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Member Name: Karma76
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re: LaCageFans: THE WEDDING SINGER Review
 Apr 4 2006, 07:46:28 PM
FYI want to be a Foster. Stephen Lynch has a degree in theatre and did summers at the Barn theatre in Michigan. He is an acomplished actor just has not done broadway. He got into comedy kind of by accident.
NYC Theater Group Tours
 Mar 9 2006, 04:05:10 PM
In high school we had them, but a local theater was looking into maybe arranging a trip, does anyone have any suggestions of companies to go thru? I want something that takes care of hotel, dinner, shows, etc included in the price. Any help is appreciated
re: Spamalot tour how is the cast
 Mar 7 2006, 10:01:05 AM
I posted this as well on the boston board but can anyone tell me
A lot of the seating is limited view??? Is there a reason? I have been to MANY shows at the colonial and do not recall seeing it as much as it is coming up on ticketmaster. Is there a reason? Is there a set peice that will block or the Proscenium arch bigger then other shows??

re: Is Laura B really out of Wedding Singer?
 Feb 13 2006, 03:03:24 PM
well then for the sake of seeing if they need to be reworking or recasting they should just try it. I understand no one wants to be that person but I mean this is a broadway show it is show business. BUT I guess they could make more money with a flop then a hit in true producer style.
re: Is Laura B really out of Wedding Singer?
 Feb 13 2006, 12:05:19 PM
Ok I have read many post and reviews about the wedding singer and this subject of Laura. I have not seen the show, so I can not comment myself but I feel that it is strange that so many comments about her being miscast from audience members to critics (all whom seem to love her work in general) and so much effort going forth to make her not miscast in the role. I think it shows the production team has faith in her...but the fact of the matter MAY BE they need to have a plan b here. It is like
 Jan 25 2006, 01:28:02 PM
Margo on the choreography defining this show...other then ONE nothing else in that show really defines it. Yes one is used throughout the show as they learn it so yes all that should be the same.

The Music and the Mirror, if someone wanted to tweak stuff they could. I think that dance is fun, personally and could be kept exactly as it is but it is not essential to the storyline if you add triple turns or more complex leaps instead of the original. That number could be wowed up if t

 Jan 25 2006, 11:34:36 AM
no actually I never said that....i was just merely making a point it is in counts of 6 a lot of it. I actually said anyone can do anything they want when they should reread my post cause you did not grasp it. HOWEVER I said IN MY OPINION he was not the best choreographer. I am not saying he was bad at all he is just not my idea of "the best" again was he he is a great choreographer but he is not my favorite. I have actually danced his steps and they are differe
 Jan 25 2006, 11:03:50 AM
I will tell you I think people might be surprised when they see it. Like I said I did it with the original choreography and people enjoyed it, we won awards for it, it was a very well done show...but the fact of the matter to me was I was not overly impressed with it. People might see it now and say really that is what I was so impressed by when I was 8. I saw a production of it with other choreography and although the show was not spectacular my thought was wow i really like the choreography
re: Chorus Line Dialogue
 Jan 25 2006, 10:49:35 AM
yea he basically says rehearsal start in January (forget month) there will be a 2 week (or whatever time line) out of town try out, I believe he says you are not to change your hair in anyway and i am glad we will all be working together as Judy clasps her hands above her head and lights go out...then du, du du, du, du du, du
re: Model sues Spamalot producers over photo
 Jan 25 2006, 10:05:19 AM
She does have a valid suit the pathetic thing is this statement.

"Defendants' use of Carla's likeness depicts [her] in a foolish, unnatural and undignified manner, and tends to hold her up to public ridicule and contempt," the suit says. It calls the use of the image, "shameful, willful, malicious and unlawful," and claims it has greatly damaged her career and caused her "great anxiety of mind, humiliation, and mortification."

This happened with the taster choice man as well.

