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Member Name: Dusoleilcanwhistle
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Reefer Madness Hollywood
 Jul 1 2024, 05:00:35 PM

Caught this phenomenal production over the weekend and can't sing its praises enough! If you're in LA, do whatever you need to and find a way to see this!

The level of ambition here was nearly a 10 - they re-conceived the entire space in a brilliant way to make the show feel nearly immersive and the performers themselves were unanimously fantastic. Truly everyone was excellent, but special mention to Thomas Dekker who played every color of the rainbow over the course of the eve

Operation Mincemeat heading to Broadway
 Apr 15 2024, 01:05:58 AM

Mincemeat is a bona-fide commercial hit (unlike several of the past Olivier winners who didn't transfer), but it's definitely also an intimate show.

I saw it a few months back and think Broadway audiences would eat it up if presented the right way. It would be a perfect fit for one of the smaller houses. It would have to be restaged a bit but Circle in the Square could work quite well, if not perhaps the Booth or Golden. 

Alternatively, I actually think putting it i

Donmar’s Next To Normal to Transfer to the West End in 2024
 Nov 20 2023, 01:14:01 PM

So happy to see this and hope it comes to Broadway as well. Truly even better than the amazing original production - Cassie Levy will walk away with the Tony and Olivier for this role.

Is Dr. Semmelweis coming to Broadway?
 Sep 24 2023, 03:07:38 AM

Saw this show a few weeks ago, and in contrast to my comments about OPERATION MINCEMEAT (which I loved and think should transfer), this one should absolutely not.

I love Mark Rylance, but this was the first performance of his I've ever seen that felt like he was playing himself, or what people think he is (as an actor, rather than really getting into a character). I felt that the play was very poorly written and directed - attempting to throw every theatrical device in a kitchen sink a

Operation Mincemeat planning Broadway transfer.
 Sep 24 2023, 03:03:01 AM

I saw it a few weeks ago - it took me a song or two to really get into it, but once I did, I completely loved it. I've been listening to the Cast Recording a lot since - a lot of very catchy songs and the performers are terrific. The scale and scope make it feel a bit more like an Off-Broadway show to me that could run really well at a New World Stages, but given it's likely to win a bunch of Olivier Awards, maybe they could make a deal with Second Stage for a run at the Hayes, if not

Next to normal Donmar Warehouse
 Sep 4 2023, 05:58:16 PM

Caught this tonight and it was absolutely phenomenal. I saw the Original Broadway Cast and the replacement ensemble with Marin Mazzie and Jason Danieley and while comparisons are hard because these are differently directed productions, I found myself much more moved by this company. 

SPOILERS AHEAD regarding the direction/performances


This is a much more grounded and realistic production than the original which felt like it leaned much more on theme. As a resu

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 7/2/23
 Jul 6 2023, 02:41:06 PM

lapinitsa said: "Dusoleilcanwhistle said: "I would be concerned if I was "Here Lies Love" - yes, it's a tourism driven week and people leave town, but for a show that is supposed have a cult following from it's previous life, you would expect the grosses to be somewhat frontloaded pre-reviews and that is not the case here.

I did enjoy seeing the show recently, but it is NOT for everyone and very much not for most tourists (who ar

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 7/2/23
 Jul 6 2023, 12:28:07 AM

I would be concerned if I was "Here Lies Love" - yes, it's a tourism driven week and people leave town, but for a show that is supposed have a cult following from it's previous life, you would expect the grosses to be somewhat frontloaded pre-reviews and that is not the case here.

I did enjoy seeing the show recently, but it is NOT for everyone and very much not for most tourists (who aren't seeking out challenging art for the most part). This show was always goin

HERE LIES LOVE - Broadway Previews
 Jul 2 2023, 02:08:55 PM

Agreed with the general sentiment on the floor standing tickets - did it this week and had a great time for about 20 minutes. After that, the execution of the shifting set and everyone moving around made it hard to really enjoy the show itself. It's a very interesting piece of art, but as a Broadway show, it left me wanting a fair amount. Not something I would really recommend to people who aren't die-hard theater lovers.

Center Theatre Group will stop programing the Mark Taper Forum, due to increased production costs & reduced revenue.
 Jun 15 2023, 04:35:50 PM

This has been rumored about in LA Theater Circles for a while - very sad to see the official announcement. It really has never been more challenging for non-profit theater companies across the country - anyone who is in a position to, please donate to your favorite local theater company! 

