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Member Name: keybowvio
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re: Ugh, ruined experience
 Apr 20 2008, 02:02:12 PM
this is why when I buy tickets to roundabout productions or shows where you can see the seating chart and pick and choose exactly which seats you want, I usually buy out the seat in front of me as well, that way this never happens, but ticketmaster and telecharge don't let you do that
re: Audra McDonald at NJPAC 4/5
 Apr 5 2008, 11:04:26 PM
Just got back, amazing!

selections from sound of music, many flops of Soundheim, 110 in shade (old maid), Apple tree (gorgeous), the king and I (I could of danced all night), something from state fair, wizard of oz (somewhere over the rainbow), Charlie and choc. factory- orginal (pure imagination), song written for her about her husband playing the bass, o gosh can't even remember half of them I was so stunned...

Lot's of talking to audience, interaction w/audience on danced al

Company already released?
 Mar 30 2008, 11:58:33 PM
I'm sort of confused...

at the pbs website:

It says that Company is "in stock". However, a few days ago it said that Company was available on pre-order and would be released on May 20th. On Amazon, it (currently) says that it will be released on May 20th.

In searching the site, I have seen that there are a few people who have already received their discs and others that are still waiting the arrival of their pre-order.

If I ordered now, do you think I would get the "...item currently on pre order and will be released in may..." thing that other people seem to be getting? or will it be shipped right away?

Note: I typically don't like to pre-order things since sometimes the product might not actually be released and you end up gettin "store-credit" or something stupid like that in return for your cash...Not a fair trade IMO. IOW, I've been burned by pre-order before and don't want to be again.

re: Where I'm sitting...
 Feb 24 2008, 09:36:41 PM
I sat in the last row of the mezz. in 54 for apple tree. Though it is truly not that far from the stage, it feels very high and has almost a dizzying affect on you (or at least, me). However, this is no where near as bad as the size of the seats! I hope you aren't 6' tall, or it'll be really uncomfortable. But hey, it's for theater!

So yeh, rear mezz. at studio 54 is pretty awful IMO. But don't let that stop you from having a great time. After all, you truly are not that far from t

re: are my seats good/where to eat
 Feb 19 2008, 09:57:08 PM
Thanks for the advice. I just looked at the menu for Junior's and it seems perfectly alright, great location to the theater too.

Isn't it funny how I spend so much time looking for a restaurant and never even came across Junior's?

once again, thanks

are my seats good/where to eat
 Feb 19 2008, 09:02:29 PM
HI all!

First of all, I know everyone hates these kinds of posts, and I usually try to keep them down to a minimum, but I just spent like an hour on looking for a place to eat tomorrow night and nothing strikes me as good. Please help me!

I'll be seeing A Chorus Line, I'm sitting in the first row of the mezz. a few seats off the aisle. Is there a bar or anything which could obstruct my view?

Okay, so that was a lame excuse for making this post. My real

re: David Hyde Pierce at Matinees?
 Feb 19 2008, 04:07:43 PM
"How did you get $35 tickets?"

If you go to and select "educators" you can buy group tickets (I think some start at upwards of 8, most are 15).

For Curtains, if you choose a matinee performance, you can tehn choose "student mezz." These tickets are only $35.

AT least, I think this is how he did it.

wicked Book vs show
 Feb 12 2008, 11:12:43 PM
I for one am fascinated with everything to do with Oz. I just love Oz, can't get enough of it.

Aside from my interest in Oz, I found the book extremely dry. Sure the ideas mentioned were great, but the story just did not carry, and I found my self bored throughout the text, although slightly interested to find out what else happens in Oz.

The musical was also sort of... happy go lucky, compared to most of the stories of Oz that I have heard (aside from the wiz. of oz). Esp

re: Studio 54 Question
 Jan 16 2008, 12:55:01 AM
view is fine.

the whole theater feels very awkward and the mezz. is no exception, almost feels "rickety" and uneven.

also must note that the rear mezz. seats are EXTREMELY small. I'm a slim 5' 5" and felt very cramped (not just leg room- and believe me my knees were digging into the chair in front of me the whole time I was sitting down, but also the width of the seats).

