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re: Best/Worst Performance at the Tony's?
 Jun 16 2008, 12:53:17 AM
BEST: Gypsy, Xanadu

WORST: Passing Strange

i know i'm in the minority here, but grease wasn't as much of a mess as i was expecting. catered affair was horrendous. i also wasn't a huge fan of cry-baby, but i got into the performance, loved the choreography.

 Jun 16 2008, 12:47:13 AM
you're WRONG.

i thought she was famahzing, as always.

toodarnhot is the only mess around here

re: new season, hollaaa
 Jun 12 2008, 04:04:13 PM
**Ok, shouldn't an actor with many awards no not to copy another actors portrayal from a bootleg?**


and i'm using the video for reference. i couldn't copy marc kudisch's portrayal of graydon if i tried.


aaaand on that note, i'm out.

re: new season, hollaaa
 Jun 12 2008, 03:51:52 PM
ok, i'm done. i really am sorry if i offended people, i wasn't met with kindness and i reacted accordingly. i wasn't bragging, someone said i couldn't act and i responded. i thought it was an interesting season and i thought people would be more interested in discussing theatre rather than the same old blah, and launch an attack campaign. i'm off to rehearsal, have fun ladies :)
re: trevor graydon drunk scene
 Jun 12 2008, 03:49:41 PM
ok barker i really hope for your sake that the picture isn't of yourself. sorry if i offended such a *respected* patron of a broadway online message board. get over yourselves and get off the damn computer. i'm off to rehearsal :p
re: new season, hollaaa
 Jun 12 2008, 03:30:58 PM
i'm not a teacher, i'm a student. it's a competition for students of teachers in the program. and i wasn't bragging, someone asked what awards i had won.
re: trevor graydon drunk scene
 Jun 12 2008, 03:28:44 PM
i just don't understand why i'm being attacked.
re: new season, hollaaa
 Jun 12 2008, 03:24:47 PM
oh, a little thing called a GLOBE award. it's san antonio's art/theatre award.

and i placed 2nd, 1st, and 2nd place for 2006-07-08 at texas NATS (national association for teachers of singing) musical theatre division. and a slew of others

re: trevor graydon drunk scene
 Jun 12 2008, 03:19:56 PM
yeah, you should be proud that your life consists of a broadway message board. that's some summer you've got going for yourself, toodarnhot.
re: new season, hollaaa
 Jun 12 2008, 03:18:42 PM
yeah, don't know how to act. that's why i've won awards??

anyways, i was just sharing about our awesome new season. i was telling the catty hoes to suck it. i just don't understand why people are so mean on this board.

new season, hollaaa
 Jun 12 2008, 03:05:32 PM
so my local theater the san pedro playhouse(the oldest community theater IN the counrty) just announced their new season.

thoroughly modern millie (just scored trevor graydon)
a funny thing happened on the way to the forum
a christmas carol: the musical
altar boyz
pajama game
man of la mancha
fiddler on the roof

midsummer nights dream
no. 5
take me out

pretty fabulous

re: trevor graydon drunk scene
 Jun 12 2008, 02:58:05 PM
okay hoes, no worries. i got a copy of the video on ANOTHER message board. SUCK IT BROADWAYWORLD
re: What Got u Hooked on Broadway
 Jun 12 2008, 02:55:29 PM
the first musical i ever saw was les mis. then the next year i got that cats video, and learned all the songs/choreography. then i wanted to be a broadway star. i give myself... 3 years.
re: trevor graydon drunk scene
 Jun 12 2008, 02:51:25 PM
suck it toodarnhot
re: trevor graydon drunk scene
 Jun 12 2008, 02:41:00 PM
rude. RUDE.

trevor graydon is a character in a litle musical called thoroughly modern millie. there's a scene where he's drunk. and i want to see it.

people these days...

re: Xanadu on Regis and Kelly
 Jun 12 2008, 02:35:55 PM
ChEyEnNe Is A dReAmBoAt!!!!
re: First show you saw alone..
 Jun 12 2008, 02:31:54 PM
tHe LiOn KinG
trevor graydon drunk scene
 Jun 12 2008, 12:58:51 PM
NEED TO SEE IT. i'm desperate.

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