 May 28 2023, 03:44:17 PM

Agreed - a terrific season for the Pasadena Playhouse which I think is partly why they just won the Regional Tony Award. Next season doesn't look quite as promising (I don't know who was begging for a new production of JELLY'S LAST JAM?) but this production, their SUNDAY with Graham Philips and SANCTUARY CITY were excellent this year.

WGA strike impact on the 2023 Tonys
 May 15 2023, 09:57:23 PM

Breaking News: WGA will not grant the waiver but now will not picket the awards after the Tonys promised some specific changes. Miraculous.

Article here

WGA strike impact on the 2023 Tonys
 May 15 2023, 06:53:24 PM

Yeah, while a lot of people are responsible for this, the situation is what it is. The WGA picketing an awards show that doesn't cover their medium and in turn costing hundreds if not thousands of employees of Broadway shows their jobs from closing early over the lack of exposure would be on them. It's one thing to stop the MTV Movie and TV Awards from moving forward given they cover film and television projects that make the AMPTP companies profits, but this is not that situation.

 Apr 24 2023, 10:29:59 PM

I feel slightly vindicated for sharing my take from seeing the show in Chicago - Hayes has some brilliant moments but the play itself was really rough. It genuinely felt like the first draft of a script to me and felt bad for the actors who were trying so hard. Glad I saw it, but also glad I paid Chicago prices.

Full casting announced for GOOD NIGHT, OSCAR
 Mar 17 2023, 09:34:10 PM

I caught the show in Chicago as well and while yes, Hayes gives a tour-de-force performance and I'd say he has a good shot at the Leading Actor in a Play Tony, the show itself was pretty uneven. While the cast is pretty good uniformly, the script feels fairly one-note and though there are a few laughs, this is ultimately a tragedy and tonally felt somewhat off throughout the show to me. The direction is certainly an issue too. 

There will likely be a look-in audience and die-h

THE LONELY FEW at the Geffen with Lauren Patten, Ciara Renée, Damon Daunno
 Mar 16 2023, 02:21:56 AM

Caught this show at the Geffen recently and enjoyed it. It's a big swing for the theater and glad to see them taking chances and aiming at a younger audience. 

It certainly is a work in progress but the songs have great melodies and all of the performers (Lauren Patten especially) are insanely talented. 

The two issues I had with the show were that most of the characters were very underdeveloped and maybe it's because of how small the theater is and how loud th

Phillips and Alabado to lead SUNDAY IN THE PARK at Pasadena Playhouse
 Mar 2 2023, 05:34:07 PM

I caught the show recently and agree that Graham Phillips was outstanding. The production on the whole was really terrific - thought it was the best thing I'd seen at the Playhouse since the RAGTIME revival four years ago. 

Excited for ALNM now too!

Another Romeo & Juliet? This one with Pat Benatar's catalogue?!
 Dec 3 2022, 08:23:07 PM

Oooooof - I caught the show this afternoon and unfortunately it is a total mess.

I went in rooting for the show to be enjoyable (I do love the music) but this show will be studied for how many ways a musical can go wrong.

The book/concept for the show itself really doesn't work. It's a mix of Shakespearean English with modern day expletives and essentially a speed-through of "Romeo and Juliet" but removing all character development. I felt really bad fo

K-POP On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread
 Oct 18 2022, 11:55:34 PM

I saw it tonight as well. I went in with zero expectations and came out pleasantly surprised. 

It took me about 10-15 minutes to adapt to the format and figure out what was going on but once I did, it was a pretty fun ride.

The performances were pretty stellar across the board, but Luna is truly exceptional - she is definitely going to be a player in the Best Actress race if the show stays open.

I found the male group numbers to not be as strong as the female group a

The Griswalds' Broadway Vacation (World Premiere First Performance Tonight!)
 Sep 27 2022, 11:01:37 AM

I had the chance to see the show last week and really enjoyed it. Is it perfect? Of course not - it's literally the first public performances of this show EVER. But the bones of a really fun musical are there and many of the songs had really witty lyrics and great melodies and the performances were fairly strong. 

Personally, I felt like the first act moved a bit too quickly and wish there was a bit more setup of the characters and world before they got to NYC. Act Two felt mu

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