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Profile for PitPro2004

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Member Name: PitPro2004
Contact User: You must be logged in to contact BWW members.
Gender: Female
Occupation: The pits
Profile: Professional musician, 25+ years experience, loves orchestral movie soundtracks, pizza and cocker spaniels! And chocolate!!

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Broadway got the beat! The Go-Gos musical
 Sep 29 2013, 02:26:22 PM
Namo you read my mind .
 Sep 7 2013, 02:43:40 PM
Not to get too off topic but since we are discussing this show...

Anyone here speak German? In the movie, what is the distressed Max yelling at his driver after he drops Brian off? I've never been able to find a translation for that small exchange and was curious what they were saying to each other. Thx!

KINKY BOOTS Reviews-Talkin' Broadway review
 Apr 6 2013, 12:49:10 PM
"When is the last time you heard a tune from Anything Goes on top forty radio?"

"Are you forgetting the song that used 'If I Were A Rich Man' from Fiddler, or the rap version of 'Hard Knock Life'?"

I suggest you re-read your own comments. The "song that used from Fiddler"..."The rap version" of Hard Knock Life.

Are you expecting me to be grateful because someone took those theater hooks and used them in this fashion? You've got to be kidding me. If you want to impress,

KINKY BOOTS Reviews-Talkin' Broadway review
 Apr 5 2013, 09:52:07 PM
"Just my 0.02."

My sentiments as well.

KINKY BOOTS Reviews-Talkin' Broadway review
 Apr 5 2013, 09:14:53 PM
"That only "certain" songwriters should have access to Broadway? Sounds like high-falootin' elitist nonsense based on assumptions. Broadway is not a sacred club for members only."

True, Broadway should be open for everyone, if everyone was writing "for" Broadway and not giving me the feeling that in certain cases they are doing these shows just to be on it. As I recall it, at least one Green Day tune was already written and released as a single before it showed up in the show. And I hig

KINKY BOOTS Reviews-Talkin' Broadway review
 Apr 5 2013, 08:10:18 PM
"Pop music is just that; "popular" music, with no basis in a given known musical root system."

Wha?? Broadway and pop music, if you really wanna get down to it, have the SAME "musical root system" basis."

Delighted that my earlier comments were clearly taken out of context.

Let's see if we can approach this from another direction.

When is the last time you heard a tune from Anything Goes on top forty radio? When is the last time you heard a song from Wicked o

KINKY BOOTS Reviews-Talkin' Broadway review
 Apr 5 2013, 07:32:50 PM
"PitPro2004, Billie Jo Armstrong has more talent in his black-polished pinky than you do in your whole "old fart" body."

oh ABSOLUTELY honey! That must be why he felt the need to tell everyone he's been around since 19effing88.

BTW...I've been around much longer. And I haven't been in rehab or felt the need to b*tch in front of an audience with my overdeveloped undeserved sense of accomplishment with his gone in five minutes pop tunes. *two snaps*

Elaine Stritch : movin over and out
 Apr 5 2013, 11:10:02 AM
I adore Stritch and I am hoping they get all the funding necessary for that new doc on her that has been making the rounds in search of funds at Facebook. I'm dying to see it.

I'm only sorry my wallet wouldn't let me get to her final shows. Anyone know if they are taping at least one of them for broadcast? Would be nice if they got the one that had all the faces in the audience.

What first made you fall in love theatre?
 Apr 5 2013, 11:04:51 AM
" I chose a matinee performance of A Chorus Line. So, I hold Kelly Bishop personally responsible for the incalculable amount of money I've spent on theater in the past 37+ years."

Ditto. Dead center mezzanine of the Shubert while a sophomore in high school. Showed up excited beyond belief. Went home a blathering wet crying emotional mess. Was hooked for life.

