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Member Name: Little-Lotte
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The real NYADA?
 Sep 26 2012, 08:15:20 PM
NYADA is definitely an AMDA clone. And while there have been successful actors to come from the program there is still a stigma attached to the school.

NYU Tisch and Pace are really your only BFA granting MT options in the city.

I studied acting at Marymount Manhattan College, actually at the same time as Melissa Benoist who's playing Marley Rose on the show this season. She was in the BFA Acting program and minored in MT. Jenna Ushkowitz (Tina) also attended Marymount

Les Mis Movie - Photos and Articles
 May 29 2012, 11:13:53 AM
Once again Eponine is too damned gorgeous. Even Anne Hathaway looks a little rough (which living as a prostitute and getting a fatal disease) is what she should look like. So should someone who's starving and exhaustively running around.

Anyways the pictures look amazing and I can't wait for the trailer. Though back to all this talk about the live singing. If I'm not mistaken, nearly all of the songs in Moulin Rouge were sung live on set. I think the only difference was they sang to p

Ricky Martin Stage Door Evita
 Apr 12 2012, 06:15:47 PM
I have been to countless shows, from Broadway to workshops. And the only occasion I have ever been given a program in advance (when I pick up tickets) is to workshops and ONE Off-Broadway show. So yeah, this story doesn't really add up.

Either way, the man was late to work. Let's hope he was able to get stretched and get his vocal warm-ups in, because he has a JOB to do, celebrity or not. The only instance where I've seen a celebrity do a before the show signing was Hugh Jackman, and

Should All Shows Have the Same Ticket Prices?
 Apr 12 2012, 12:33:20 AM
Ticket prices have been steadily going up like crazy, in particular the last few years. And now you can't get orchestra seats before the 10th row or even be able to sit in the aisle without paying a premium price which is ridiculous. This is why nearly every show has to resort to some kind of stunt casting to make it worthwhile for a tourist to bother to see. There are very few exceptions to this, and of course, they're not selling out every night.

And elitist or not but I feel if you h

A middle aged streetcar
 Apr 2 2012, 08:16:31 PM
This production still irks me, no matter how much you grasp at straws to make it work. Primarily because you NEED to alter text to make it work. And yes, Williams' approved of it but still, you are changing the dynamic greatly. You want to ruffle feathers? Keep Blanche and Stella white and make Stanley black! Granted most producers wouldn't want to touch that with a 50 foot pole because those types of race issues still exist today with mixed race couples.

It's an interesting idea they'r

Who should replace Sierra as I in
 Mar 21 2012, 04:14:59 PM
I would prefer a complete unknown in the role. The fact that "I" feels so out of place and in someone else's shadow at Manderley would only be heightened by someone making their Broadway debut in such a role. I love Sierra but I would prefer them to search outside of the safe choices now that she is (most likely) not on board anymore.
Streetcar Named Desire revival artwork
 Feb 29 2012, 12:00:02 AM
I like the artwork, eye-catching yet still rather simplistic. The tagline is appalling and makes absolutely no sense with the context of the content of this show. And as far as casting unattractive people in this in the past; I'd argue that with how many good-looking actors have been cast primarily in the roles of Stanley and Blanche. That fact was why the Richardson revival just didn't work. Stanley needs to ooze sexual magnetism and you just don't get that from John C. Reilly!

Even th

lestat cast cd
 Jan 17 2012, 06:06:53 AM
I always love how even though this show was such a flop, every few months it comes back up in conversation.

It's such a shame that the CD was never released, the cast was especially proud of the work they put into it as well. As far as I was told, it was recorded but never mixed/polished etc. So they couldn't just post it up on iTunes, they'd have to actually put some money into the production of it before they could actually distribute it.

I was one of the very few fans of th

Les Miserables Movie Auditions/Casting Info
 Oct 11 2011, 09:49:00 PM
Emma will be great looks-wise, I mean Cosette is probably the most boring, one dimensional musical theatre character ever written. However if Watson can't sing the score, for the love of god please dub her! That was my number one pet peeve with the Phantom of the Opera film adaptation. Emmy could not sing the role of Christine if her life depended on it. She couldn't even fake sing the role. I don't mind if someone doesn't have a pitch perfect voice for the sake of their acting. That was one rea
Who's going to see PHANTOM 25th in theaters today?
 Oct 6 2011, 05:50:30 AM
Got to see some clips on the tube before they were taken down and it really was a beautiful production with some wonderful performances. I do agree Ramin is too young, however he is very good. I can't wait to see him return to the role 10-15 years from now, he'd be incredible. My favorite, and very first, Phantom is Hugh Panaro so it's nearly impossible for anyone to top him. Though I LOVE John Owen Jones and was kind of shocked that he wasn't offered the part too. If I'm not mistaken he's playe
GLEE ratings
 Oct 3 2011, 08:00:20 PM
I said it from the moment it premiered that it wouldn't last. I was shocked at all the hype it got but you know, the tweens will bring in that revenue. I predict ratings will continue to fall until this season finale when, presumably, the original cast members graduate. Next season will be its last. People may watch the Glee Project because it's a reality show and for some reason beyond my comprehension people go crazy over reality TV drama. But any actual fan of the show, is a fan of the cast m
Rumor: LES MIZ movie may be shot in 3D... Thoughts?
 Sep 19 2011, 11:25:19 PM
There was an article on this very topic on Slate recently, I've put the link below.