 Jan 25 2006, 09:45:44 AM
I have done chorus line with the original choreography (taught by a former cast member of the show) I am a dancer as well so I know my stuff...I was not a die-hardfan of it. He did things in counts of 6 not 8 but then at times throws a 7, 8 in there out of no where so it is not the most logically put together. I mean you can do anything you want when you choreograph but to say he is the best I do not agree. But again you have your opinion and I have mine.

Also when you do this show j

re: Photo Flash: The Wedding Singer
 Jan 24 2006, 10:02:31 AM
Yes Stephen is going to be excellent in this role!! He is extremely funny. For all those who are not familiar with this man, check out this site.
re: Wedding Singer - Sleeper hit of 2006?
 Jan 11 2006, 10:43:18 AM
If you want more info on Stephen Lynch (since this is his B-way Debut) Check out this site...

re: Wedding Singer - Sleeper hit of 2006?
 Jan 10 2006, 04:38:34 PM
Stephen Lynch is great!! I am a fan of his anyways so it was nice to see him finally get to broadway. He Is extremely funny and his voice is awesome. I would love to hear a smaple of the music. Do they have a video up of the press day?
re: Seussical?
 Jan 9 2006, 10:48:13 AM
I was in this show,I thought I would hate it. I ended up loving it. It is a silly show that is what Seuss is about. It really does give you the opportunity to act very silly. The songs are so much fun to dance to (if you obviously have fun choreography) The encore number of green eggs and ham alone is worth doing it. We ran 2 weeks and in the first weekend we sold out for the rest of the run. We got GREAT feedback. Every Friend or Family member said the same thing, I thought I would hate
The RENT bear guy see's RENT
 Nov 22 2005, 04:24:04 PM
Please chill???? OHHH Cause we disagree I see...therefore I should stop talking...since my review of rent was mixed...point taken I will comment no more. : ) Totally laughable.
The RENT bear guy see's RENT
 Nov 22 2005, 04:13:11 PM
RIGHT and yes it is an Opinion but I have seen both so I can comment. Once you see rent I think some of you will understand what I am trying to say, I went in wanting to come out and say wow this was awesome, I really wanted to. I waited in line for 2 hours to want to you can be assured I was excited to see this movie. It is good, IT IS, but would I lie to myself and people here and say it is deserves the best picture Oscar?? I could and would not so when something has an A- rating we are t
The RENT bear guy see's RENT
 Nov 22 2005, 03:20:30 PM
Maybe....maybe again I am not slamming it and I love the show...but I will always try to be truthful about something and not biased, hence what I am doing. Once you see it then you can decide as well whether you can do that.
The RENT bear guy see's RENT
 Nov 22 2005, 03:08:19 PM
Cause the movie is in no way up to the par of an A-

I love rent but I will not lie and say the movie is better then it is...I wish it was but it is not an A-. An A- should be given to something really stellar it was good it was not bad (well one part was down right laughable but you will all understand it when you see it, it was the only true thing I despised about the film and I overheard others discussing it as I was leaving) but it was not at a level of that which I do not think is

The RENT bear guy see's RENT
 Nov 22 2005, 02:49:30 PM
["yep, Rent's review for EW is higher than Harry Potter and Walk the Line, etc.

also, post your positive Rent Reviews here :"

No offense but I saw walk the line Sunday and the screening of rent yesterday..... there is no way it is higher then walk the line. AT ALL which makes me weary of EW now. Just does not compare.

OK I liked the movie....but it was ok it wasn't great. Some parts were very good some parts were not. They rush a lot of sequences and leave out pivotal stuff I think. They cut songs, they staged some of them in a weird way .I know someone mentioned the April thing it bothered me as well but other stuff bothered me more. I think Maureen, Joanne and Marks parts worked extremely well with the movie. Everything those 3 did I was glued to which is odd cause in the stage version the Joanne/Maureen thing was not something I even cared about actually. I thought Anthony Rapp, Idina Menzel and Jesse L. Martin stood out in the movie. I think people will like them a lot. I do not want to go too much into details though for those who have not seen it…plus opinions are going to be different.

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