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Member Name: Broadwaylilhead
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re: who is it?
 Jul 21 2004, 11:08:09 AM
re: Wicked Raffle and Cheno's last show
 Jul 18 2004, 12:42:18 AM
some people in the cast have said that next week will be amazing as Jennifer, Joey and George all take their places and breath new life into the show. I haven't heard one negative in regards to any of their interpretations and in fact, all have said that Jennifer sings the hell out of the role and hysterical too. Big kudos have also been given to Joey as he is a much more stunning Fiyero and has a very strong vocal ability. While Joel Grey is a living legend, it doesnt seem most will miss him o
re: Dracula Previews Postponed
 Jul 16 2004, 09:48:47 AM
They should just pack up while they can..... this isn't looking good.
re: A plethora of photos from the bare concert...
 Jul 15 2004, 10:44:24 PM
John Hill needs to lay off the tanning booth....
re: Final Week for 2 Contests: Dvds, tickets and more!
 Jul 12 2004, 11:17:50 PM
win win win win win
 Jul 11 2004, 10:44:39 PM
Rumor has it that it's starting tomorrow.. so if you had tickets for Norbert's and Kristin's last week, you're S.O.L cause if the rumors are true, that would mean tonight was their last show.
re: Photo Coverage: Euan Morton and the cast of BARE at Scott Nevins *Prese
 Jul 8 2004, 12:37:34 AM
I'd really love to go see Scott's show more but 11pm on a Monday is a tad late for someone who has to wake up at 6 am on Tues... Why does the show have to start so freakin late?!
re: Justin Guarini starring in Good Vibrations!
 Jul 8 2004, 12:35:01 AM
Now he looks like the son of Brian Stokes Mitchell...
re: Photo Coverage: Euan Morton and the cast of BARE at Scott Nevins *Presents*
 Jul 8 2004, 12:33:00 AM
And I love the new branded notecards! Nice touch Scott! :)
re: 'Phantom' Movie Trailer is OUT!!
 Jun 29 2004, 11:54:59 AM
This is a teaser trailer, not an official theatrical trailer. I saw it on the big screen when I went to see F 9/11. It was sorta a disappointment because there is no ryhme or reason to how the teaser is structured. It doesn't even flow with the temp of the overture (that is playing over the images). The images are rattled off like a machine gun and its hard to really get a sense of anything. It definitel looks cool visually, but I wish they teaser had been a little more sweeping than a MTV quick
re: Adam's back!!!
 Jun 29 2004, 11:51:29 AM
I have tickets for next week and while I wasn't crazy for the show the first time I saw it, I'm SOOO excited to see it with Deborah Cox and Adam!
re: Photo Coverage: 2004 Pride Awards Ceremony
 Jun 27 2004, 09:58:54 PM
What gang sign is Hal Sparks giving?

I think of any of the QAF boys, Hal Sparks is the LEAST deserving. Example from an appearance on the tonight show: "Watching two guys kiss is like watching two dogs kiss."

re: Rush Ticket for LSOH tomorrow
 Jun 26 2004, 12:14:03 AM
you can also tickets at TKTS every night.....
Friend of MINE refers to the 'hit tune' (read catchy and annoying
 Jun 26 2004, 12:11:51 AM
Got an email today for BUY ONE GET ONE FREE tickets over July 4th weekend....
 Jun 26 2004, 12:03:35 AM
Win! win! win! win!
re: Exclusive: Shaiman writes lyrics for Harvey Fierstein to sing at Kerry Fundraiser -
 Jun 25 2004, 11:59:53 PM
I'm sure it will pop up somewhere. This is a fundraiser so it wont be televised but I'm sure the media will be there.
 Jun 25 2004, 11:58:52 PM
And those same 5 yr olds that post on here about how damn wonderful the show is and how bestest of friends kristin and idina are
There are too many issues to describe here
 Jun 25 2004, 11:57:26 PM
While most of my actor friends are worried about the financial implications, several have said they'll enjoy having a few days off. I can't imagine the city will allow this to go on too long...
re: Contest Winners: THE GAY NAKED PLAY
 Jun 25 2004, 11:55:33 PM
cool- congratulations! after you see the show come tell us all about it!!
re: Long-Running De La Guarda to Close on 9/12 -
 Jun 25 2004, 11:53:29 PM
I finally honored the HYPE and went to see it recently and afterwards I walked out going "THAT WAS IT?!" I was expecting more of a Cirque show than the randominess of this show. The only really cool part is the opening (which if you've seen the show you know what I'm referring to). Otherwise, I was quite bored. I can go to the playground and see people swing on ropes back and forth. There wasn't anything amazing that blew me away.
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