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Member Name: Dane F
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 Jun 11 2017, 11:32:19 PM

Dancingthrulife2 said: "Dane F said: "loveinnewyorkcity said: "I have second row seats to Hello Dolly! this week. Safe to say I will be taking my seat when Bette comes  out for a bow. Pretentious, obnoxious, and undeserving.

Its too bad her now stale talent is overshadowed by her ugly and disgusting ego.



Wow, bunch of tools on this message board,,,,



 Jun 11 2017, 11:27:23 PM

loveinnewyorkcity said: "I have second row seats to Hello Dolly! this week. Safe to say I will be taking my seat when Bette comes  out for a bow. Pretentious, obnoxious, and undeserving.

Its too bad her now stale talent is overshadowed by her ugly and disgusting ego.



Wow, bunch of tools on this message board,,,,


 Jun 11 2017, 11:17:19 PM

Dollypop said: "My cable company just froze midway through Bette's speech. It seems to be all over Suffolk County. Bravo Optimum!"

Holy ****, and you lot wanna call Bette obnoxious? Get a grip, queens...

 Jun 11 2017, 11:13:09 PM

Princeton78 said: "DEH: 2 standing Os

HD: 0 Standing Os

Just saying......



They won the awards they were predicted to get, weren't shut out due to any backlash.

Just saying...........


 Jun 11 2017, 11:04:34 PM

chernjam said: "Bette is obnoxious



That's literally been Bette's gimmick since the 70's.....

 Jun 11 2017, 11:02:35 PM

4 Tony Awards tonight for Dolly, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that everyone from the production will sleep easy tonight. So much for that whole backlash thing, eh?

Overrated Musicals Of The Last Ten Years
 May 27 2017, 10:25:37 AM

Jane2 said: "^ For me, overrated means not as good as it's hyped up to be. In general. I'm not expecting specific reasons why.



I'd still like to hear the thoughts of other people, rather then just listing 4-5 random musicals.

You think they're overrated? Explain why.

Overrated Musicals Of The Last Ten Years
 May 27 2017, 09:57:31 AM

Gotta love how, with few exceptions, no one here is even bothering to explain why they think a show is overrated...

La LuPone gives her unvarnished opinion of Donald Trump
 May 21 2017, 10:10:20 PM

I just went ahead and blocked him.

Anything to get the stupidity off my screen...

La LuPone gives her unvarnished opinion of Donald Trump
 May 21 2017, 04:40:26 PM

That moment when someone says something so blatantly ignorant and stupid that you just have to block them? Yeah, this is one of those moments.....moron.

La LuPone gives her unvarnished opinion of Donald Trump
 May 21 2017, 03:52:35 PM

kdogg36 said: "lovebwy said: "Obama was the epitome of class and decency."

Especially when he killed an American teenager and blamed his murder victim for having a bad father.




Huh, strange. Obama was flying the plane and dropped the bomb that killed this teenager?

La LuPone gives her unvarnished opinion of Donald Trump
 May 20 2017, 01:49:48 PM

Honestly, to the people who say things like "HUR DUR, ENTERTAINERS SHOULD JUST KEEP THEIR MOUTHS SHUT AND ENTERTAIN INSTEAD OF WAXING POLITICS!", just be honest and say what you really mean:


I wonder, if the roles were reversed, and entertainers spoke out about Hillary, would these same people stick to their guns, or would they go "GOOD FOR THAT ENTERTAINER FOR HAVING THE COURAGE TO SPEAK

 May 13 2017, 10:58:11 AM

I made that mistake several years ago for an audition for a touring group doing "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)".

I figured the guys running the audition didn't want to hear the same 4-5 Shakespeare monologues over and over, so I decided to try a different route, and did a monologue from The Kids in the Hall, thinking, if I could get them to laugh, it would work in my favor, right?

.....Yeah, within 10 seconds of starting, I knew I had

Mom & Autistic child kicked out of Chicago Aladdin
 May 13 2017, 10:36:42 AM


The people who are saying things like "Shame on this theater for kicking the mom and child out!" are completely missing the point.

So, say you're watching a play, and an autistic child is screaming at the top of his lungs, so much so that the actors can't focus on stage, and it's a visible distraction.

Should we just all go "Oh, well, we can't discriminate, let the child stay, even if he's screaming and being a visua

Mom & Autistic child kicked out of Chicago Aladdin
 May 12 2017, 06:20:53 PM

Margo319 said: "If you deem my response "hysterical" you haven't really talked with lot of people.  Probably ever.  In your life time.  Thanks though, good for quite the laugh.  



Ok, maybe not hysterical, but you were waaaaaaaay to over the top for a discussion such as this.


Mom & Autistic child kicked out of Chicago Aladdin
 May 12 2017, 09:46:10 AM

I went to a community theater production of a show where an autistic person was literally screaming at the top of her lungs, so much so they literally had to pause a scene on stage while the woman and her handler had to leave the hall where the show was being staged.

Like others have said, if said special needs person can sit through the show and isn't hindering the actors on stage (yelling while a scene is going on), then by all means, take them to enjoy theater.

play recs?
 May 8 2017, 09:34:24 AM

I would definitely recommend The Play That Goes Wrong as well.

Dear Theater Fans, Please Stop Stealing
 May 5 2017, 09:47:08 AM

Gonna have to agree with the camp here that states that this just oozes as being very lecturing and being very condescending, llana.

Within the first few sentences of your opening post, I found myself rolling my eyes and going "Wow, really?". If you wanted to actually come off as someone who was looking for a discussion and not as some stuffy grade school teacher tool, reactions like what I had should show you that you're not exactly approaching this correctly.

The Terms of My Surrender--Michael Moore hitting Broadway
 May 3 2017, 10:38:37 AM

Moore is doing this knowing fully well it's gonna get eyeballs firmly on him.

The Pro-Trump people will come out of the woodwork to insult him for daring to speak out against Lord Cheeto

The Anti-Trump people will praise his bravery and say they'll flock to the show.

Overall? Publicity.

Tony Snubs
 May 2 2017, 11:34:04 AM

kmac23 said: "Sometimes I have to remind myself: opinions are like a*holes...everyone has one.  RIGHT? HA!




Um........good one?

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