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Member Name: craftymarley
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HipTix Gold
 Sep 7 2014, 04:54:32 PM
I recently signed up for HipTix because I'd really like to see Cabaret with Michelle Williams. The seat choices were not great, mostly last 2 rows of the mezzanine. I'm tempted to spring for HipTix Gold, but I don't really want to spend the $75 only to find out that the seats offered are not much better. Can any HipTix Gold members out there tell me what their experience has been, what kind of seats they were offered and whether or not they thought the upgrade was worth it?
Anyone want to see August: Osage County with me tonight?
 Jan 21 2009, 06:12:22 PM
I purchased two TDF tickets to tonight's 7:30 performance of August: Osage County and can not for the life of me find someone who can go with me. I paid $33.50 for the ticket and would ideally like to be reimbursed, though at this point I would rather the ticket just not go to waste. I'm 25, female, and awesome if that helps.
re: Is something going on with the ushers at Shrek?
 Jan 20 2009, 04:41:55 PM
Well to answer the original poster- yes, there is something going on with the ushers at Shrek. There are several ushers at the Broadway Theater that are very rude and who actually YELL, and I mean YELL at the audience to "TURN OFF YOUR PHONES!" I am not exaggerating. I worked backstage at the Broadway for over a year, including this past summer at the circus, and every single day I sat backstage listening to the ushers yelling. The performers were very upset by it because they thought it put pe
Disney Show Discount Code?
 Dec 8 2008, 01:55:43 AM
I remember seeing a post a few weeks ago with a link to a discount for tickets to all of the Disney shows. Now that I'm more seriously considering Lion King tix as an x-mas gift for my mom I came here and tried to search for the link but couldn't find it. I believe it was something like a "buy one get the second 1/2 off" deal and it was for specific dates at all the Disney shows. Does anyone remember what I'm talking about and have the link? I would be forever grateful.
re: Broadway Song That Best Describes You
 Nov 3 2008, 05:33:11 PM
"I Can Do Better Than That" from The Last Five Years


re: It's Official: Hair to Transfer
 Sep 11 2008, 12:20:21 AM
I just saw it tonight and loved it. I hope they're looking at the Circle in the Square. I think it'd be perfect there.
re: Broadway Costumes and Wigs
 Aug 20 2008, 02:31:25 PM
I remember a story about how Mimi's coat in RENT is actually a nearly exact recreation of a coat that Daphne Rubin-Vega had. One time when she was leaving the theater in it someone from the wardrobe department stopped her and said something to her about leaving the theater with costumes. She explained that it was her actual coat and I think brought the person to her dressing room to show them.

bus and truck tours
 Aug 18 2008, 01:25:55 AM
I may have landed a job on a bus and truck tour this fall, and since I'm a little obsessive compulsive I figured I would do a search and see what sort of tips and advice people had for living and working in that situation. I searched here and google and came up empty handed. With all of the random websites and message boards out there I was sure there'd be lots of info and I couldn't find anything. Does anyone know of any sort of resource out there to prepare people for what they're in for?
re: Muppets Les Miserables
 Aug 8 2008, 12:48:07 PM
I agree with most of your choices adamgreer. Here are the changes I would make:

Javert- Fozzie
Marius- Gonzo
Enjolras- Rizzo
Gavroche- Bean

I also think that Eponine should be the human. That way Cosette can be played by Camilla the Chicken.

re: Theatre Jobs
 Aug 6 2008, 12:32:51 AM
Find a list of companies, and then call around to see if they need an intern and were willing to hire one without college credit involved.
re: Technical Problems
 Jul 18 2008, 02:13:31 PM
I posted this after I saw a performance of "The Wedding Singer" a couple years ago. They had to stop the show early in the second act due to a scenery problem.

re: Replacements learning the show
 Jun 2 2008, 09:23:07 PM
There was a great playbill article maybe a year or so ago that went in depth into preparing a replacement for a broadway show, but for the life of me I can't remember who it followed. Can anyone else remember?
re: Daphne Rubin Vega in Sex and the City Movie
 Jun 2 2008, 08:53:46 PM
Ruby Crawford from The Color Purple is the little girl at the end who I think is supposed to be Jennifer Hudson's little sister. She says something like "your boobies look huge!"

Anyway- the movie was so awesome. I don't know why people were complaining about the length. It could have been like 8 hours longer and included a dinner break and I totally would have been good.

re: Miss Saigon vs. Ragtime (March Madness Finals)
 Apr 6 2008, 03:23:20 AM
re: Miss Saigon vs. Titanic (March Madness, Round 3, game 3)
 Mar 27 2008, 05:50:40 PM
I never got what the big deal was about Miss Saigon, but I cried like a small child when I saw Titanic. So my vote's for Titanic.
re: Ragtime vs. Rent (March Madness, Round 3, game 5)
 Mar 27 2008, 05:47:41 PM
Since the question is which musical do I personally like better, I'm gonna have to go with RENT. I saw Ragtime only a couple years after I first saw RENT, and while I love Ragtime, it never meant as much to me as RENT did.
re: Member's Only Preview of Big New Site Feature - BETA
 Feb 15 2008, 10:01:37 AM
This is looking great! I think the Awards section needs work though. Unless I'm missing something, it only lists nomination categories but not what award it was unless you click for more info. It's very hard to read. And I know with such a large database it would be difficult to list the entire production staff, but I was disappointed to see you've listed the entire orchestra, but none of the backstage staff. The dream would be to give credit to everyone, but even just the supervisors would be n
Current RENT Marketing
 Feb 11 2008, 01:15:24 PM
I'd just like to take a minute to personally thank whoever it was that decided to bring back the old black and white logo and ditch the awful pink and blue one for the last few months of the run. The actual show may never be as good as it once was, but at least when I see the posters now I'm reminded of the RENT that I loved so much when it first opened. Anyone else feel the same way?
re: Lestat Cast Recording
 Feb 11 2008, 01:00:48 PM
"For everyone that comes along, knocking on this door,
Don't blame me, it's your fault, that I want more!"

I never got that first line. Eesh that's bad.

The lyric is:
"For anyone that comes along, knocking on death's door,
Don't blame me; it's your fault that I want more!"

The lyrics aren't good, but they do make sense.

re: Mendes leaves COLOR PURPLE Jan 31, returns for final shows
 Jan 29 2008, 11:12:36 AM
Maybe she was originally scheduled to be out and it just so happened that the show will now be closing.

That's what happened. She had a scheduled leave of absence for most of February, but evidently wants to be able to close the show.

Robinson has a sub par singing voice, cannot move the way Withers-Mendes does, and injects no feeling into the dialogue scenes.

To those wondering if they should see TCP in the last month, I would take this opinion with a gr

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