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Member Name: Consistency
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 Sep 4 2024, 07:18:29 PM

jpbran said: In addttion to its nearly $1.1 BILLION gross, it got 11 Oscar noms and 11 BAFTA noms; both absolutely bonkers for a "comic book movie" -- especially DC -- andbeyond the far more well reviewed and well loved Dark Knight's nominations. Wins are great, but that level of nominations is nothing to sneeze at. Gives it quite the legacy (earned or not.)"

I always found it even more bonkers that it won the top prize at the Venice Film Festival, one

NYP: Broadway sings New York’s blues as crime, costs slow post-COVID comeback
 Jun 19 2024, 07:01:53 PM

LOL. Rightists need to update their talking points more often. “So much for the tolerant left!!” and “liberals are the real racists!!” are soooo 2014 - and they haven’t grown less dumb with time.

 May 6 2024, 04:36:53 PM

“Many people beyond this board didn't enjoy this show and think it doesn't belong on Broadway”

I haven’t seen “Illinoise” yet, but that statement could apply to virtually every show that’s ever had an audience of more than a few hundred people. It definitely applies to quite a few of my all-time favorites, like “Sweeney Todd” (which a coworker once declared to be “musical torture.”)


Patti LuPone argues with anti-masker at Company talkback
 May 14 2022, 04:18:10 PM

joevitus said: "morosco said: "Karen gotLuPwn'd big time!"

Actually, LuPone was the Karen here.

Well, no. Some of the hallmarks of a “Karen” (I hate that term) are a sense of entitlement and a belief that they don’t have to follow the same rules as everyone else. In the past two years, refusing to wear a mask in an establishment that requires it has become one of the stereotypical indicators of a K

Confirmed: Radcliffe to lead MERRILY revival at NYTW
 Mar 9 2022, 07:16:06 PM

Not really getting the "oversaturation" comments - I've actually been disappointed by the dearth of major Sondheim productions since I moved to the East Coast in 2015. IF this makes it to Broadway, it'll only be the third Sondheim show on Broadway in the past ten years. (It's also the first NYC revival, on- or off-Broadway, announced since his death.)

I'm hoping we'll see some more in the next few years... maybe even a full-scale "Sweeney Todd"?

Lin to direct film adaptation of Tick Tick Boom
 Jan 10 2022, 08:51:00 AM

EvanstonDad said: "Garfield was all "Wow, you mean if you actually work you can make money to buy nice places to live?" What a revelation.

I have no patience for thirty year olds who don't want to get jobs, which is why I find Rent to be insufferable now even though I was caught up in the hysteria at the time of its Broadway premier.

Eh… Your reaction is your reaction, but Garfield does have a job throughout the film.

Having &l

AIN'T TOO PROUD To Close on January 16, 2022
 Dec 28 2021, 06:05:39 PM

"Well the problem with masking is that it doesn’t work."

Well, actually...

Study after study has shown that masks are quite effective at preventing the spread of diseases like COVID. They're not 100% effective, mind you - but they're a lot better than nothing.

"In part because the virus is air borne and any exposure of air could pass on."

Except... The virus is transmitted through water droplets, not just "air." And even

New Randy Rainbow (with a Special Guest) - Brilliant!
 Oct 10 2020, 12:46:51 PM

“But hey, you got your super awesome and definitely very cool parody songs back after a spell, so who cares, right?”

Broadway-style parody songs are unlikely to ever be “very cool” - at least in the 21st century - but his best pieces are indeed super awesome and pretty damn clever.

Does his work *need* to exist? Not really - but he’s brought a lot of joy over the past few years, which is more than can be said about most other media personali

Best & Worst Best Original Score Tony Winners
 Oct 8 2020, 04:59:33 AM
“ and how Sunday isn't nearly as good musically as it is made out to be.”

Nah. It’s even better. It’s a rare score that still reveals new depths even after years of listening.

With that said, I think “La Cage aux Folles” also has a brilliant score, so I’m not at all disappointed by its win.

