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Profile for copskid949

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Member Name: copskid949
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Audra McDonald-led GYPSY for 2024-2025 Season!
 Sep 24 2024, 12:20:01 PM

Look I’m just gonna say it. Regardless of how you feel about people leaking information, Sweaty Oracle was on the money this entire time. Even the casting that didn’t happen seems to line up in the timeline for how long it actually took them to solidify and reveal a cast relative to opening.

Welch’s GATSBY to premiere in 2024
 Apr 11 2024, 06:50:44 PM

g.d.e.l.g.i. said: "DaveyG said: "My issue isn't with him reporting gossip - that's totally fine. But he sometimes attacks working professionals in a way that I think crosses the line."

Pointing out problems with the system is never crossing the line.

This right here is the appeal. I think there really is no point to leaking casting info early. But the fact that this platform not only exists, but thrives, should sca

Welch’s GATSBY to premiere in 2024
 Apr 10 2024, 11:41:39 AM

DaveyG said: "cdf1983 said: "DaveyG said: "TaffyDavenport said: "Now that rehearsals have started, the Oracle has effectively confirmed that Isaac Powell is Jay Gatsby, Ben Levi Ross isNick, and Australian newcomer Charlotte MacInnes has been cast as Daisy, with Solea Pfeiffer presumed to be playing Myrtle."

Let's not give the "Oracle" any credit. He's been constantlywrong about casting for this production over the last few months. Now that there's a publicly available picture of the cast watching the eclipse on a break from their 1st rehearsal, he scours the photo and acts as though he has a scoop. Nonsense.

Now, how do you feel knowing he was, once again, correct?

Well, here's him confidently announcing casting for Daisy. Both wrong. Judge for yourself.

My issue isn't with him reporting gossip - that's totally fine. But he sometimesattacks working professionals in a way that I think crosses the line. That's myopinion. And Ithink it's irresponsiblewhenlegit press like Rolling Stone and Forbes give him a platform.

I mean… he only provides a platform for news to leak. It’s the responsibility of those who send info to realize that anything credible will be said publicly. And it’s highly possible based on his track record, especially now that he has put forward a correct casting before anyone else, that those wrong Daisy’s were once true. It’s also highly possible he was blowing smoke, but at some point the correct info was sent his way.

Welch’s GATSBY to premiere in 2024
 Apr 10 2024, 10:10:06 AM

hearthemsing22 said: "Why does it matter that Sweaty was correct? I'm sorry but you're not too smart if you rely on some rando instead of waiting for official announcements. People are just too impatient and must know before everyone else. Like- get over yourselves."

There is such a thing as being a well-connected figure in this industry who people have been privately leaking stuff to for years now…

Punk Rock Girl at the Argyle Theatre
 Jan 28 2022, 09:57:50 PM

The only coverage I’ve seen is a TikTok of the final number from @ashleyhufford and the reception from the commenters is…. Like, real bad.

BEETLEJUICE Will Re-Open In Spring 2022
 Sep 13 2021, 03:12:56 PM
I’m particularly excited to see what revisions have (most likely) been made now that there’s been an entire “Panda Express.” I feel like the death humor might be pretty sensitive, but the creative team has more time to find the footing and re-freeze the show into something much more grounded in its identity. I’m incredibly pumped!
DEAR EVAN HANSEN film sets September 2021 release
 Sep 12 2021, 10:30:11 AM

Jordan Catalano said: "Has there ever been a case of a film version actually hurting the currently running show?"

I don’t have an example to provide, but it’s worth mentioning that the TikTok crowd (probably the most crucial ticket sales, as they’ve now gotten to be older teenagers/twenty somethings) has been very vocal about their disapproval of the show’s plot. If the Broadway production doesn’t keep bringing in big names like Jordan F

 Aug 19 2021, 08:56:13 PM

Capers said: "My very favorite piece of gaming hyperbole - shall we call it Massmining? - was this "interview":

I would be so embarassed in my next life if I realized I was like this in this one.


It’s almost like he was banking entirely on musical theater/video game audiences not having enough knowledge of the other medium to actually call him out on his bull. The details here are embarrassing.

Who is replacing Olivo?
 Aug 2 2021, 12:01:34 AM

jacobsnchz14 said: "nativenewyorker2 said: "Jennifer Damiano"

Super Boy and the Invisible Girl

That Spider-Man cast sure does like to reunite with old cast mates, huh? Crossing my fingers for this one!

