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Kathleen Marshall Queen of Plagarism
 Jan 8 2009, 12:53:00 PM
Today's Chicago Sun Times reports that Kathleen Marshall the champion for Director & Choreographer rights has ripped off staging from the original for the new Grease revival.

"When she isn't outright stealing bits from the film, director Kathleen Marshall has doled out choreography ("Born to Hand Jive" in particular) that manages at least to look energetic even as scene after scene (and song after song) falls flat."

I guess it's okay to steal when you are VP of a union!

lovesclassics love turn of the century
 Oct 1 2008, 10:02:52 AM
What a joke, this person is cleary digging up any little online review of Turn of the Century to try and make it seem like a success of a show. Get a life!
re: Audition song for Officer Lockstock?
 Oct 1 2008, 09:49:32 AM
No, basically the reason you didn't get cast is because you don't have any talent...

Don't lecture others on how to audition.

re: Akron URINETOWN Lawsuit Settled
 Jul 2 2008, 02:38:29 PM
Hilarious! The Akron court system is listing that the Ohio team payed the Broadway team one hundred dollars to settle it. Wow, I hope the folks at Carousel can afford that whopping figure.

F'ing hysterical!

re: Why did the wedding singer close?
 Apr 10 2008, 06:20:59 PM
One Word


re: Chicago URINETOWN Lawsuit Settled
 Feb 29 2008, 03:32:40 PM
Dear Miss R:

You asked where are my sources are?? I do not need any sources, I did the PR for the show, I have all the footage of the authors working here in Chicago with the Chicago cast. I also saw the dismal tour of the B'way production and the show is NOT even close to being a copy. The fact remains the Chicago company did it better!

The big whoops here is that the entire staff at Music Theatre INT has been telling everyone that the creative team on Broadway is trying to

re: The Little Dog is Not Happy About Chicago's Prudishness
 Feb 6 2008, 08:05:22 PM
You are so clueless and wrong Distintive Baritone, you can see video footage of Greg Kotis on the stage at the mercury theater in Chicago doing the promos for Carol Fox publicITty on CLTV which is the chicago local entertainment channel. Hello?!!

Stop spreading crap about stuff you know nothing of. The writers helped mount the chicago production and the following link clearly spells out who's side there are on.

the director is f-ing thanked by the Kotis and Hollmann publically.

They writers are on the director and Chicago creative teams side and they did not sue the Chicago team, Rando and Caraffa tried to sue. YOU ARE SO CLUELESS!! Get your facts straight!!

re: The Little Dog is Not Happy About Chicago's Prudishness
 Feb 5 2008, 12:14:08 PM
Hey Joe, I know Robbie J mentioned this...but the writers were in support of the Chicago production of Urinetown and even helped put it up. See attached link, in case you missed thier statement of Mullen and the Chicago team.

Having seen LDL here last week, I think the whole thing is a publicty stunt for a show that is not selling very well in the new Gay Center of Chicago.

re: Urinetown Authors Speak Up!
 Dec 2 2007, 06:24:04 PM
The stage directors union (SSDC) has stated falsely, that members artistic property, i.e. stage direction is protected by law. It is now clearly not and has never been.

re: Urinetown Authors Speak Up!
 Dec 2 2007, 04:23:16 PM
The ruling from the copyright office, is that stage direction is not copyrightable by law and it looks like the chicago team worked hard to get the government in on the matter for the writers. I guess the creative team from Broadway won't be working with Kotis and Hollmann in the near future.

re: Urinetown Authors Speak Up!
 Dec 2 2007, 01:38:06 PM
It's pretty clar what this is about and someone on another thread said that the writers were not a part of the Chicago production.

I guess this statement from the authors make me believe they were very much involved in the chicago production!!

re: Urinetown Authors Speak Up!
 Dec 2 2007, 12:45:07 PM
Thanks for posting this. This is exactly what they attempted to do to Gary Griffin many years ago. I'm glad that the guild published this.
Department of Justice joined Chicago Urinetown suit!
 Nov 30 2007, 07:19:28 PM
Wow! Crazy, the following just broke in Variety, the copyright office with the department of Justice entered the case on the Chicago side and deemed Stage Direction not copyrightable.

By Gordon Cox
Creatives of "Urinetown" on the Rialto publicly accused the creators of the Chi production -- as well as the production team from a separate but similar production in Akron, Ohio -- of plagiarism in November 2006.
New York side of the dispute had the support of directors' union the S

re: Chicago URINETOWN Lawsuit Settled
 Nov 30 2007, 06:44:40 PM
Wow! Someone needs to stop crying about stuff they don't have any idea of. First off, the number Run Freedom Run was the only number used and it does not belong to the Broadway production. It belongs to Janine Sabo. I should know she is a very dear friend, she was the associate choreographer who Carrafa fired when the show opened. She created and set the enire number and the Chicago production, had her permission and credit to use it! Stop THE LIES! Ask any member of the Broadway cast they will
Skinner vs Rando
 Jul 20 2007, 09:29:21 PM
What happened to John Rando and Lone Star Love?

Now Randy Skinner of both director and choreographer.


re: Jewtopia- The Movie
 May 11 2007, 12:44:10 PM
Maybe John Rando can copy all of Tillinger's direction, since he ripped of the Fringe Director on Urinetown.
re: Urinetown Help!
 Apr 7 2007, 03:02:31 PM
when you search put in a few items like "urinetown" "rando" "akron"

it will come up

re: Carrafa & Rando are the Plagiarist!?
 Apr 3 2007, 09:17:28 PM
I'd say that you are correct. My feeling, and I'm an actor not a director, so take this with a grain of salt. But if you ask for input from your cast and crew on staging and choreography...and many directors should not try and take credit for it. Its very clear that Urinetown had a lot of people contributing to make it successful.

re: Florida theatre does a ASL Big River
 Feb 15 2007, 10:22:11 AM
I don't get it? What does this have to do with Jen Cody?
re: Urinetown - Prequel and Sequel?
 Feb 4 2007, 08:46:36 PM
yeah! I know weird, but on his web site in the upcoming news section it said that he was directing and choreographing Yeast Nation and now it's been removed.

I don't believe a word this guy says anymore and I know for a fact that the Urinetown creators are pissed off!

He and Rando have really hurt the show!

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