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re: Best Elphaba
 Apr 5 2007, 04:05:04 PM
Roscioli. She makes all the vocals seem absolutely effortless -- she's the only Elphaba that can nail the end of "Defying Gravity" without having to search around for the notes. It's just there. And that's how all of her vocals are. She also plays a very mysterious and lost-in-her-own-brain Elphaba, which is so accurate to Maguire's character.
re: Anybody else feel right at home in a theatre?
 Aug 23 2006, 10:13:07 PM
that great theatre *smell*

You like that smell, too, SDav? I do too, haha! Some people think I'm a little touched in the head for identifying the smell of theaters. But it's just a memory-jogger, you know? Then if I ever smell a scent similar to the smell of the theater I get very nostalgic. Or it could be the smell of a new shampoo I used the day of a show. It's just one of them human brain deals that I find myself very amused with.

As for the main question? A resoundin

re: Wicked Tour - 8/9/06
 Aug 21 2006, 02:39:59 AM
Check your PMs, Josh. The key isn't lowered. Maria's a little flat, maybe a few cents off, but in no way is the song lowered a semi-tone.
re: Wicked Tour - 8/9/06
 Aug 20 2006, 10:08:59 PM
I've never heard a lowered Defying Gravity, Maria's included. I listened to the snippets on the unmentionable site and it's the same key... from the audio I could see how it sounds lower, but if you listen to Maria's full DG audios, they're all in the original key as well. :)
re: Who's Your Favorite Elphaba?
 Aug 19 2006, 03:16:16 PM
Julia Murney.

For many, many, many reasons, but I guess I can try to keep it short.

Julia has the most truthful portrayal of Elphaba. In so many of the casts, it almost seems as if Elphaba is "glammed up" and made into what I've read described as a "Disney princess" character. Julia, however, keeps it real and keeps it Elphaba. She keeps the sarcasm, the complete awkwardness, and plays up the nerdiness that is essential in Elphaba's cha

re: Musical Theatre Pet Peeves
 Aug 17 2006, 03:18:11 PM
It bothers me when people are outrageous with their cheering. I mean, I clap with the best of them, and I don't mind the "woos" or anything... but the other day I was at Wicked and during As Long As You're Mine this middle-aged man starts hooting as if he's at a football game. I think there was even an "Oh yeah!" mixed in there somewhere. Maybe he was excited that the green witch was getting some? Needless to say, it was a little disturbing. It was somewhat masked among the clapping, but it was
Shows that left you sobbing, unable to stand, move...
 Aug 14 2006, 01:19:36 PM
In Into the Woods, I for some reason found myself crying a lot during "Stay With Me." I still cry sometimes listening to the recording... I guess it's just a mix of both the solemn music and the lyrics. I mean, come on, the Witch was just trying to protect her daughter from the world! (Alright, I'll give, I cry at just about anything... but ITW is pretty depressing.)

And I'm not going to lie here: Wicked makes me cry in the best possible way and I have no shame for it. The ending neve

re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
 Apr 14 2006, 03:48:27 PM
"Julia owns life!

That is all."

Amen to that, amen to that! I saw (and met!) Julia on April 5th in Philly and she was absolutely perfect--you don't see Elphaba until you see Julia.

Julia Murney is amazing and anyone who gets to see her during her 6-month run should consider themselves very, very lucky.

re: wicked tour in philly
 Apr 4 2006, 03:14:08 PM
I'll be going tomorrow (April 5th) and 7:30. I'm beyond excited--this will be my first time seeing Wicked! I really, really hope Julia Murney's in tomorrow... Besides her being all around amazing, I just love that woman's voice! :)
re: Julia Murney as Elphaba
 Mar 12 2006, 07:32:40 PM
Julia's out? I'm sad to hear that. I hope she's okay, too! But does she have a new understudy? If so, they probably need to have her on stage at least once incase of an emergency. Just to have the experience.

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