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Profile for evadiva

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Member Name: evadiva
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Gender: Female
Location: NJ

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 Sep 8 2017, 11:19:32 AM

Has anyone heard if Scott has indeed checked himself in for treatment?  On his Twitter he videoed himself at a  facility, but then posted a second video which to me implied he changed his mind..... No posts since so I'm hoping that that's where he is....



Adam Guettel
 Jul 7 2017, 11:46:29 PM

Yes sir, you are very loved here.  

I absolutely LOVE your singing voice too - love it.  I'm sure the people in this thread agree.  Hero and Leander is to die for.  So gorgeous.  

Floyd Collins is a masterpiece. 

Your music fills my heart with joy.  YOU ROCK.  Thank you for writing music.

Everyone:  Piazza is, of course, glorious, but PLEASE make sure you check out Myths and Hymns and 

Laura Benanti as Diana in Next To Normal
 May 14 2015, 08:48:37 PM

I'd much rather see her as Francesca in Bridges.  Ah...perfection!

Who else could have played Francesca?
 May 18 2014, 09:52:07 AM
I think Benanti always read WAY older.
Who else could have played Francesca?
 May 18 2014, 09:48:25 AM
Laura Benanti would be perfection. How hot would she have been with Stephen when their romance was ablaze?!?

Lea Michele signed poster being sold for $1800.
 Sep 14 2012, 11:37:36 PM
I hope Rachel Berry gets hit by a sight seeing bus!

Lea Michele reads completely insincere as a person and performer.  She also seems completely in love with herself.

You know what else I can't stand?  She plays the "Poor me...I was told to get a nose job!" card way too often.  So you don't have the standard "Hollywood nose" Lea.   You are still beautiful enough to be on magazine covers and half naked in Maxim.  We're supposed to feel sorry for you cause you're not completely "

Laura Benanti as Trina in the Falsettos trilogy
 Dec 26 2010, 10:11:43 AM
I don't see anything wrong with AC's comment Joey. Do you think casting directors don't say things like that all the time when discussing type? What's wrong with saying someone doesn't come across as Irish for Pirate Queen, Hispanic for ITH, Greek for Zorba or Jewish for this piece? 

Btw, I recently auditioned for Fiddler and was given feedback that I don't read Jewish. I'm not surprised - I'm Puerto Rican and Italian. 

It's just typing. And it occurs all the time. If AC

Macy's Parade Performances?
 Nov 25 2010, 11:21:29 AM
The big Spiderman float just went by. They mentioned the musical - why no performance?
Anyone as horrified at Gwyneth and Lea doing Chicago songs on Glee??
 Nov 25 2010, 07:18:46 AM
"I'm a college educated working actor...."

"It might make people interested in the arts, and THAT is always a good thing. But Glee is doing it with false pretenses. THAT's not a good thing. The last thing I need to do is loose a job to someone who'll be lip-sinking "live" to a prerecorded track...."

And THAT is not how you spell lose.

Just sayin'....

Roles they DIDN'T get....
 Nov 7 2010, 03:04:27 AM
What a treat these stories are - thank you!
Roles they DIDN'T get....
 Nov 6 2010, 02:53:09 PM
I haven't posted on here in forever - I was wondering if any of you guys had stories of actors who were up for certain roles that ended up going to someone else. I love hearing casting stories.

Did a search on here but came up empty....

re: Kristin Chenoweth performs at Carl Lindner's Christmas party
 Dec 21 2008, 08:27:47 PM
I'm feelin' her Christmas album.
re: Craig Bierko set for GUYS AND DOLLS Revival
 Nov 30 2008, 11:48:35 PM
Craig? Eh. Oh, where for art thou Cheyenne....

I love me some Titus and think he'll be great and adorable. But I gotta say this to Tonya...


(sings) "Now knock that chip off your shoulder...."

re: Chenoweth on Wicked Movie: 'Years before we see it...'
 Nov 30 2008, 11:35:39 PM
Ok "'old' police"......

We're talking about roles they played FIVE YEARS AGO. That's hardly a lifetime ago.

I'd rather have 2 amazing actresses in the roles (who are up there in age) than some of the box office draw names (some of whom would all out SUCK) being tossed around on this board!

re: Flashdance the Musical - Fast tracked to America
 Nov 29 2008, 02:46:48 PM
From what I saw I don't really care for the woman playing Alex.
re: 'Wicked' - San Francisco & New Tour Casts PLUS Future Replacements
 Nov 28 2008, 11:07:52 PM

TOO F'ING FUNNY!!!!!!!!!

re: Elphaba and Glida reversal
 Nov 10 2008, 08:56:39 PM
Jane Krakowski????? I don't see it (or hear it) for either role! Ok she has a great look for either role so maybe I do "see it" but her range is pretty limited isn't it???
re: anyone get stomped on at the wicked open call?
 Nov 9 2008, 12:46:22 AM
re: anyone get stomped on at the wicked open call?
 Nov 8 2008, 02:20:05 PM
I arrived at about 6 and was #19 - so I don't know what happened to your friend Amneris. It was a shame they didn't honor the unofficial list - good thing I stated put!

I had a couple of nice people hold up my blanket so I could slip on my dress. Telsey + Co is always so nice to audition for, but the no bathroom thing sucked!

I was out before 10. I headed right over to Lion King and was done there by 12:45. Now I'm at a bar with my hubby and his friend before we go see a show. It's a surprise for my birthday, today!

What a long crazy but fun day!

re: Wicked open call 11/8
 Oct 27 2008, 10:57:14 PM
O NOOOO!!!!!!! Wikkid is CLOSINGGGGGG!!!!!!! ILLL nevurrrrrrr git 2 b ELPhaBuH!!!!!!!!


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