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Member Name: wackjack132
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Gender: Male
Location: B'ham, Alabama :(
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re: what are your thoughts on the alterations made to Spring Awakening in t
 Jun 11 2007, 03:13:45 AM
Well I liked it...I liked it alot! I found the censoring a little childish, but I was geniunely entertained.

Seems like that might be the minority's opinion, but someone's gotta speak up for the little guy, right?

re: The Broadway Show Letter Game
 Jun 5 2007, 04:55:08 AM
Thoroughly Modern Millie
re: Songs/Parts of songs that give you chills
 Jun 5 2007, 04:53:12 AM
Evita: "A New Argentina" when the people are singing "Nationlisation [spelling is off but oh well] of the industries that the foriegners control..." and the piano is just banging on...when I saw/heard that I just shivered

Caroline, or Change (sadly missed this): Pretty much all of "Lot's Wife"

Spring Awakening: "Totally f**ked" always gets me for some reason...then again I am just the stereotypical teenage theater geek.

And that's all I can think of off of the top of m

re: Altar Boyz seating
 May 13 2007, 05:46:33 PM
If it's like I remember, the 2nd row is what's right in front of the stage, and the first row is kind of off set of the center of the stage (which juts out.)

It's not exactly limited view but you have to turn your head to see alot of the action. But it's so great to be that close to all that energy, makes the show even better.

re: Cabaret Original London Cast Recording with Judi Dench
 May 4 2007, 12:34:59 AM
It's on iTunes, the version with Judi Dench.

It's listed as Cabaret - Complete Recording of the Score.

I hope that's what you meant, if not I apologize for wasting time lol.

re: Shows You Regret Seeing
 Apr 15 2007, 08:15:13 PM

Not in London often and knew I wouldn't like it...but a friend wanted to check it out.

I'll always wonder what I missed when I decided to opt out of History Boys for a green girl flying up in the air for the only moment of the show that kept my attention.

re: Fantasia on Oprah
 Feb 28 2007, 10:36:41 PM
Why the hell are people being so negative? Sure that wasn't a perfect performance but I think it's safe to say it's better than most people on this board could do. Come on, can't we just let the people do their damn jobs?!? Sure you may not love her, but come on! Just remember for every negative thing your saying about someone, somewhere, someone else is saying something worse about you.

I wish her and all the other cast members the best of luck!

re: The Most You've Seen a Show?
 Feb 11 2007, 10:06:15 PM
Well I've seen Rent twice.

Oh, and Spring Awakening twice. But that's twice in two days. I thought it was pretty impressive lol.

But you can't bet if I lived up north I'd have seen many more shows many more times.

re: Synonyms of Broadway Musicals
 Jan 4 2007, 10:33:34 PM
9. The Fantastics
3. Pippin

Is 1 Batboy?

And 7 made me giggle...ain't I mature?

re: last show you saw in 2006
 Jan 3 2007, 10:07:01 PM
Spring Awakening: Dec. 30th

No other way I could've ended 2006 better.

re: Uniquely Artistic Plays and Musicals
 Jan 2 2007, 10:52:10 PM
Um: Wicked - Told by Witches, both good and bad.

How could you miss that one?!?

But seriously? about The Last 5 Years? It's a story of a relationship told from both the female and male perspective.

re: Spring Awakening love
 Jan 1 2007, 03:16:30 AM
I can't get over how amazing this show was. We saw the 8 p.m. show on the 29th and were privledged to a Q. and A. with almost the entire cast afterwards. That was an experience I will never forget. They were all very INCREDIBLY kind at the stage door and I'm all but in love with Jonathan Groff.

We went out and bought tickets for the evening performance of the 30th the next afternoon just so we could see it again with some friends before we had to leave. I would have seen it many more ti

re: Ensembles You'd Hate To Be In
 Nov 26 2006, 03:08:34 PM
Well I would have to say Into the Woods...because I don't think there is much Ensemble lol.

And for those saying ACL. While you're not onstage, you're still singing most of the songs. They sing the group parts of Montages and both Ones. It's a pretty good set up.

re: The Bitch of Ushering
 Nov 25 2006, 11:54:16 PM
Holly hell, I can't read any more!

Mattbrain...what's your problem? Let me correct some of these HILLARIOUS stories:

-Some people come to the city to see shows on vacation. We all can't know what to do when we have a ticket to a different show. You're the one she's talking to, and your job is to do all you can to help her. SO DO YOUR JOB!

-If you lose something, do you not want some help finding it?

-Lots of people, particularly Theater people, are very open a

re: I'd like feedback on my design for a RENT logo.
 Nov 20 2006, 01:26:37 AM
I really, really like it!

On the surface its happy and catches your eye. But if you examine it, it's really deep and has really great message that coincides with the show.

Good job

re: What was the first show you were obsessed with and are you going to see
 Nov 18 2006, 06:44:14 PM
Well the first show I ever was sort of obsessed with was Les Mis. But I wasn't into theater then, so I would just play teh CD everynow and then. And that was all after seeing it on tour.

But the first real obsession, after the Theater Nerd title could be applied, would have to be RENT. I heard Seasons of Love and was hooked. Got home and got the whole CD. Then I started to branch out. So, RENT is pretty much the reason I'm such a theater junkie today
re: Dreamgirls
 Nov 18 2006, 01:02:01 AM
This is very true.

And hey, I'm sure everyone on this boards been cut a break every now and then.

But, eh. I don't care enough to get worked up. You wanna give the guy a hard time, have at it. I tried.

re: Dreamgirls
 Nov 18 2006, 12:32:51 AM
Gosh, guys. Cut them a break. This could've been handled a bit more gently.

First off, thanks for those links. I hadn't seen/heard those yet and I really enjoyed them!

Second off, welcome!

And for future refference, Youtube is usually, well always, a no-no. But hey, don't worry, its all good.

re: Spring Awakening...just got home...NOW, A REVIEW
 Nov 17 2006, 12:37:44 AM
I'm not sure where "I Don't Do Sadness" is.

But I just heard "Totally f**ked" and let's just say I'm so ****ing excited to see this!!! God, Dec. 29th needs to come quicker!!!!!

re: HS principal says no to Urinetown. Catch: Same HS has done ACL and Les
 Nov 16 2006, 12:04:29 AM
Yea...I mean guys this happens everyday probably.

Just this year in fact we were denied Grease because of innapropriate content. Which I guess it has some in it, but everyone and there grandma's seen that movie and knows its all about the "bad" teens.

But this is still pretty ridiculous.

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