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Member Name: mrgiovanni
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Finding Neverland appreciation thread.
 Aug 20 2016, 11:16:02 PM


Hey hopefully you guys can help, I just have a random question (and I didn't start a new thread!):

Are there usually rush tickets for shows on their closing dates? i.e. finding Neverland this Sunday?

I've never been to a closing show and I'm hoping to catch this show one last time

Finding Neverland Question
 Aug 18 2016, 01:05:40 PM

Hey hopefully you guys can help, I just have a random question (and I didn't start a new thread!):

Are there usually rush tickets for shows on their closing dates? i.e. finding Neverland this Sunday?

I've never been to a closing show and I'm hoping to catch this show one last time

American Psycho Preview Video
 Feb 23 2016, 06:47:15 AM

Whoomp there it is...

HAMILTON to Perform on This Year's Grammy Awards!
 Feb 4 2016, 10:15:33 PM

A bit off topic, but I wasn't sure which board to ask. Unrelated to tickets.

Which Hamilton track would you say could be used as poetry reading? Some friends are holding a poetry night and since I don't write I figured it'd be neat to share one of the Hamilton tracks as a reading. I get that the songs were written to be rapped/sung but hip hop is so poetic in itself I figured it could be done. Thanks for the help!

Drink Pairings for Musicals
 Feb 2 2016, 03:00:12 PM

IF/THEN - whiskey, neat.

Grease Live! Official Thread
 Feb 1 2016, 10:14:55 AM

Amateur question. When the rights to these productions are bought, and like THE WIZ and this production now new elements and songs are added, do the songs and such become part of the official GREASE package? If a school wants to put on this same production with Carly's new song, or add the 50's rendition of Cake By The Ocean for instance, is that an option they have?

Grease Live! Official Thread
 Jan 30 2016, 09:53:36 AM

Here's a clip of the DNCE song for the show! I think it's a fun twist on the song to fit into the production:

Last 5 Years Movie on Netflix
 Jan 15 2016, 05:45:43 PM

Thanks for the heads up! I had just been debating on purchasing it on iTunes ??

Favorite Ham 4 Ham
 Jan 6 2016, 10:33:57 PM

I loved the King Schuyler Georges, also any performance with Renee!

What I wonder is with all that cash they're raking in, can they not invest in a better sound system? I get its gritty and like street performances but that sad mic has seen better days.

 Dec 6 2015, 10:15:34 PM

I believe they did the same with the PETER PAN LIVE recording, most of the vocal tracks sound raw as if right from the live broadcast. But I do wonder what they're doing with THE WIZ since they released a studio version of Shanice's rendition of "Home" a few days before the broadcast as well, wonder if they pre-recorded all the songs.

Most impressive Stage Effects (SpecialFX?)
 Sep 22 2015, 06:05:43 PM

RE: Wicked, Defying Gravity - does anyone know how high up the actress on the lift goes? I know with the lights and sfx it might look higher than it actually is.

Has anyone tried this Today Tix app?
 Sep 5 2015, 12:55:57 AM

Thanks for the discount code! Taking my parents to their first show next week (and really only musically my mom enjoys!)

POTO box seats info
 Aug 29 2015, 02:18:48 PM

Quick question, then this can be deleted!

Wondering if anyone can give me a price range for POTO box seats? I know I can only purchase them in person at box office, just wondering if the price is worth waiting to drive into the city for. Thanks!

Best Musical Theater Songs About Unrequited Love
 Aug 29 2015, 06:26:08 AM

"You Don't Need To Love Me" from IF/THEN

Bombshell Benefit Concert
 Jun 12 2015, 07:16:55 PM

I liked the concept of one actress playing the "real" Marilyn and another the "public relations" Marilyn.

Makes me wonder how they would nominate for a Tony?

Bombshell Benefit Concert
 Jun 12 2015, 12:36:26 PM

CoreyRyan I was wondering the same thing! Would BOMBSHELL be eligible for Best Score, or even Best New Musical? How much of the score would have to be replaced or redone to qualify for the "new" title...I don't know all the technical requirements...

At the end of the day it was a fun show! If this is the end for the material it was a great ride while it lasted.

Show longevity
 May 2 2015, 01:25:48 AM

Hello, serious question here!
I was wondering on the longevity of many of the new shows, and even older shows. Thinking of the great actors of Broadway such as Merman, Stritch. They participated in many productions but not necessarily for long periods of time. Granted they were in the theatre for many, many years. Some 40+ but they participated in multiple shows during their careers! Off-Broadway, different theatre productions, etc. It seems like older Broadway shows weren't planned to r

Wicked lift question
 Mar 31 2015, 02:27:01 PM
I was wondering if anyone knew what the height measurement was for the lift used in Wicked when Elphaba flies? How high do they send the actor. Also, I remember reading that different productions used different speeds? Only asking to know, thanks!
Final If/Then Show
 Mar 20 2015, 03:23:53 PM
Anyone know if the lottery will be available for the last performance? Or if it's completely sold out...
Code for $20 off first purchase on TodayTix
 Mar 15 2015, 05:44:17 PM
Anyone have any new codes they'd like to share??
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