Theater References in "Knives Out!"
 Nov 29 2019, 07:27:41 AM
That's awesome. I haven't seen "Knives Out" yet, but that makes at least three films this year featuring characters singing Sondheim songs.
Evan Hansen IS a sociopath
 Mar 13 2019, 10:45:41 AM
"BTW, the Venn Diagram of people who call Evan a sociopath and people who thought Great Comet was better is one circle."

Eh? I thought Great Comet was a better and more affecting show - but I also think calling Evan a sociopath is nonsensical.

Ishmael Reed on Why He Thinks Hamilton is a Total Fraud
 Jan 17 2019, 03:29:11 PM

Eh… The musical does exaggerate Hamilton's egalitarianism (he was actually very much an elitist), but this kind of hyperbolic response doesn’t really help anything.

I preface this with the caveat that I am not a historian, but… Hamilton’s writings make it clear that he had a lifelong dislike for slavery. Most notably, towards the end of his life, he publicly advocated for an end to slavery in New York and to stop the importation of slaves to the new na

BWW- Amazon reward glitch!
 Nov 26 2018, 02:35:41 AM
Yep, I also get this occasionally when I'm browsing the site on my phone.

Though I have gotten them less often over the past few months.

Spielberg's West Side Story
 Oct 3 2018, 11:41:20 AM

AEA AGMA SM said: "I hope to god that the first thing Kushner did when sitting down to start his screenplay is drop ALL of the made up gang slang. Let Laurents spin in his grave for eternity for daring to "desecrate" his ever so important contribution to the show's legacy."

I love “West Side Story,” and I think Laurents’ book is great overall, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a production that didn’t make me cringe a

Gilr from North Country - Public Theatre Reviews
 Oct 2 2018, 08:11:24 AM

Peter Marks at The Washington Post is a rave:

John Doyle Will Helm World Premiere of AUGUST RUSH at DC's Signature Theatre
 Jun 29 2018, 11:46:29 AM

Yeah, Signature is no longer doing the show.

Here's a quote about it from the Washington Post:

"The production had to be scrubbed from Signature’s calendar, company officials explained, because of the scheduling problems that arose after the rights to revive another show that was to have been included in the Signature season were withdrawn. That change, they said, made it financially impossible to stage “August Rush,” which was to be directed at Signature by Tony winner John Doyle. The show remains on the schedule of the Paramount Theatre in Aurora, Ill., where it was to head after the Signature premiere."


They're also no longer doing "Falsettos" - possibly because the tour will be at the Kennedy Center next summer. 

Who Would Win the Tony if Broadway Didn't Exist and There Were No Show?
 Jun 26 2018, 04:29:40 PM
"And the award for Best Lighting Design in a Musical goes to... Bob's cat, Tiger!"
Assassins revival.
 Mar 18 2018, 11:56:33 PM

It's long been one of my favorite Sondheim scores. I've only seen two community productions of it, but I think the book is actually pretty strong and holds up quite well.

Still, it'd probably be impossible to do a Broadway revival of it right now without a lot of people who haven't seen it making (false) assumptions about the meaning and message of the show.

I mean... Any major production of this show is bound to be controversial, and potential producers may welc

Aaron Sorkin's TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD Adaptation to premiere on Broadway December 13, 2018
 Mar 15 2018, 02:13:15 PM

I’m mostly immune to Sorkin’s talents, so I’m open to criticisms of his aesthetic—but his writing doesn’t really fit the definition of lowbrow. He’s not doing anything brilliant or revolutionary—but he’s not exactly making “The Big Bang Theory” either. Middlebrow would probably be the most appropriate term for his style.

His writing is often intelligent, the characters he creates are convincingly articulate and cultured, he ha

John Doyle Will Helm World Premiere of AUGUST RUSH at DC's Signature Theatre
 Feb 5 2018, 02:47:10 PM
I'm still in a diabetic coma from watching the movie, so this will probably be a pass for me - as much as I usually enjoy Signature's productions.
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