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Member Name: pndmnd
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The Last Ship - Chicago
 Jun 11 2014, 03:37:11 PM
I went last night and was really pleasantly surprised by the show! It's not that I thought it would be horrible, but I didn't know what to expect and definitely had some reservations going in. I thought the set was wonderful, the actors were great, and the book and music were MUCH stronger and more moving than I expected. For a first performance with an audience it was also much more polished than I've seen with others. There were some glitches, but I would say the work before Broadway is mo
TKTS Lines...
 Sep 17 2013, 10:00:46 PM
First off, I know this is a stupid question.

I haven't done TKTS in years, and I'm wondering how early to get in line for a Wednesday matinee (at the Time Square location)? Do you need to be in line an hour before they open just to get something remotely decent, or can you usually get something good even if you don't show up until 10:00? There are several shows that we're open to seeing that have been on TKTS recently (which is why we're going that route), so it's not like we're only

Irregular performance schedule Tony week?
 May 30 2013, 10:54:19 AM
I'm sorry if I confused things. I thought it would be better to revive last years thread than start a new one.
Best Musical/Musical Revival Performers (and their hair!)...
 May 30 2013, 10:52:49 AM
I've always wondered if any of them wore a wig for their red carpet hair. Of course, when I was a kid I didn't understand that they were wearing wings in shows, especially when the wig was similar to their real hair, so I was always wowed by how quickly and drastically they could change their style!

I could be wrong about this, but I have a vague memory of Alice Ripley and Emily Skinner standing in the wings in costume when their category was announced. Obviously they didn't win, thou

Best Musical/Musical Revival Performers (and their hair!)...
 May 29 2013, 12:37:17 PM
I was looking at pictures from the 2012 Tony Awards red carpet and I realized that the musical actresses all come with their hair red carpet ready, then most presumably put on their wig for when they perform, but then they're back to having event hair for the rest of the night. They must have to pin up their hair under their wigs, or they wouldn't fit correctly, but they never seem to have a single hair out of place when they're back in their seats! How do they do this? Last year I specifical
Irregular performance schedule Tony week?
 May 29 2013, 11:57:45 AM
The post about nominees performing on Tony day reminded me of this thread.

Does anyone know which shows will have alternate schedules this year?

Have you ever had to tell a student they weren't good enough for professional theatre?
 May 26 2013, 12:00:26 PM
First of all, all forms of art are subjective. Just because you don't think that someone "has it" doesn't mean that someone else will agree. And as a teacher you should NEVER tell a student that they won't cut it. Be honest with all of your students about what the business is really like, but it really isn't your place to tell them not to try.

Second, maybe they just haven't found their genre yet. Yes, some performers are able to work in multiple areas, but many can't. Maybe they j

First Look at BIG FISH - Time Stops
 May 22 2013, 11:21:29 AM
Count me in the (apparently small) camp of those who loved Big Fish in Chicago! I saw the first preview and then went again to the last performance to see what they had changed. They made a lot of improvements in that time. Yes there are still things to fix, but that's the point of a pre-Broadway tryout! They'll probably alter things during the rehearsal process this summer, and then a little bit more during previews in New York. There were actually a couple of things that I kept thinking "
 May 6 2013, 11:01:57 AM
Can anyone make out what the post-it notes say? I can only tell that Ivy's says "B'Way Debut (Lead)".
Big Fish Chicago previews
 Apr 15 2013, 11:14:18 AM
For the people asking about partial view seating, if you are in Chicago I would suggest stopping by the box office ans asking their opinion. A friend of mine did that with Book of Mormon and it turned out that the view from some of the seats was not limited at all. Apparently they had to set the seating prices before they knew for sure how the set might impact things, so they played it safe. It still might not be a gaurantee, but since it has been running for a couple of weeks now I would thi
Big Fish Chicago previews
 Apr 9 2013, 08:45:40 AM
I went to the first preview performance last week (and am just now having time to write a quick comment). I'm not going into too much detail, but I'm in the group that loved it! Was it perfect? No. Do you go to a first preview of a pre-Broadway tryout expecting perfection? No. Overall, I really enjoyed! I know they'll make some changes before it opens on Broadway, and I think they have a really good base to work off of.

There were some first performance issues (mostly technical t

re: Quilters
 May 15 2008, 09:23:23 AM
I did a production of Quilters, and actually had a lot of fun with it. For people who don’t know, it’s a cast of 7 women who play all the roles (male and female). It’s not a Broadway style show, in my opinion, but great for regional theatre! In my opinion there is some good music, and, unlike some period shows, the style is very appropriate to the show. If you’ve ever seen the “Sunbonnet Sue” monologue, that’s from Quilters. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
re: Tony Preview Concert
 May 13 2008, 11:22:01 AM
Thanks, uncageg! I had checked their website, but they don't go they didn't have anything on there yet.
re: Tony Preview Concert
 May 13 2008, 09:12:55 AM
Does anyone know if and when this will air in Chicago?
re: What's next for the cast of GLORY DAYS?
 May 9 2008, 03:31:46 PM
Very true, theatreguy! It was just that as soon as TooDarnHot mentioned that they stayed didn’t close until after the opening so they could collect the insurance money (which, of course, is what insurance is there for!), my mind went “Producers”!
re: What's next for the cast of GLORY DAYS?
 May 9 2008, 12:45:17 PM
Does this remind anyone else of the idea behind “The Producers”? A flop closing after one performance, and you can make money off it?

On a side note, the economy is pretty bad right now, and everything is more expensive. Audiences have to be more selective about what they put their money towards. If a show is hurting from the start, then it’s just going to keep losing money, as it's not even going to get good "word of mouth" publicity. I think it’s sad that this has happened, but re

re: It's Back And Better Than Ever...The New and Improved BroadwayWorld Rad
 Mar 21 2008, 12:00:26 PM
re: It's Back And Better Than Ever...The New and Improved BroadwayWorld Rad
 Mar 20 2008, 05:06:47 PM
I love the new radio (I love that it doesn’t just randomly stop itself anymore)! I’m having trouble with it today, though. The sound is still fine, but I can’t get it to open up fully, so I can’t see what’s playing. It keeps saying that it’s still opening, but it stays at the same point, and after about 20 minutes I try again, and it does the same thing.
re: Idle wondering - opera glasses
 Apr 13 2007, 04:19:38 PM
I'm 25 and have two pairs. One is a vintage pair that I got at a flea market when I was maybe 10. I thought they'd be fun to play with, and I'd take them to the touring shows and ballet. The other pair is new, but they were a gift, so I'm not sure where they're from. I take a pair with if I'm sitting in the balcony, but usually I end up not using them because I'd rather see the whole picture. For concerts they're sometimes nice, though!
 Nov 27 2006, 04:18:58 PM
Theatreboy, a character doesn't need to be in every scene of a show in order for them to have a journey and a change of attitude. If you listen to the lyrics of "She Who Has All" and watch Queen Elizabeth, you see her realizations taking place.

Also, I never said that all of the instruments were traditional, I just said that they used them.

We all have a right to our opinions, so lets respect that and just agree to disagree.

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