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Member Name: lindas13
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re: At what age is it too old to stage door?
 Jun 28 2007, 10:32:16 PM
I say fan and stage door is ok at any age. I am older (truly older, over 50) and I love to stage door. It is fun and exciting in it's own way. AND if I had a chance to see Tony Danza, I would not care if I were 100. He is so cute. My mother recently passed away and she would have stood there to see someone she thought was cute or talented. never too young or too old.
Stage world (or showbuisness) it is all so kind of a dream world anyway to most.

re: Legally Blonde CD on sale
 Jun 28 2007, 05:15:22 AM
I thought Laura Bundy did an excellent job. she is completely believeable as ELLE. Seems she was made for the part. She is perky and funny as all get out and of course sings great.
by the way, I have been talking in IM's and email and even writing articles and books and rarely does sarcasm or humor or tongue in cheek ever come thru in the written word. You kinda have to say that is what you are doing. like she said with laughter or she/he spoke rhetorically(sp). or maybe just the ol standar

re: Legally Blonde in Variety!
 Jun 26 2007, 07:59:07 PM
Great for Legally Blonde. I am so very happy for them. Keep up the great work.
re: BROADWAY.COM Question
 Jun 21 2007, 10:47:21 PM
Not Laura's fault. none of it. ask elsewhere.
re: Who's been invited backstage?
 Jun 17 2007, 09:49:45 PM
my daughter got to go backstage two times (Wicked). she was aww struck.
re: Could Chenoweth play Elle Woods?
 Jun 17 2007, 05:21:37 PM
Just because someone misspells a word, or does not use caps, does not mean they are not bright. In my case it means...I have a great way with words but I have someone do my proofreading and correcting for me. See I am bright. I hire it done when it is important. Like a magazine article or a book.
The most important thing I want to make a point about is, it is rude and nasty and crude to say someone f'd their way to a part etc. That would be horrible to say about ANYONE. male,female,famou

re: Could Chenoweth play Elle Woods?
 Jun 17 2007, 06:46:37 AM
nope not miss bundy nor her mom... I could wish but no. I merely said I hoped you were not a coordinator etc. I did not say you weren't, just I hoped not. I just feel personally stating my opinion that miss bundy is talented. I felt my statement about KC was prob bitchy but I would say the same about any performer that was almost 40 playing the part of a 20 something. And I do not consider myself an extremely smart person about showbuisness but want you to know I AM VERY BRIGHT. Honestly KC crac
re: Could Chenoweth play Elle Woods?
 Jun 16 2007, 10:46:41 PM
If you do not know facts you have NO RIGHT to say anyone f***ed their way to the top. This stupid crap needs to stop NOW. Laura has been in showbuisness since she was 5. I would think that prospect would be hard to do at that age. And wouldn't Jerry enjoy the laugh of someone saying that about MISS BUNDY. That was very rude and uncalled for. If you do not see LBB's talent thank GOD you are not a talent scout or coordinator.
re: Could Chenoweth play Elle Woods?
 Jun 15 2007, 07:51:05 PM
she wishes she was young enough to play Elle woods. seems to me ms Bundy did an EXCELLENT job as miss KC's understudy. maybe we are thinking in the wrong manner... hmmmm?
re: Your Ideal New York City Vacation: What to See, Where to Eat, What to D
 Jun 14 2007, 07:56:55 PM
Manhattan mall... off the top of my head I cannot think how close it is.. seems close to Macy's... they have seating down stairs. but just to sit on the street.. times square.. I cannot think of anyplace either.. hey... at NBC there is a nice sitting area up that way , flowers abound stone seats and you can see that famous gold statue. directly in times square cannot think of a thing.
re: Your Ideal New York City Vacation: What to See, Where to Eat, What to D
 Jun 14 2007, 09:11:06 AM
The last itenerary sounds perfect.... and always remember this.
I have been to NY about 40 times in my life and I have still not done it all.. hard to do. and if you work and live there.. sometimes even harder. remember when I told you that you can ask directions in so ho to something in the city and people do not know. tourist travel around more than people that live there.
you will have a blast and I am so veryvery jealous.

re: Legally Blonde on Today Show
 Jun 14 2007, 09:05:44 AM
Not sure how to put this, I want to make sure it comes out as a complete compliment to Legally Blonde, it is cheesy but it is supposed to be. Understand that it is a fluff blonde thing until you realize that Elle is smart and that Elle does not need the man she thought she needed, to be real. The whole story is deeper than most know it is meant to be. It is fluff but with a great moral to the story. SO MUCH BETTER puts it pretty well.
re: Your Ideal New York City Vacation: What to See, Where to Eat, What to D
 Jun 13 2007, 12:17:30 PM
WEAR? tennis shoes.. ask anyone about that one. we always made time to hit the hotel for a couple of down minutes.wash your face or take a quick shower before a nice dinner or show. other wise it will be hot in NYC in August so dress light. SO HO to the rock walking?(prob not) I think I read an earlier post and then responded in the wrong spot. If you were there a week and wanted to stroll. But on a rush(which people need to remember he is on a rush schedule) take the cab. when you move there yo
re: Your Ideal New York City Vacation: What to See, Where to Eat, What to D
 Jun 13 2007, 11:57:27 AM
Shoot I forgot.. there are long blocks and short blocks you will see when you get there and after you move there you will be giving advice in about a week.
re: Your Ideal New York City Vacation: What to See, Where to Eat, What to D
 Jun 13 2007, 11:53:50 AM
naaa! walk to rockefeller center. you will enjoy all you see. and don't forget stop in St Patricks Cathedrial. It won't take a minute and you will love it.
re: Your Ideal New York City Vacation: What to See, Where to Eat, What to D
 Jun 13 2007, 11:42:22 AM
OK.. I used to never take cabs, of course as I get older they seem a wiser choice. if you are going with an older individual that is a choice you may want to make. we bought things last time in soho and did not want to carry those big bags back to the hotel so our husbands walked them back and we then walked back to the hotel free handed and it was not so bad. But one of my daughters shopping sprees at H&M was a cab ride. dressed up and in hills for the musical LB we took a cab to dinner (broadw
re: Your Ideal New York City Vacation: What to See, Where to Eat, What to D
 Jun 13 2007, 10:32:45 AM
walk to places and after you are tired... that is when you take the cab. we even got one in a terrible rain storm. they were thrilled at the hotel because then they could put someone in the cab from there. REMEMBER to TIP!!!. nearly everyone..even if only a $1.after you shop in soho take a cab back...that is my secret and I am 55, my daughter is 26.
re: Legally Blonde on Today Show
 Jun 13 2007, 10:16:36 AM
The sound people were off it seemed but the performance was right. when was the last time any of you were on the Today Show performing a perfect number?. I try to never judge anything from the Today show performances because of sound and being outside and because of space and time of day. Here are 20 people performing at the crack of dawn that usually perform in the evening, and they looked and performed cheerfully and smiling and actually I thought individually their performances were great. wh
 Jun 12 2007, 10:31:43 PM

 Jun 12 2007, 07:48:28 PM
One funny thing... daughter and I have traveled to NY for years but this last trip we took our men. They just had to see Coyote Ugly... well ugh.even we were sorely disappointed at the size and the smell and the overwhelmingly cheap looking gals (customers as well as the workers)not that we expected beauty queens with money but they could have looked like good hookers..ha ha. anyway... two of the gals were drinking and litterally puking in a bucket. note to all .. including self. don't go there
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