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Member Name: papalovesmambo
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report abuse links opinion thread
 Mar 15 2016, 06:05:07 PM

so, carlos, you came on satan? did it sizzle?


i for one will not be satisfied by anything less than a handy from patti - whoever she is - in the bathroom at fez (is fez still open?).


until then she is my sworn enema and i shall smite her with great vengeance and furious anger.


also, i still blame craig. 

report abuse links opinion thread
 Mar 15 2016, 09:59:33 AM

penis foreheads for all my friends!!

report abuse links opinion thread
 Mar 15 2016, 08:26:32 AM

"there should be a simple, easy system set up for it. not very difficult to do."  


that's not necessarily true. it really depends on the software. i've been on many boards that have gone  through similar situations and it's rarely easy or quick. i've seen it require complete changes to the architecture of the board. since this has just been announced, i would think that a few days at the very least would be afforded the admins

report abuse links opinion thread
 Mar 15 2016, 07:49:21 AM

i miss the old days when rob would call me and calmly ask me to please stop antagonizing the insane. then we'd meet from drinks and the issue would be decided either by arm wrestling or by whoever could still stand after epic martini consumption. this actress woulda never stood a chance in those days. she'da passed out and we'da drawn penises on her forehead with sharpies and left her outside the edison with a toetag reading, "emotionally exhausted and morally bankrupt.&

report abuse links opinion thread
 Mar 14 2016, 01:34:41 PM

c'mon, people. if i was able to manage to keep going, y'all really should. even if i am just here to ogle carlos.

report abuse links opinion thread
 Mar 14 2016, 12:00:29 PM

oh, taz, flattery will get you everywhere, you naughty minx!

report abuse links opinion thread
 Mar 14 2016, 11:55:34 AM

because you, neon, are a meanie mean head and meanness is just another way of not being supportive and allowing a safe environment that is not mean. you big meanie head.

report abuse links opinion thread
 Mar 14 2016, 11:48:50 AM

i blame craig. and call for his pubic stoning.

report abuse links opinion thread
 Mar 14 2016, 10:59:06 AM

and i will be making lists of those who will be burned at the effigy, always in effigy. we would never really roast anyway...

report abuse links opinion thread
 Mar 14 2016, 07:07:03 AM

whatever have you kids been up to now?

defamer's nuanced take on broadway
 Jul 15 2015, 03:49:49 PM

i was hoping that someone here might offer their take on this brilliantly nuanced and well-researched article from defamer about the recent spate of poor behavior at broadway performances and how actors are handling it:

big daddy and the homophobe
 Jun 3 2014, 08:53:48 PM
i've seen heckling and drunken hooting in broadway theatres. i've seen audience members falling down drunk at broadway plays stumble back to the bar at intermission and down even more booze and spend a second act even more obnoxious. it happens. it's live theatre.

in a small house it's difficult to manage. from the article on playbill it's pretty clear the producers were well aware how loaded this audience was and how obnoxious. that nothing was done at intermission is indicative of how

glass menagerie first preview
 Sep 11 2013, 11:47:01 AM
he's not overacting, per se, ugga. and you know there's a huge difference between screen acting and stage acting. he's's like the rest of the cast just is their characters and he's obviously trying to be tom. maybe i am being unfair to him and he will grown into it, but i am simply judging what i saw on the stage last night.

as far as him in ahs? who knows how many takes it took to get there ot what might have spurred it? i wasn't all that moved by him in those and they were quite remniscent of everything else i have seen him do.

glass menagerie first preview
 Sep 11 2013, 11:30:31 AM
namo, separately bob and natasha are geniuses. together? they're like led zeppelin: sons of thunder. something greater than the sum of its parts.

spock, however, was terrible.

glass menagerie first preview
 Sep 11 2013, 10:21:46 AM
i know everyone here wants to deep throat spock, but i thought he blew. he had moments, ok, seconds, really, of...something, but he was so overtly performing. it was jarring compared to the other performances. maybe that was a stylistic thing? whatever, i hated it. and really that accent? or absolute lack thereof? it was...disappointing. he's no christian slater, that's for sure.

cherry was gob-smckingly brilliant. she's a national treasure and should be declared as such. she owns tha

upgraded board search
 Aug 29 2013, 02:11:52 PM
oh the things i have found...
taking a child to annie
 Aug 28 2013, 09:43:31 PM
good catch, fishermanbob. we wouldn't want her storming the stage, "mama needs a f*ckin' bump, curly!"
taking a child to annie
 Aug 27 2013, 03:54:26 PM
joe, i don't drink anymore. he's safe. the commie bastard.
taking a child to annie
 Aug 27 2013, 03:16:40 PM
oh, she's used to that, taz. we're naturists.

i know, dame. sheesh, i walk away and barely post for a few years and suddenly i'm gay! you look divine, by the way.

taking a child to annie
 Aug 27 2013, 03:13:41 PM
oh, nut. i'm not gay, sweetie. it's generous of you to say, though. nope, i like the girlies.
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