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Member Name: Kelly2
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BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
 Nov 26 2013, 02:09:13 PM
I guess having read more about the story online and especially about Gerry (as mentioned earlier in the thread), I can see how people feel things might be left out, but I really think they have plenty in there to tell the story they want to tell.

A musical that goes into the gritty details of Gerry's drug abuse and mental illness and all would be a very, very different show in tone than this one is. I don't think that's the story they're trying to tell. A lot of the other hardships in C

BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
 Nov 25 2013, 10:52:05 PM
Jovie, would you mind providing a link to said article? I'd be really interested to read it. I hadn't heard anything about any kind of censorship, though I'm sure there are some particularly painful things that were left out.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 11/24/13
 Nov 25 2013, 07:40:12 PM
Congrats to Beautiful for a strong first week. :) R&J is sad but really, who wants to see a play that's been done everywhere and by everyone unless it's something truly special? This clearly wasn't.
BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread
 Nov 25 2013, 02:04:29 PM
I know that every single person is expecting a rave from me on this board and I just want to say that I went into this actually with very high expectations and with a much more critical eye than most because I was so excited for it and what I want to post here is genuine and I really want to hear other opinions on the show and what could be better because I certainly had some thoughts myself on what the preview period could be used for.

Anyway, I did really, really enjoy the show. I th

The 2013 Flea Market Thread
 Sep 23 2013, 05:26:04 PM
I just figured it was a question worth pondering. If it really does add to your life, please, don't let me stop you from pursuing your happiness. I'm just going to remove myself as your target since pursuing my happiness involves different things at this moment in time. :)
The 2013 Flea Market Thread
 Sep 23 2013, 05:04:38 PM
I don't put blame on the buyer, and I'm sorry if Jordan felt like I was, but it seemed to me that he was being deliberately obtuse in not understanding the other side of this issue. That's probably still true so I'm going to stop wasting my time. It is 100% the vendors fault, the point I was making is that if you could take five seconds and put yourself in the shoes of someone who might've felt disappointed or upset because they lost out on an item maybe you'd understand why "tough luck, I beat
The 2013 Flea Market Thread
 Sep 23 2013, 04:49:15 PM
"you can put that on the vendors"

I do. I think they should sell at 10am as advertised. It's nobody's "fault" but theirs, if "fault" is really the right word to use.

The 2013 Flea Market Thread
 Sep 23 2013, 04:23:48 PM
"I didn't work anything to my advantage, Kelly2. I live a block away and went over and people were selling. I'm sorry that you don't like that fact that they started selling early."

It has nothing to do with whether I liked it or not. It didn't personally affect me. I only wanted one thing and I was able to purchase it for $5 in the middle of the day. So I really have no personal investment in it at all. You are very lucky to be able to live so close to the flea market and to be able to

The 2013 Flea Market Thread
 Sep 23 2013, 04:01:02 PM
"Kelly, trust me. I will absolutely remember the posters I bought at 9:20am. And if that means that I "one-upped" someone in order to get them, well than Boo F'in Hoo. The last time I saw one on them for sale, it went for around $2,000. And I got it for $20."

See, I just think that attitude is a little competitive and a little antithetical to the point of the flea market. Please don't take this as an attack against you personally, I'm glad you were able to get things you loved, but what

The 2013 Flea Market Thread
 Sep 23 2013, 03:40:44 PM
"Having them stand there, not moving, for a whole hour would have been pointless and would have created more of a crowd, as then they are just there taking up space."

They should close the area to pedestrian traffic while the flea market is being set up. And if people would really stand there staring at the tables, unmoving for an hour if they were told the flea market wouldn't begin until ten...that's pretty weird. Go get Starbucks. Or better yet, get there when it actually starts inst

The 2013 Flea Market Thread
 Sep 23 2013, 01:51:21 PM
"Why? The posted hours were 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Why give people that kind of advantage? Doesn't BCEFA usually close off the streets while people set up and let everyone in at once? (Then again, I heard a lot of stuff was gone super-early from Phantom, which blindsided a lot of people.)"

I really agree with this. I think selling before 10AM is so unnecessary and wrong. The flea market starts at 10AM. Why shouldn't everyone have a fair chance at buying the things they love or the really coo

The 2013 Flea Market Thread
 Sep 23 2013, 11:45:41 AM
"Using the world "vulture" is a bit insulting, as I'm one one of those people who gets there early. In the past, I've volunteered and was there from 6am on. This year, I was unable to volunteer. But when I got there a little before 10 (and I was really just trying to figure out what table was where), I got yelled at several times. Literally yelled at."

If you think you're one of the types being referred to by the word "vulture" that says more about your assessment of your behavior than

The 2013 Flea Market Thread
 Sep 22 2013, 08:23:33 PM
Sorry, "vulture" isn't appropriate for most people at the Flea Market, but it certainly is for some. Obviously without the people who are spending money on the items, there's no point in having the flea market, but there is a standard of decorum and respect that every year I wish were observed, and every year it is not. The odds that the person in front of you browsing for Playbills is looking for the exact thing you are...slim to none. You can take a breath and wait. I watched a girl in a Matil
What is so bad about bootlegs?
 Sep 16 2013, 04:10:01 PM
I don't know why you're being so snarky, Phan. If you really wanted to see Next to Normal so badly that you'd spend money on an illegal copy (or watch it on YouTube or whatever), why wouldn't you have picked up tickets to the tour or to the more recent production in June? You can do the research to find the underground version, you're telling me you didn't do the same amount of research trying to find an actual production you could catch?

And then people in this thread want to say bootl

What is so bad about bootlegs?
 Sep 16 2013, 03:46:57 PM
Salene, some would call reposting someone's entire article on another website without linking to the original source a form of "bootlegging".
What is so bad about bootlegs?
 Sep 15 2013, 07:52:40 PM
I have a problem with people who sell bootlegs. Making money off of other peoples' time and talent is pretty gross and I wouldn't want to have any part of that.

That being said, I do have several bootlegs that have been given to me over the years, so I'd be a hypocrite to decry their existence altogether. They just leave me a bit uneasy. I also have issues with those who film them so obviously that it is a distraction to the audience and performers. I sat near to a girl trying to video

 Sep 15 2013, 01:37:12 PM
Just wanted to post this amazing article from the SF Chronicle this AM, really interesting stuff about Carole's involvement with the show and about finding Mueller as the star. Sounds like this show might be one to be reckoned with.
Rachel Potter on X Factor
 Sep 15 2013, 01:04:20 AM
Well, if they don't give backstory on any of the contestants, what exactly do you think they'd do with the extra airtime? Just show performance after performance with no context? I mean, part of the idea of these shows is you root for people and you get to know them, that's what motivates the voting in the later parts of the contest. All I'm saying is they could've made her half-robot or something.
Rachel Potter on X Factor
 Sep 15 2013, 12:43:17 AM
No worries, broadwayguy2, I just don't understand why if they were gonna fudge a backstory, they might pick something a little less "done" than the bartender/waitress living in the big city trying to get their big break.
Rachel Potter on X Factor
 Sep 15 2013, 12:03:19 AM
I don't particularly care whose choice it was, I just thought it was the most CLICHE "background story" for anybody anywhere ever. Maybe they don't want to get into her Broadway roots but couldn't they come up with anything better or more interesting than that?
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