Basically it points out that 3D is on a VERY steep decline as far as revenue goes and frankly I'm one of those who hopes the fad will die. I can count on one hand the number of films that have used 3D to its fullest extent and actually benefited the story in some way by having it.

The large majority of films that are 3D are fakes, just converted later, simply to get an extra buck. I'm sure one

A voice you would go hear even if the show was horrible..
 Sep 8 2011, 04:40:13 AM
Drew Sarich (hands down one of the most unique voices I've ever heard)
Norbert Leo Butz (but unfortunately his voice is not what it used to be which is such a shame, I fell in love with it on The Last Five Years cast recording!)

Phantom Broadway v West End / Vegas - any opinions?
 Sep 8 2011, 04:37:29 AM
I've seen both the Vegas and Broadway versions. I actually have tickets to see the Broadway production on Friday. Hugh was my first Phantom and the last time I've seen the Broadway production was for his "final" performance in October of 2005 so I can not wait to see it again.

I personally preferred the Broadway version to the Vegas one. Granted the theater in Vegas was so beautiful and the chandelier was spectacular and man did that sucker drop fast! The Broadway chandelier is very slo

CATCH ME IF YOU CAN closing on September 4
 Aug 11 2011, 12:09:31 AM
Just snagged a TDF ticket for this coming Saturday. I've been trying for years to see Norbert Leo Butz in something live! He was out both times I saw Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, his understudy was wonderful, but I wish I could have seen him. So I'm extremely excited for this weekend!
The King's Speech
 Aug 10 2011, 07:52:45 PM
I quite enjoyed the movie, but then again I'm a sucker for period films. But this is a piece that showcases the actors first and foremost. And, as far as the film was concerned, they had the best of the best. Unfortunately Firth and Rush have no desire to reprise their roles onstage and all of the press releases I'm seeing have been using stills from the film along with the articles which is only going to confuse the hell out of people. Unless they get some big British names on board, I don't se
Natascia Diaz Front Page... Why?
 Aug 9 2011, 01:28:42 AM
The thing a lot of people in this thread seem to be forgetting is that Natascia was also a classically trained dancer. Granted unlike d'Amboise, her career has included much more than just simply "dance" roles, though she has played her fair share of those as well.

I don't know if over the years she's kept herself in tip top dancer shape. I'm betting she probably hasn't, unless a role required it. But I have no doubt that she could do the role properly. It's a shame she wasn't in the r

The Little Mermaid at THE MUNY
 Jul 8 2011, 03:26:27 PM
As many have said this is an OUTDOOR summer stock theater. There's only so much they can do as far as sets, costumes could be a bit better but they don't exactly have Disney budget either. I do feel though that their Sebastian costume is a big improvement over the Broadway version, the eyeballs on the latter really ruined it. Except for the stupid skirts, I felt that the Braodway mermaid costumes were beautiful. All they needed was black tights (and black heelies) and with the right lighting the
Marissa Jaret Winokur's Future Roles
 Jun 26 2011, 03:07:12 AM
Being a character actress myself, it is true that there are definitely not as many roles for bigger women as there for smaller actresses. Unless you're a man where it does seem that there is less prejudice in regards to size.

HOWEVER, a big part of it has to do with your look and how you're marketing yourself. At her age Marissa actually could have relatively steady work since most female character parts are available for women who are in there 30s and beyond. The woman is closing in

Lea Michelle may lave 'Glee'..does that mean FUNNY GIRL is next???
 Jun 19 2011, 06:24:52 PM
I also do not know Lea personally but I've heard enough stories to know of her Diva moments that make me believe she would be a pain in the ass to work with. However now that she HAS become famous she WILL get work simply because she will bring in money. It's a small community and people do get blacklisted if they're extremely hard to work with, she's lucked out by getting Glee.

I don't hate her as a performer but honestly I've not been wowed by her either. Her voice sounds like the 100

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