Consequently, I look back and realize I should have bought stock in Kleenex for all the other truceacratic (sp?) moments

KINKY BOOTS Reviews-Talkin' Broadway review
 Apr 5 2013, 10:59:40 AM
"She might be Tony-winner Cyndi Lauper by June. I'm not a fan of pop songwriters crossing over to musical theater, but this score intrigues me."

I'm not a big fan of this either because it seems like they are using Broadway as a means to "legitimatize" themselves after making a career in a music form which has no legit foundation except for popularity. Pop music is just that; "popular" music, with no basis in a given known musical root system. Broadway at least has a "style" and ba

Orchestra not in theatre for Oscars?
 Feb 28 2013, 01:53:05 PM
"And having done a summer stock Gypsy years ago with a drastically reduced orchestra I hope to never hear that score without a full brass section again."

bless you!!!!!

Orchestra not in theatre for Oscars?
 Feb 28 2013, 12:55:52 PM
"There were two music ensembles; one that backed up Adele for the obvious reason and the other playing from one of the studios at Capitol Records.

I couldn't tell, but the two professional conductors in the room with me swore the on-stage orchestra with Adele was faking it."

That's entirely possible because at one point I saw Adele's drummer either drop a stick or attempt to re-adjust something down by his left foot and he was completely bent over fixing it while playing with o

On-Stage Accidents?
 Feb 27 2013, 08:06:56 PM
CRAZY FOR YOU: Harry Groener desperately tried to get thru a performance despite a horrific case of food poisoning. He and Jodi Benson were halfway thru the dance portion of "Shall We Dance" when his cramps were so bad, he doubled over on stage and motioned for the stage hands to drop the curtain, saying he couldn't go on. I think he missed another performance that weekend.

One night the saloon set got hooked on something and slammed to a halt with a big BANG that was heard round the wo

Orchestra not in theatre for Oscars?
 Feb 27 2013, 07:47:04 PM
There were two music ensembles; one that backed up Adele for the obvious reason and the other playing from one of the studios at Capitol Records.

Apparently they've been doing this since the move to the Kodak center. (or whatever it's called now).

The choice was actually quite brilliant because now you can completely control the balance and sound as necessary. The biggest problems of the night only occurred when they gave Jennifer the belter a microphone, and yet failed to bum

Re-imagined Phantom Tour coming to the US
 Feb 27 2013, 07:39:35 PM
I have heard thru the grapevine that NETworks is handling this tour. Whereas they've done wonders for the current LES MIS tour, I have to admit that I have no desire to see this production. It's simply not necessary.

Will Broadway ever bring back originally written shows?
 Jan 11 2013, 11:16:08 PM
I have been fortunate to be part of two original musicals that are still awaiting producer interest. Not based on any book, tv show or movie. Easy to cast, catchy hum-able commercial music, drama and comedy in all the right places, fresh dialogue, and very low overhead. No one will touch them. Peter Filicia himself came to review both productions and said there was no reason why they should not be playing in NYC. Instead, what's on it's way? Flashdance.

I long for the day that Broadway

Breaking News: MARY POPPINS to Close on Broadway March 3, 2013; ALADDIN Next at the New Amsterdam Theater?
 Jan 7 2013, 07:58:42 PM
**yawn** They're swapping out an umbrella for a rug. Big deal.
Is ANNIE considered a box office disappointment?
 Dec 29 2012, 08:32:11 PM
Don't people tend to categorize Annie as a Christmas offering? I can't see how this is going to keep running past Superbowl Sunday. I think the producers would want to end on a high note. Then again I've lost track, has it recouped yet? Maybe they'll get their money back before Matilda?
Crazy For You Revival?
 Dec 29 2012, 08:22:00 PM
If not a revival, then definitely a concert version. Would love to see Kelly as Polly. Jeremy Jordan as Bobby... Christian Borle as Lank Hawkins...
Mame needs a revival!
 Dec 29 2012, 08:17:08 PM
Beth Leavel as Vera Charles if not the lead.
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