiptix membership problems?
 Mar 23 2016, 06:58:03 PM

neonlightsxo said: ""But the perks they list for the membership include special events that I never get notifications for. Plus with the customer service issues I pointed out, this is what's causing me to rethink my support of RTC. "


Have you written to them specifically about this?


I have contacted them about it but they just keep telling me I do receive their emails. So, I'm not sure why I don't. That

RTC Hiptix membership problems?
 Mar 23 2016, 04:50:17 PM

neonlightsxo said: ""I'm likely not going to renew my membership with Hiptix"

HipTix is free. What they are offering you is a free service, presumably paid for by a grant. Roundabout is a nonprofit. I don't understand why you're mad.

"it did not specify you could only use the discounts once per show"

They don't owe you anything. You're complaining about your $25 BROADWAY tickets?



RTC Hiptix membership problems?
 Mar 23 2016, 04:47:17 PM

Well it's good to hear that others are getting better customer service from them, than I am! My experience with Telecharge is exactly as you described; no matter when I've needed to cancel a show or for what reason, Telecharge always lets me pick another date. I've never had any luck dealing with RTC for any reason. Can't say good things about Ticketmaster shows, either, but know that it's not the fault of the show itself. For instance, Ticketmaster never told me when the

 Mar 23 2016, 04:38:33 PM

I haven't yet seen Southern Comfort. After I saw Robber Bridegroom for the second time a few days ago, my friend and I were discussing how Robber is quite different because the show is so full of comedy. Bright Star is more traditional bluegrass, with those roots grounded in making the listener feel good or dealing with human emotion. The shows are just so, so different. And on the subject of the songs, perhaps I'm easy to please or too simplistic, but I'm not one to dissect

RTC Hiptix membership problems?
 Mar 23 2016, 04:34:03 PM

I'm curious how many people here are Hiptix members at Roundabout Theatre Company, and if so, what your experience is with the program. I'm a current member and have not been notified of any of the special events for member nights, including any of the special cast events. I keep seeing photos and information about all of these events AFTER the fact. RTC never sends me paper mail, e-mail, or any kind of notifications (they also rarely acknowledge tweets directed at them). Th

 Mar 22 2016, 01:30:03 PM

I like that Bright Star, reprise, is on the track listing after the Finale. The last few minutes of the show are so upbeat and I really like that they're keeping that tone on the cast recording. I really enjoy when the casts reprise a number at the curtain call rather than just bowing and leaving the stage. 

 Mar 21 2016, 05:45:25 AM

Typical 2.5 hours with one 15-min intermission. 

The Crucible previews
 Mar 20 2016, 02:41:48 AM

Finally had a chance to see the show tonight (makeup from our tickets during the first cancelled preview night). I needed a few hours to wrap my head around it. The acting was, as I expected, superb. Ben and Sophie, in particular, really stood out. We were in row H and it was very difficult to hear, so there are definite sound issues to work out. I also fully agree with those of you who pointed out that the stage is so large and it, at times, engulfed what was happening on it. I noticed John

The Crucible previews
 Mar 13 2016, 10:04:48 AM

Article about Whishaw's Proctor role in today's The Guardian.

 Mar 13 2016, 10:03:09 AM

I'm seeing a lot of tweets at Steve Martin and at the show's account that people plan on repeat visits. I know I'm already planning mine, as well. Heartbreaker was the song I remembered the most, but the melodies from  rest of them definitely came back into my head several days after seeing it.

 Mar 9 2016, 04:14:54 PM

Nabucco said: ""

Thank you for sharing this! I really admire anyone who can say they really enjoyed a show and the performers in it, and then also talk about the flaws of the book in a constructive way. One thing I wholeheartedly agree on is that Cusack and Nolan share a very believable chemistry, and that's so important to a show that's selling itself as an unknown. The characters in Bright Star are (mostly) inherently likable, and well cast. This went a long way in making me overlook any confusion I had through Act 1. The actors made me want to see how their characters' journeys ended. 


Good Musicals with Bad Books
 Mar 8 2016, 09:35:43 AM

I'm going to go ahead and throw Dr. Zhivago in here. Yes, I realize the show stuck around just long enough to be completely panned by nearly every critic alive. However, I never disliked the music and actually have the cast album (favorites are 'Watch the Moon' and  'Love Finds You', as I find the voices on it to be enjoyable and the score mostly pleasant to the ears. However, the book itself was so contrived that I can't even begin to imagine how anyone thought they could tackle Dr. Zhivago and do it convincingly. I realize that things like way overdone special effects are also what killed that show, but the book was just terrible. I hear they are still hoping to tour with this show; I can't imagine the tour would honestly do better than the show did on Broadway, unless they only plan to hit each city for one night.

Miss Saigon needs a Broadway revival
 Mar 7 2016, 06:30:29 PM

Dancingthrulife2 said: "Lea Salonga is the soul of the show. She sets a standard that is basically unsurpassable."

How many others here saw the revival in London? With all due respect to Lea, Eva's interpretation of Kim surpassed every expectation I had for her, and then some. The audiences here are going to love the presence and big voice, fragility and strength she brings to Kim. Jon Jon Briones is also going to be hugely popular as the Engineer. 


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