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Member Name: Craww
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Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 06:53:01 PM

Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 04:32:08 PM
A little search engine called google, craww. Took me 30 seconds, and you know it isn't the only one, going at least five years back. I can I assure I was very serious when I said I have NO idea what Pascal looks like nor what he sounds like. I am not a fan.

Okay. Sure. Those aren't webpages, though. They're separate entries in a livejournal. That's almost like calling every thread on BWW a "webpage". It's just...not the correct nomenclature, so you confused me there.


Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 04:16:28 PM
LOL, Ladyjeans. That was an affectionate ribbing. Back when I still liked him.

I can't believe people are trolling my old livejournal posts, and ascribing these really sinister motivations to things like Ladyjeans.

It's like as soon as Adam Pascal is the topic of conversation people lose all ability to be rational.

Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 04:01:23 PM
How do you even remember that website if you're not a fan of his? I assumed like a dozen people saw it, and it's been gone for ages.

Wasn't talking about that -I was talking about one of the webpages you created for the sole purpose of mocking Pascal. That's obsessive.

But that's exactly what the website was. It was an image generator that cycled through about a dozen silly Photoshopped images, including the jester one. One of them was him manipulated as Elle Woods with

Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 03:39:41 PM
Exactly. I think we can agree that creating a webpage for the purpose of disrespecting a performer harassment, at least, if you don't want to elevate it to bullying. Free speech and all that, but it's obsessive and destructive behavior.

Manipulating pictures of someone in a joker hat is hardly on that level.

The point isn't to paint myself as a victim. I did some petty and immature stuff. The point is just to give some further perspective on how this is a problem for A

Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 03:36:08 PM
mimi6, I think you're a little confused over the sequence of events there. Also, you seem to have created this account back in 2009 for the sole purpose of telling me to get a life, so I don't think any further explanation would sway your bias. I also think you know full well that this is normal behavior for him. Whether you think it's justified or not, you know it's something he's done frequently. Back when there was that brouhaha with Alice Ripley he responded on her Facebook saying BWW was th
Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters
 Jun 6 2013, 01:14:41 PM
I've had two experiences where a performer saw something critical I wrote about them on the internet, and they responded to it. The first time was 5 years ago with Adam Pascal. He went nuts. Deleted his discussion boards, posted multiple blogs calling me out by name, incensing his fanbase into such a frenzy that some of them cyberstalked me.

The other time was a year and a half ago. I said something about Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy in a livejournal community. I said something he'

Adam Pascal sounds off on the haters!
 Jun 5 2013, 10:15:07 PM

Melissa Etheridge is AMERICAN IDIOT's next St. Jimmy
 Jan 18 2011, 03:35:37 PM
That's great, if you want everyone to assume St. Jimmy is actually just the Cool Permissive Aunt.
Saying Goodbye to N2N: Your Favorite Memories
 Dec 24 2010, 08:09:26 PM
I know I should think of the moments where I was particularly touched. (I'm not gonna lie and say I wasn't, I totally adored this show.) But everything I can think of is really goofy. Like the sheer awfulness of Open Your Eyes at Second Stage, or the time I saw it on Broadway and Alice's shoe flew off and beaned the girl right next to me straight in the glasses.

In 2006, when my friend and I discovered Feeling Electric Dan/Gabe slash on a LiveJournal community. That is a moment
Raul Esparza Arrested For Murder
 Dec 4 2010, 04:50:01 AM
This made me LOL. I wish I hadn't watched Medium earlier, just so I could have the full experience of wondering "...they couldn't be talking real life there? Could they?"

I wonder if he's ever gonna play a TV or movie role again where he's not totally gross.

re: Sweeney Todd with a rock re-arrangement
 Oct 7 2010, 05:31:52 AM
The idea seems a little lazy/uninspiring to me. But if it were good I guess I'd like it? Obviously, it's entirely unnecessary.

It has to originate from the rock side of things if it were to work. Like, a fantastic band with a love for the score taking on the task. As opposed to theatre centrics attempting to rock it up.

Especially if it's to be recorded. All of the recent musical cast recordings of shows with rock elements are all inexpertly and laughably produced.

Broadway's Most Unexpected Fan...
 Sep 4 2010, 10:17:17 PM
Love it. I would even go see Wicked again just to watch it with Kanye. I bet he makes the most beatific faces of awe.
re: Ethnic people in non-ethnic roles
 Aug 20 2010, 08:52:35 PM
P.S.--no one with a brain is going to think you're racist because you feel that an actor is not right for a role due to their race.

No. I'm pretty sure "so and so is not good for this role solely because they're Asian" is racist.

The conversation gets a little deeper when we're discussing shows where race is an important theme, or where the character was a real person. But there are many roles where, regardless of who played it first, you don't need to strictly

Cheap hostels in NYC
 Aug 10 2010, 05:05:07 PM
Yeah, I'd recommend the Big Apple hostel. I did the shared room once (awkward, but not terrible) and the private room twice. People were polite, location was perfect for a theatre heavy trip. It didn't smell great, but it was clean in all the important ways.
Damiano is Spider-Man's new Mary Jane
 Jun 9 2010, 01:11:21 PM
I don't really think you can say she's always been super sweet to all those waiting. I mean, people get these reputations for a reason. Lea Michele wasn't a horrible hosebeast to me, and I've even heard stories of her being a true sweetheart, but...I can't take that and apply it across the countless stories that implied otherwise.

I don't actually care, though. Shouldn't be any prerequisite for considering someone for a role. A lot of people do confuse uncomfortable and a

Damiano is Spider-Man's new Mary Jane
 Jun 8 2010, 06:38:31 PM
Yeah, I know. But like...feisty in a spunky way, not in a bitchface way. (Sorry Jenn, nothing but love 4 u!)
Does the Cast of American Idiot Seem Self-Important to Anyone Else?
 Jun 8 2010, 06:13:53 PM
All I remembered is he called someone "caddy" and I found the spelling error so funny that I have forever associated it with Will Chase.
Damiano is Spider-Man's new Mary Jane
 Jun 8 2010, 05:49:40 PM
She seems so stolid to me. It's hard to imagine her with the proper girlish charm. If she were a movie actress I'd put her more in the Julia Stiles track than the Kirsten Dunst track.
Does the Cast of American Idiot Seem Self-Important to Anyone Else?
 Jun 8 2010, 05:43:31 PM
I can see how characters could be self important, and I can see how actors can be self important. I just don't see how a performance can be self important.

Do you think the actors are wrongfully portraying the characters as self important, or do you think the characters as written/directed/acted are self important?

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