However, I was able to get over that after a few minutes, just plunker down and find a nice positi

re: 110 in the shade lyric question
 Jan 7 2008, 09:27:47 PM
thanks, I guess I was just thinkin' that it might be metaphorical, as in having music all around you or sumthin like that
110 in the shade lyric question
 Jan 7 2008, 09:25:22 PM
in "Wonderful Music"

There is a line that goes either

"Travelin' music" or "Travel in music"

Which one is correct?

Note, on the 2007 cast recording, it happens about 45 seconds into the song- Just thought I'd help you out a little.

re: Word on the street about Young Frankenstin
 Jan 5 2008, 09:04:29 PM
"Considering the producers aren't releasing grosses, would the people working in the box office know that information? Or is that how Variety is estimating, by going to the lotto guy at McDonalds?"

I would say that they know when the show sells out, just cause they would have to know when to stop selling the tickets. Other than that though, I think most of the people involved in the show (ushers, boxoffice people) are only guessing based on how many people walk through doors every nigh

re: which seats for the bee??
 Dec 30 2007, 11:21:10 PM
thanks for the input, I bought the side orchestra row A, on the right side. I am going with my mom, so this could be interesting...
which seats for the bee??
 Dec 30 2007, 04:59:10 PM
first off, yes I did a search.

anyway, here are my options, which would be better?

1. row J on the aisle in the center orch.

2. row A seat 240 on the side orchestra (only 5 away from the end of the row)

3. Row F side orchestra 220, right about smack dab in the middle of the side orchestra.

also, yeh, I know, "any seat is a good seat in the circle in the square theater," But one of the above has to be better, so which one is it?

re: Curtains
 Dec 30 2007, 04:10:25 PM
actually, I saw curtains a few months back, and now I have to go see it again, cuz reading your ? made me realize that I forget who the killer was. doh!
re: Spelling Bee, A Chorus Line, or Curtains?
 Dec 4 2007, 08:51:09 PM
I agree with the first person to reply, Spelling Bee.
You will probably enjoy it, and it IS closing soon after all, so you might never get the chance to see it-depending on how often you see bway shows.

although, is the original cast still on in Curtains? if so I would say that one purely because of Pierce and Debra Monk. But that's just me.

Anyway, if the other person is "dead set on spelling bee" what choice do you really have?

re: another option during the strike: try an OPERA
 Nov 14 2007, 12:41:02 AM
The met has $15 family circle tickets. While not a very close, it is still a complete view of the stage, except perhaps upstage if they raise the level of the stage. I saw Aida last Thurs. in the Family Circle and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Honestly, you can't even see a Bway show for that little money, apart from rush tix, or perhaps a lotto or SRO, but those usually start at $20, but there's no service fee on top of that (the met adds a 5.5 service fee on all online orders- so the $15 sea
re: Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 11/4/2007
 Nov 5 2007, 07:20:02 PM
ouch the most for Curtains!!

at least in terms of % of seats filled, it went down the most from last week to this week

re: Studio 54 seating..
 Oct 31 2007, 10:15:29 PM
Studio 54 rear mezz. is not really that high, but from what I recall from seeing Apple Tree there, it FEELS very high. The theater is over all very awkwardly designed and from the rear of the mezzanine you can definitely tell. Not to mention that rear mezz. seats are about half the width of an average person. I'm like 5'6" and had a hard time squeezing into them.

On a lighter note, sit back, plunker down, and enjoy the show.

Altar Boyz- $35 tickets
 Aug 24 2007, 01:37:35 PM
Just got a bulletin from ticketmaster in my e-mail, for those of you who didn't get it, I thought I'd share-
For $35 tickets to Altar Boyz.

(I just checked and cntr orch. row c is available)

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