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re: Sweeney Todd questions (WARNING: Possible spoilers!)
 Feb 25 2006, 03:15:49 AM
wow, kevo, i was thinking the exact same thing. i've seen the show twice now, and i don't understand why magnuson doens't get the buzz he deserves. there is so much buzz of lauren's flat portrayal of johanna and hardly any talk of benjamin's new and much more interesting take on the role. he definately deserves more attention that he is getting. ALSO.. other people that are worth mentioning that deserve more credit include: Mark Jacoby's dark and sinister portrayal of the judge. besides h
re: 2/19 Pajama Game and Sweeney Todd
 Feb 20 2006, 07:33:21 PM
Saw Sweeney for a second time sunday afternoon (just couldn't wait to see it again..) and if magnuson was sick, i never would have noticed. he sounded just as solid as the first time i saw it. His 'Joanna' is so moving, he adds so much character and brings so much more life into the part than i've ever seen it played. he is by far the best anthony i've ever seen, so never fear Keaton, i assure you that you won't be dissapointed.

as for the rest of my comments about the production.. wil

re: Eden Espinosa and Wicked
 Feb 17 2006, 03:30:53 PM
listen, i'm not trying to argue whether or not she cleans herself.. i just thought it was funny that she looked alittle greenish when i saw her.. and i don't think she was trying to stay in character.
re: Ask 3 SWEENEY TODD Stars A Question!
 Feb 17 2006, 03:11:38 PM
BTW... benjamin and manoel also have new websites...

re: Sweeney Todd questions (WARNING: Possible spoilers!)
 Feb 17 2006, 02:58:00 PM
i think it's interesting that you found it 'scary'.. i don't think that would be the word i would use to describe it. it was chilling.. i mean even listening to the cd, and how crisp and clear all the vocals are and then seeing how they transfer into the theatre, it sends shivers up your spine.. especially the end right before toby kills sweeney. there were no jump out of your seat 'scary' moments, but the simplicity and crystal clear quality of the show is what makes it resonate so deep. swee
re: Eden Espinosa and Wicked
 Feb 17 2006, 02:17:40 PM
no, what i meant was.. She was tinted green, like she couldn't wash the makeup off.. and i was thinking how unfortunate to have to be tinted green all the time while you're playing that role.
re: Sweeney Todd questions (WARNING: Possible spoilers!)
 Feb 17 2006, 12:42:00 AM
WOW! saw the show tonite, unlike anything i've ever seen before! I'm so glad to find an outlet to read opinions and post your own, how lucky! theatre should be talked about, it's so great to see that people care this much!!!

THOUGH, not sure entirely how i feel about the show yet, but definatly a big WOW. i have a lot of thread reading to catch up on, and perhaps a few more visits to the show if my wallet can afford.. it's so different than any other production of Sweeney i've ever see

re: Eden Espinosa and Wicked
 Feb 17 2006, 12:23:59 AM
OMG, i saw the show last week, and eden can belt her face off!!! saw shosh a few months ago, and think eden was so much more solid. her acting was surprisingly filled and man, does her voice just go on and on forever??? what a range!!! her low notes are just as strong as her high notes!! well done eden.

btw.. saw her on a monday.. and she was still green?? what's that about??

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