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Member Name: OneSongGlory90
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Sheet Music Help.
 Oct 27 2009, 03:15:43 AM

Does anyone know where I can find sheet music to "Her Is" or "Think of the Time I Save" from The Pajama Game. I need it for an audition and can only find a vocal selection book that cost $50. Pretty steep price to pay for only one song. Any help or tips are appreciated!

re: Epic Proportions
 Mar 1 2009, 06:25:22 PM
What I meant was how it was staged? Elaborate set or simple and plain? Did you split it up into two acts? How many actors did your directors use? How were the costumes?

Do you have pictures? lol

Epic Proportions
 Mar 1 2009, 06:17:14 PM
So I was wondering what your thoughts are on this play. I know it played off broadway in the 80's and played broadway in the late 90's. What are your thoughts on it. How was it staged?

I am directing this show this summer and wanted to hear some stories about it.

And the Rain Came to Mayfield...
 Dec 25 2008, 05:42:30 PM
Has anyone heard of a show titled "And the rain came to Mayfield..." Any information or photos would be greatly appreciated! :)
re: Cutting Musical Numbers in Tours...
 Oct 23 2008, 11:53:33 PM
Maybe their trying to bill it as a family show?
Cutting Musical Numbers in Tours...
 Oct 23 2008, 11:43:33 PM
So I saw The 25th annual putnam county spelling bee non-eq. tour tonight and I laughed til I cried. I loved it but i noticed that they cut Chip's Lament (my unfortunate erection). Are they allowed to do this and does anyone know why?

Its a great tour so if its coming to your city, check it out. You will love it!

re: OneSongGlory90
 Oct 13 2008, 08:35:17 PM
alrighty, my pm's are turned on! :)
Parade-Did he do it?
 Oct 10 2008, 04:54:08 PM
I have fallen in love with Parade all over again and was wondering who everyone thought really killed Mary? I believe Leo did not do it and was just a scapegoat? Opinions?
re: Play Revivals!
 Oct 7 2008, 09:06:08 PM
I would love to see both! I was in Our Town when i was in elementary and really didnt understand it but fell in love with it my senior year. I saw Dancing at Lughnasa at a state uil meet and it was breathtaking.
Play Revivals!
 Oct 7 2008, 01:41:52 PM
How does everyone feel about a revival of Thornton Wilder's amazing play Our Town or a revival of Brian Friel's Dancing at Lughnasa?
Spelling Bee Tour?
 Oct 6 2008, 07:54:41 PM
Anyone know if its worth going?
 Dec 29 2007, 12:55:25 PM
I just bought Curtains off of I-tunes and i was wondering who the killer was. Anyone wanna tell me??
re: Broadway Christmas Presents
 Dec 25 2007, 02:16:53 PM
I got the Company revival cd. Pretty pumped! Have yet to listen to it though. Dont know if this counts but i also got an i-tunes gift card and cant decide what im going to buy with it! any suggestions??
re: The Polar Express-The Musical?
 Nov 25 2007, 04:17:09 PM
You guys are right. I should have thought more about t the technical aspects of the show before I posted a bulletin about it! Silly me!
re: The Polar Express-The Musical?
 Nov 25 2007, 04:17:08 PM
You guys are right. I should have thought more about t the technical aspects of the show before I posted a bulletin about it! Silly me!
The Polar Express-The Musical?
 Nov 25 2007, 03:47:50 PM
Just got done watching The Polar Express with my cousin and was wondering what you guys thought about a stage adaptation (sp?) of the movie.
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