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Member Name: Bwaymusicalfan
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 Aug 2 2014, 01:17:37 PM
None of the leads were naked, but the rest of the ensemble was very much naked during the act one finale.
Hair Hollywood Bowl Dress
 Aug 2 2014, 03:32:56 AM
I did make it into the dress this morning, as well as to the show in the evening.

I enjoyed being in the front section for the dress, to actually see the performances and staging up close. And then I enjoyed seeing it again in the evening with all of the lighting and projections.

Understandably, the actors didn't do the nudity during the dress, only during the evening performance.

Hair Hollywood Bowl Dress
 Jul 30 2014, 08:45:32 PM
In past years, the rehearsal has started at 10 AM.

And I already have tix for the Friday night performance regardless. =)

Hair Hollywood Bowl Dress
 Jul 30 2014, 07:37:52 PM
I called the Hollywood Bowl this morning, and they said there is NO open dress for Hair...however, I was told the same thing last year for Chicago, and I just walked right in to the Friday morning rehearsal along with a boatload of other people. Someone official was even directing us where to sit.

I did find out from someone close to a cast member that there is, as usual, a wristband dress on Friday morning. (In past years, if you showed a wristband, you could sit in the very front sect

Hair Hollywood Bowl Dress
 Jul 29 2014, 03:38:44 PM
Has anyone heard anything about an open dress rehearsal for Hair at the Hollywood Bowl? In past years, the dress on the Friday morning of the first show has been open to the public for free, but I hadn't heard anything about it this year.

I also wondered if, with nudity, a free open dress during the daylight would even be possible.

Aaron Tveit On
 May 30 2013, 06:34:08 PM
Well, to be fair, most good-looking men who perform in musicals have gay rumors swirling around them, so it's unsurprising that the same would accompany Aaron Tveit. It's sort of just a dumb thing that comes with the territory for any straight man who pursues this kind of career.
Aaron Tveit Concert - Swap Nights w/ Me and Get an Extra Ticket!
 May 5 2013, 10:43:27 PM
WOW. One of these tickets just sold for $612.13 on eBay.
AARON TVEIT 3-for-2 Ticket Swap!!
 Apr 30 2013, 02:06:42 PM
Thanks for your post! =)

Together we will make this happen!!!

Aaron Tveit Concert - Swap Nights w/ Me and Get an Extra Ticket!
 Apr 25 2013, 01:27:11 PM
I also think some people may have tix they need to get rid of closer to performances -- happened with Megan Hilty's album show this week.
Aaron Tveit Concert - Swap Nights w/ Me and Get an Extra Ticket!
 Apr 20 2013, 08:18:46 PM
A number of people have messaged me that they are interested in purchasing my tickets...and if I CAN'T find anyone to swap with me, I may very well pick someone at random to sell them to...

BUT...not for a while. I'm going to try as hard as I can over the next month to find someone to swap dates. Not giving up hope yet! =)

Aaron Tveit Concert - Swap Nights w/ Me and Get an Extra Ticket!
 Apr 20 2013, 01:31:55 AM
I have spoken with BOTH Ticket Web and 54 Below regarding how one might be able to pull off a ticket date switch.

Ticket Web allows you to change the name of your reservation online, so both parties would be able to change the name right away (and give one another their order confirmation numbers).

54 Below gets these reservations from Ticket Web, and you can ALSO confirm with 54 Below over the phone that the proper names are on the reservations for the proper date.


Aaron Tveit Concert - Swap Nights w/ Me and Get an Extra Ticket!
 Apr 18 2013, 11:23:38 PM
I have THREE tickets for Aaron Tveit's 54 Below concert for Friday, May 17th that I would love to exchange for TWO tickets for his show on Saturday, May 18th.

Yes, you read that right -- if you have a pair of 5/18 tix and swap nights with me, I will give you my third ticket for FREE!

Anyone interested should contact

I had a scheduling conflict come up after getting tickets, and am hoping to find someone who might take me up on my offer! I'll s

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