What shows could you see a revival of in the coming future drawing audiences in? Even if for a limited engagement?
 Aug 1 2021, 11:32:34 AM

SeanD2 said: "copskid949 said: "I feel like a Ragtime revival in the BLM/Stronger Than Hate/Trump era has been long overdue, although I almost want it to be one of the live shows done for NBC or Fox."

Like it or not, Ragtime is not likely to be produced anytime soon precisely due to the factors you reference. A show about the African American experience written from a gaze of white saviorism by white writers based on a white man's novel is not what w

What shows could you see a revival of in the coming future drawing audiences in? Even if for a limited engagement?
 Jul 26 2021, 01:14:30 PM
I feel like a Ragtime revival in the BLM/Stronger Than Hate/Trump era has been long overdue, although I almost want it to be one of the live shows done for NBC or Fox.
Is there a list of the
 Jul 23 2021, 07:19:18 AM

Kip4 said: "I went to BW so I can offer a little bit of perspective. I wasn't an MT, but I gathered a lot of information just by being in the same building as them.

They pick their class based on types. I watched four classes of MTs come and go. There were always the "hot" ones, the fat ones, the minorities, etc. And they stayed that way for all four years. In other words, if they didn't envision you as a lead when you got in then you were never getting a

Is there a list of the
 Jul 21 2021, 02:18:14 PM
It’s all incredibly opinion-based. Truthfully the best school for you will be the one that caters to your needs. Don’t feel like you have to live in Berea if you only want to go to Baldwin-Wallace, likewise don’t feel like you have to live in Pittsburgh if you want to go to CMU. Truthfully, the schools with those small acceptance rates are just winning the popularity contest. I’d recommend doing the research on musical theatre programs that may not be as well-known. Look which ones are going to
Video games on the theatre stage
 May 13 2021, 08:10:29 AM

I’ve recently gotten into the Danganronpa series of visual novels, and the first game (if cut down to its most basic elements) has at least some potential. You’d really need to streamline the story though, considering the plot would have to solve five or six different mysteries over the course of its runtime. I know there was a Japanese play adaptation, and perhaps it would work much better without singing, but the game’s soundtrack is enough to convince m

...SPELLING BEE movie musical in the works with Disney
 Apr 22 2021, 10:02:35 PM

darquegk said: "Do we know it’s live action? A quirky, lower-budget animation style would suit the feel of the show better than a live-action movie. (Honestly when I listen to the album I often see it in the geometric animation style of South Park.)

Steve Carrell or Patton Oswalt as Panch please?

Having just seen Little Miss Sunshine for the first time and knowing Finn also did a musical based on that, Steve Carrell as Panch sounds legitimately per

THE QUEEN'S GAMBIT Musical Under Development
 Mar 8 2021, 10:16:09 PM

Alex Kulak2 said: "Dave Malloy. That is all."

While I was watching the show one of the Russians reminded me a lot of Malloy so honestly I’m all for it.


plus the dude knows Russia damn well so likeeeeee

I guess my only real concern is that Beth Harmon seems like she doesn’t quite sing. She’s such a strong and fascinating character but the only time I really get “I’m gonna belt my face off” vibes from

Closing song for cabaret help!
 Mar 6 2021, 07:25:29 PM
So just for clarification, are there any major themes for the cabaret that are shared between songs? And when you say “historical” do you mean major musicals, or musicals about historical events?
Closing song for cabaret help!
 Mar 6 2021, 07:25:27 PM
So just for clarification, are there any major themes for the cabaret that are shared between songs? And when you say “historical” do you mean major musicals, or musicals about historical events?
BWay Shows That Did Not Get a Cast Recording
 Mar 1 2021, 07:26:16 PM

theatreguy12 said: "ArtMan said: "American Psycho I may be in the minority, but I loved that show."

Me too.

I will third the appreciation for American Psycho.

Video games on the theatre stage
 Feb 27 2021, 11:46:10 AM
I genuinely think that Portal and Portal 2 would be incredibly experimental and beautiful onstage. It’s a very #MeToo story set in a dystopian science chamber that basically serves as a literal interpretation of one white man’s rise and downfall as he forsakes humanity for his own creations. Plus there’s a whole subplot about a man suffering from schizophrenia, the protagonist of the entire show is a woman who refuses to speak, and the whole operation is run by one of the most tragically funny g
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