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re: Alfre Woodard
 Jun 14 2006, 02:16:21 PM
Alfre turned up on TV last night in, of all places, "My Life On The D List." It was brief, but she looked great and seemed to be having a good time.
re: What will come of the SWEENEY TODD movie?
 May 19 2006, 02:28:17 PM
I think there is a lot of wiggle room here when it comes to age. For example, how old do you think a man living at that time with a 16 or 17 year old daughter would really be? I think a Sweeney in his late 30s or early 40s is perfectly plausible. And a 40 year old woman living at that time in those conditions may have indeed seemed like an old hag when compared to a modern 40 year old woman.
re: Funny Girl
 May 19 2006, 10:09:15 AM
Kazan: "I swear, ten minutes before the show, Barbra walks in. I was completely devastated. I walked up the five flights to my dressing room and cried and cried". p. 132 --- " the process, Barbra strained her voice even more. The next day, Barbra had no choice but to stay home.

PATTILUPONE Fanatic--if that's your idea of "back stabbing," that Barbra tried really hard not to miss a perfromance and disappoint her audience, then I don't really understand where you're coming from. I

re: What will come of the SWEENEY TODD movie?
 May 18 2006, 04:53:47 PM
Toni Colette--yes! That's the spirit, Scottie, think outside the box a little.
re: What will come of the SWEENEY TODD movie?
 May 18 2006, 04:18:52 PM

If Helena Bonham Carter can carry a tune, she'd be a much more interesting choice than Meryl Streep. Yeah, I love Meryl too, but I don't quite understand why she's always everybody's first choice for everything.

I think Judy Davis would make a really fun Mrs. Lovett. Or Emma Thompson. Or Angelica Houston...Or even Cher...How fun would that be?

And whoever said Andrea Martin for the beggar woman--I think her voice is better suited to Lovett (not that it's perfect for that

re: Funny Girl
 May 17 2006, 04:29:03 AM
I used to own a bootleg audio tape of Laurie Beechman in the role at the Sacramento Music Circus. She handled the scenes okay, but her musical numbers were pretty spine tingling. Makes sense since supposedly Barbra herself told her after a performance of "Joseph," "Kid, you got nice pipes."
re: Funny Girl
 May 16 2006, 11:10:00 PM
I think the deal is it's just not that easy to cast. Love her or hate her, Barbra makes an indelible impression. Very hard to compete with.
re: Tony Snub Gripe Thread
 May 16 2006, 09:55:00 AM
I'm disappointed that Jill Clayburgh's return to Broadway after a twenty-something year absence wasn't recognized. She opened in not one, but two shows this season. I'm not saying she did such oustanding work, just that I would like to have seen her included.
re: Broadway Remixes? Inc. Ethel Merman...
 May 11 2006, 12:25:12 PM
Here's the sad thing about Ethel's Disco album--it's really BAD disco. You don't hire Peter Matz to produce a disco record, anymore than you'd hire Kool and the Gang to produce an album of standards. I've always wished someone would take Ethel's vocal tracks and remix them into something really fun and dancable.
re: The Fantasia Barrino Story - Directed by Debbie Allen
 May 5 2006, 02:28:00 PM
While this is sort of horrifying, let's remember that Debbie only choreographed "Carie," she didn't direct it. And she can OCCASIONALLY direct a piece with feeling and subtelty, i.e. PBS'S "The Old Settler" starring Debbie and her sister.
re: Riedel - the prettiest man on Broadway
 May 5 2006, 11:40:57 AM
I met him at a party once about 10 years ago when he was still writing for the Daily News. I thought he was a slimy little toad. Sure, he's entitled to his opinion, but he rubbed me the wrong way at that party when he trashed Christine Baranski, saying everything she did was just the Christine Baranski show, over and over again.

He's a nasty, crude little fellow. Napoleaonic even.

re: What are the chances of the following getting cast albums?
 Apr 29 2006, 11:02:12 AM
No offense to just john and melissa errico fan, but this has been going on for weeks now in various threads where someone says "I heard about the Threepenny' going to be such and such..." And then you ask them to follow up with details like where'd you hear about that, and you get nothing.

I am very anxious to hear about this recording, but I'm pretty sure that if an announcement had been made, there'd be a big headline in the news section of In the

re: Madeline Kahn and Cyndi Lauper
 Apr 27 2006, 02:51:33 AM
I have to say, it hurts my heart a little every time I think of her. She made everything she was in more fun. I saw her in Born Yesterday, and then about a year and a half before she died at a GMHC benefit concert. She sang "Down In The Depths." It was glorious...sincere and funny at the same time. Anybody ever hear her sing the lonley frog song? Priceless!
re: Has Gavin Creel been in anything lately?
 Apr 26 2006, 11:17:12 AM
He was awfully yummy in that cruise ship footage...which we could have seen more of his numbers.
re: Why Did Lupone Cut the Can-Can Songs from Her Album?
 Apr 25 2006, 02:24:55 PM
Heatwave was an album of Irving Berlin songs, not Cole Porter.
re: Why Did Lupone Cut the Can-Can Songs from Her Album?
 Apr 25 2006, 01:24:52 PM
If she sings them as slowly as she sang them at Carnegie Hall last year, it'll be a two disc set. I wanted so much to like that concert...maybe it just wasn't the right venue for it...especially from the cheap seats. Any thoughts?
re: MAMMA MOVIE casting
 Apr 25 2006, 12:09:33 PM
MB, you don't often miss the boat, but you missed it on Diane Keaton. Take a closer look...she looks great for her age, but she DOES look her age.
re: Dorothy Laudon in Annie
 Apr 24 2006, 12:25:51 PM
I don't think it's any big secret that she had trouble with alcohol, especially after her husband died, but God bless her, she was funny as hell.

I never had the pleasure of seeing her perform live, but I did talk to her on the phone once (an old answering service job.) She started to spell her name for me, and like an old show queen, I chirped, "Oh no, Miss Loudon...I know how to spell YOUR name!" She seemed tickeled, and was very sweet.

a recording in the works?
 Apr 23 2006, 11:56:35 PM
Little Sally, you say "thank goodness there's a recording in the works." I know many people are clamoring for it, but I hadn't heard it was going to happen. What do you know about it?
All I know
 Apr 21 2006, 11:34:52 PM
Dirty Rotten Guy, the Tony folks don't always see it that way. In 1990, they nominated Georgia Brown for Best leading Actress for playing Mrs. Peechum. There are many ways to slice this particular cake, but if you look at the sheer amount of material and time on stage, I think an argument could definitely be made for Nellie as a lead.
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